Saturday, September 10, 2016

Comcast Xfinity Sucks Big Time. By Geniusofdespair

Comcast is so inferior to Atlantic Broadband.  SOOOO INFERIOR. Maybe our 5,762,000 page views will at least make Comcast take a look at their model with service calls and showing up -- which stinks.

Not only does Comcast Xfinity LIE. They Lie. We caught them in 1/2 a dozen lies. 2 we have on tape. And of course they don't show up for service calls. I stayed home for 3 service calls. Never showed.

I got this message yesterday: "They will be there in 20 minutes at about 4:40." Then about 4:30 we got a voicemail that said they were there but the building wouldn't let them, because on Friday after 4, Saturday, and Sunday trucks are not allowed in. Hah, I didn't believe them. I walked to the guard booth and asked the guard why we weren't called when Comcast Xfinity came. He said they were never here. He did say there was one Comcast Xfinity truck today. He said that truck was servicing another condo (it was 5:30). The Guard said the condo has no such weekend rule for Comcast Xfinity if the customer is home.  None.

The Guard said before becoming a Guard he was a Comcast Xfinity installer. The Guard said there is a scam at Comcast Xfinity with the installers. He said first they call you a couple of times (which they did but no one was on the line when we answered). Then they say you weren't home and then you are rescheduled by an automated voice with a random appointment. Meanwhile, you have been sitting there like a jerk for 3 hours and the NEW random appointment is a week out.

We also got a call from a garbled guy from dispatch who gave us a different story: They had an emergency and they were canceling our appointment. Then you couldn't understand anything he had to say.  We got disconnected a bunch of times from Comcast. Twice while making an appointment.

In one of the other cases, I was here for 3 hours no one ever showed. I called and they said I had no appointment. They insisted. Only thing is, I had a voicemail of the appointment time and date and the guy talking who scheduled it. The Comcast Agent wouldn't listen to it. In the first case, they just never showed up.

Will  4 times be the Comcast Charm? Fuck Comcast the worst company ever. I have spent 9 hours waiting for them so far. The part I hate: The lies.

Friday, September 09, 2016

Breaking News: Judge William Thomas Decides that Petitioners Could Not be Stopped by Evil County Commissioners. By Geniusofdespair

Judge undoes what evil lurks at County Hall. Yesterday Commissioners decided not to put a petition on the ballot. Today a judge decided they were wrong to do that.  Four Commissioner voted right: Jordan, Levine-Cava, Suarez and Monestime. The rest are turkeys. Really.

Rubio would not blue slip Judge William Thomas for the Federal Bench. But Judge Thomas did a solid for the citizens with the campaign finance reform initiative (I heard he gave both sides a thorough grilling):

If there is a question, the Charter should ALWAYS be interpreted liberally in favor of the citizens. It says that in the charter stupid commissioners.

From the Charter

What is wrong with Juan Zapata? Is he having a melt-down. He wants to give Joe Martinez legs? They both are certifiable. This commission is so dumb they will probably make Martinez the chair. It should be the ethically challenged Bovo. Although more fun: Souto. Commission meetings would last 15 hours all the time. and we could have a shot every time he said Cuba -- we would all be drunk every commission meeting.

How about the X man? They would never vote for him.

Breaking News:
Oops the County filed an appeal. These commissioners are really guarding their turf. All you commissioners stop deluding yourself that you are helping us. "This Government has been created to protect the governed not the governing." Every few years the charter review committee rewrites it NOT TO BENEFIT THE PEOPLE. The Commissioners appoint the committee.

Gimenez's Surly Attitude Towards People Against Aerial Spraying: Will It Do Him In, He Needs Miami Beach Voters. By Geniusofdespair

Miami Beach residents were not impressed with Mayor Gimenez's reaction to their opposition to Aerial Spraying. The spray is as toxic as the mosquitoes.  He doesn't know how to talk to people. What Mayor Gimenez needs to be doing is building bat houses in his garage. Bats eat scads of mosquitoes. But that is another post. Frankly, I think aerial spraying is grasping at straws since it doesn't work well.

Anyway,  I think the Mayor is whispering in Doug Hanks ear too much. I don't like the thought of Zika, but I also don't want to be sprayed if it doesn't work.  Here is what Raquel Regalado has to say about the spraying:

Two weeks ago, the CDC Director advised the people of Miami Beach that aerial spraying "isn't practical over South Beach because of the height of its buildings and strong winds over the narrow island city."

If it was not practical two weeks ago, it is not practical today.

​The men, women, children and pets that live in Miami Beach are being exposed to extreme measures, aerial spraying of poisonous insecticides, because Carlos Gimenez believes he knows better than anyone else how to manage the crisis his negligence has compounded.

Once again, Carlos Gimenez refuses to listen to the will of the residents of Miami-Dade County who have vocalized their opposition to this aerial spraying. The property owners and citizens of Miami Beach have taken measures to stem the breeding of mosquitos, and now they do not want the county to conduct aerial spraying.

The county must respect their wishes.

If the Governor, or the Director of the CDC, believe that it is necessary to conduct aerial spraying, and they order the planes into the air, then the people of Miami Beach may have to accept it.

Once the State of Florida Department of Health, or the United States Center for Disease Control, declares a neighborhood a Zika-transmission zone, Miami-Dade County has by definition failed in its mission to control the disease-carrying domestic mosquitos. As a result of this failure, the residents of Miami-Dade have every right to question the authority of their county government.

As your next Mayor, I will be tracking and monitoring the infestations of disease-carrying domestic mosquitos throughout our urban areas.

There will be an appropriate, measured response to concentrations of mosquito breeding zones. Had this been the policy over the past several years, the spread of #Zika may have never occurred in Miami-Dade County. Guaranteed, I will respect the will of the residents of Miami-Dade County.

As your Mayor, my priority will be protecting our families, not playing politics and passing the buck.

In contrast, Gimenez has spent weeks blaming municipalities, the State and the Federal government for his failure to do his job. Showing up to conduct mosquito eradication operations in areas where multiple people have tested positive for Zika infection is too little, too late.

His extreme actions only compound the crisis by exposing residents to excessive doses of toxic chemicals. This reactionary strategy by the current county administration is a disservice to residents throughout Miami-Dade County. Our people expect and deserve preventative countywide mosquito control.

For over a year, I have demanded that Carlos Gimenez listen to the people and honor the views of our citizens. Today, I ask him to stand-down.

Allow the State and Federal officials who have more credibility to make the decision on aerial spraying. The county has lost the moral high ground on this issue and should not order aerial sprayings on Miami Beach.

News flash: George Washington used brown mare to deliver messages to generals at front! ... By gimleteye

In September 1781, disgruntled citizens discovered General George Washington used a brown mare to deliver secret messages to commanders at the front. When protesters in Boston and Philadelphia demonstrated against the General for not using a white steed, they were pelted with eggs.

Say NO to Amendment 1 in November: Amendment 1 Blocks the Sun. By Geniusofdespair

Clear Solar Panels - This is the best invention for self-power yet, unless Amendment 1 kills its potential.
Amendment 1 Blocks the Sun Campaign
- From the League of Women Voters

Wednesday on a statewide conference call, a broad and diverse coalition of leaders presented a united front opposing a utility-backed proposal appearing on November's ballot as Amendment 1.

Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, free market advocates, solar industry reps and non-partisan advocacy groups joined together to launch a citizen-led "Vote No On 1" campaign explaining that "Amendment 1 Blocks the Sun."

In true "David and Goliath" form, this grassroots campaign must compete against the nearly $19 million contributed by utilities and their supporters to date.

Leaders from across the political spectrum explained how Amendment 1 will stifle solar power and keep Floridians captive power consumers because Amendment 1 is funded by Florida's big utilities to protect their monopoly markets and limit customer-owned solar,

Amendment 1 paves the way for barriers that would penalize solar customers, and Amendment 1 misleads Florida voters by promising rights and protections that Florida citizens already have.

In the closely divided 4-3 Supreme Court decision that approved Amendment 1 thus securing it a place on the general election ballot, Justice Barbara Pariente wrote, "Let the pro-solar energy consumers beware. Masquerading as a pro-solar energy initiative, this proposed constitutional amendment, supported by some of Florida's major investor-owned electric utility companies, actually seeks to constitutionalize the status quo. The ballot title is affirmatively misleading by its focus on 'Solar Energy Choice,' when no real choice exists for those who favor expansion of solar energy."

"Amendment 1 is a sham designed by the utilities to turn out the lights on solar in Florida," said Pamela Goodman, president of the League of Women Voters of Florida. "Florida utilities have raised a staggering $18 million dollars to place this 'citizen' amendment on the ballot. With Amendment 4 we saw the enthusiasm Florida voters have for good solar policy, and we urge voters to get the facts and not be fooled by this utility-funded attempt to put their boot on the neck of solar. Every voter who voted yes on Amendment 4 in August should vote NO in November to be consistent in their support of solar expansion in Florida."

"Amendment 1 is a cleverly-designed attempt to maintain monopoly control over Florida's energy industry. This amendment is an attempt to manipulate people into falsely believing it is currently illegal to buy or lease solar. It is deplorable that Amendment 1 proponents seek to enshrine Florida's current, non-competitive, anti-free market solar policy into the state's constitution. It is my hope that Floridians will see through this charade and vote no on Amendment 1 in November," said Tory Perfetti, Chairman, Floridians for Solar Choice.

"We believe Amendment 1, initiated by Florida's for-profit, monopoly utility companies, is intentionally deceptive and intended to trick and confuse Florida voters to make them believe they are supporting solar when, in fact, passing Amendment 1 will irreparably harm rooftop solar and limit their energy choices," said Patrick Altier, incoming President of the Florida Solar Energy Industry Association and a Florida rooftop solar contractor.

Xanax Thiefs Foiled My Election Plan. By Geniusofdespair

I had my emergency stash of Xanax ready in case Donald Trump gets elected. The damn movers stole it. Stupidly, I had them pack. They were the worst movers ever. Except: They didn't break anything. Now I will have to weather the 'seems like forever election' sans coping "skills".  Can it be done?

How will you cope?

Thursday, September 08, 2016

In South Florida, Marco Rubio Is Sinking ... by gimleteye

Marco Rubio disagrees with Pope Francis.

"Pope Francis announced that caring for the environment should be added to the traditional Catholic works of mercy drawn from the Gospels and Christian tradition, such as feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. In a message released on Thursday, the pontiff noted that it is refugees and the poor who are most impacted by global warming." (Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, Sept. 1 2016)

Marco Rubio doubts climate change science and says there is nothing we can do about man-made climate change.

"Climate change ... is the greatest long-term threat facing the world, as well as a danger already manifesting itself as droughts, storms, heat waves and flooding." (Obama on Climate Change: The Trends Are ‘Terrifying’, NY Times SEPT. 8, 2016)

Marco Rubio won't meet with climate change scientists.

"When he ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010, Rubio ... stopped talking about green energy and climate and began openly questioning climate science. Miami geologist Harold Wanless, who has modeled sea level rise for local leaders, met Rubio at a fundraiser that year and handed him a letter, signed by scientists, requesting a meeting to brief him on the data. Rubio took the letter but never responded." ("South Florida Is Sinking, Where Is Marco Rubio?", cover story on Newsweek Magazine, Jan. 28, 2016)

In November, Florida voters can respond: no mas, Marco.

"Since the appearance of visible life on Earth, 380 million years had to elapse in order for a butterfly to learn how to fly, 180 million years to create a rose with no other commitment than to be beautiful, and four geological eras in order for us human beings to be able to sing better than birds, and to be able to die from love. It is not honorable for the human talent, in the golden age of science, to have conceived the way for such an ancient and colossal process to return to the nothingness from which it came through the simple act of burning fossil fuels." Adapted from Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Miami: At Heart and Soul of Florida's Bizzaro World. By Geniusofdespair

Bizarro World - where Superman does misdeeds because everything is turned upside down and backwards. Yes, Bizarro is a real place: Called Htrae in comic books, a.k.a. Miami.

You really couldn't make this stuff up.

Michael B. Fernandez, staunch Republican and also a billionaire (who isn't?),  is placing full-page ads in the Miami Herald against the Republican candidate for President. He has been taking a lot of heat for his stand against Trump and his support of Clinton.  And then you have Don Soffer (Turnberry, Aventura Mall), Democrat, placing full page ads for Donald Trump. The battle of the billionaires. Hey fellows, do you really think the ads help? If I were you guys, I would give the money to me and I will write whatever you want.

By the way, I watched whatever it was they had on air last night with Matt Lauer. Hillary was at her best. Finally she gave up that shrill voice and spoke with authority. Trump was asked not to criticize the other candidate, however, that was all he did through criticism of Obama. I thought Trump got off easy and so did the New York Times:
“Lauer interrupted Clinton’s answers repeatedly to move on. Not once for Trump,” Norman Ornstein, the political commentator, wrote in a Twitter message, adding: “Tough to be a woman running for president.” and:

The criticism captured what has become a common complaint about media coverage during this election: that news organizations and interviewers treat Mrs. Clinton as a serious candidate worthy of tough questions, while Mr. Trump is sometimes handled more benignly.

Mr. Lauer did manage to extract several head-turning statements from Mr. Trump. He confronted Mr. Trump with a crass Twitter message from 2013 in which the future candidate suggested that sexual assaults in the military were a logical result of men and women serving together. “It is a correct tweet,” Mr. Trump said.

When Mr. Lauer asked if Mr. Trump actually believed he knew more about the Islamic State than American generals, the candidate replied: “The generals have been reduced to rubble.”
 Oh, I am reopening my Stop-O Marco/Rubio Sucks campaign. Please give it some sugar, Marco loves big sugar donations.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Zika: Governor Rick Scott's wife is invested in the mosquito control business and the Toxic Spray on Miami Beach. By Geniusofdespair

Aerial applications of naled can drift up to one-half mile!!

Ann Scott has multi-millions invested in the mosquito eradication business Mosquito Control Service LLC...don't get too excited the company is not a vendor for the State...yet.

Meanwhile we are being sprayed with toxic pesticides. Miami Dade County (Mayor Carlos Gimenez) is spraying the dreaded Naled pesticide for zika. It is a spray that has been said to be more harmful to humans than mosquitoes according to my expert friend, whom I don't know what she does for a living. But my expert friend also confirms that Ann Scott might have money invested in a company breeding Zika infected mosquitoes and Ann Scott may be releasing the bred mosquitoes in Democratic stronghold areas: Hence Wynwood and Miami Beach.

Rally against spraying this morning in Miami Beach:

My friend also said there is a rally today at Miami Beach city hall at 9 am, in protest of the spraying. Further she said some Miami Beach commissioners are on board protesting Mayor Gimenez issuing the quick order for widespread toxic spraying of scads of people (and I suppose mosquitoes) without full consent.

Like the people on Miami Beach aren't challenged enough with Mayor Levine leading them?

Naled exposure:

Like all organophosphate insecticides, NALED (DIBROM) Naled is an insecticide in the organophosphate pesticide family used primarily for mosquito control. Dibrom is a common brand name for naled products. About one million pounds are used annually in the U.S. Like all organophosphates, naled is toxic to the nervous system. Symptoms of exposure include headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. Naled is more toxic when exposure occurs by breathing contaminated air than through other kinds of exposure. In laboratory tests, naled exposure caused increased aggressiveness and a deterioration of memory and learning. (I think I must have been sprayed)

"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has written that “adulticiding, application of chemicals to kill adult mosquitoes by ground or aerial applications, is usually the least efficient mosquito control technique."

A mosquito will bring down Marco Rubio ... by gimleteye

Better times for him
Worse times for us

What is Marco Rubio thinking? In Miami, it’s Zika Time.

Business is down. Real estate sales are slowing. Zika is hitting South Florida hard, but progress has been halted by Florida US Senator Marco Rubio's political gamesmanship.

Why didn't Senator Rubio vote to fully fund an emergency response to Zika months ago? He isn't leading Congress from the front, he’s not even leading from behind. Marco is nowhere.

The first local spread of Zika came in Miami -- Rubio's backyard. The first domestic Centers for Disease Control travel advisory was issued in Miami-Dade and Hillsborough.

Everyone knew Zika was going to be an emergency for Florida’s tourism and real estate economy as well as a public health crisis, but Rubio and the GOP leadership let Congress go on a seven week vacation without funding the race against Zika.

All Rubio has to show after a seven week vacation is another partisan vote that was never going to pass the Senate because of GOP riders inserted like poison pills.

Rubio is as fatalistic about his own Senate seat as he is about Zika.

Why did he allow the latest Zika funding bill to be defeated with riders like a law permitting the Confederate flag to be flown at VA cemeteries. Like using Zika to attack Planned Parenthood.

Dammit, Marco. Your consitutents don’t care about scoring conservative points through the addition of poison pill amendments. Your constituents want Zika funding. Put up a clean bill!

What Florida voters need to understand when Rubio faces Patrick Murphy in the November election is that Rubio’s weakness on Zika is just par for the course.

Marco Rubio is not just weak on Zika; his politics are weakening Florida.

The same happened when the US EPA tried, years ago, to prevent the toxic algae crisis that is overwhelming Florida’s waters today.

The EPA recommended tightening down on excessive fertilizer from Big Ag impacting waterways loved by millions of Floridians.

Since it is GOP heresy to empower the EPA, Marco Rubio opposed restricting polluters and today Republican districts are stewing in pollution as a result. Now Florida rivers and bays are swamped with toxic algae, because … that’s right … Marco Rubio did what is wrong for Florida.

When he needed to put the gas to the metal, years ago, to use federal resources to solve a crisis on the horizon, instead he went to wine and cheese receptions hosted by his biggest campaign contributors, Big Sugar polluters.

The same way Marco Rubio has been an ineffective leader on solving toxics problems in Florida water, he is also powerless on Zika.

Marco Rubio is running for an office, the US Senate, that he already said he doesn’t really enjoy and rarely shows up. That is why voters should return Rubio to the private sector — where he promised to go after winning only 15% of the GOP presidential primary vote in his home state only to flip-flop when his big campaign contributors from polluting industries begged him to stay.

Marco Rubio has not earned voters' confidence. Not here in Miami-Dade, and not in the state of Florida.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

A matter of net worth: Republicans should vote for Democrats ... by gimleteye

This November, a vote for Donald Trump and Republican candidates like Marco Rubio is a vote for chaos.

Political chaos is terrible for markets. The net worth of voters and taxpayers depend upon on stability and predictability. A contrarian -- one willing to risk chaos -- by voting for Trump is not a patriot: he or she is betting they will do better in a world turned upside down with oligarchs at the helm of public policy.

Donald Trump runs his businesses by breaking contracts. He calls that, "flexibility". If you think the world is unstable today, imagine a contract-breaker addressing threats to national security by a Vladimir Putin or sn aggressive, nationalistic China.

Put someone like Donald Trump in the White House and you might as well just empty out your wallets. Once Donald Trump is through being "flexible" with democracy, it is going to take every cent of Americans to put stability back together again.

Donald Trump has eviscerated the Republican Party and its candidates in ways that were, frankly, impossible for Democrats to even imagine eight years ago when Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell pledged to obstruct Barack Obama at every turn.

McConnell assured his colleagues they would save the nation, and eight years later their party produced a candidate to succeed Obama whose campaign executives and advisors include an unguided missile who continues to hang on at the campaign edge, a manager who got very rich cozying up to Putin-friendly oligarchs in the Ukraine, a manager who votes from a district and a state where he doesn't even live, and a media titan whose power grew out of sexual coercion.

Businesses claimed as hu-uuge successes by Trump bear the marks of failure. Trump University. Trump Casino. Trump Institute.

Trump isn't a business success story, but he has taken down the GOP.

Trump single-handedly pulled up the principles of the Republican Party by its roots and transplanted them into his own Trump-brand container.

It is not funny. It demands redress by conservatives who allowed the GOP to become so hollowed out by platitudes, demagoguery, and false values that a Donald Trump flowed in, to fill the vacuum.

This election cycle should be a purge because GOP candidates for public office -- exemplified by the ascendency of Trump over the standard bearers -- have literally put the net worth of all Americans at risk. Vote to protect bank account and savings. This November, Republicans should vote Democrat.

Election: The Three Races Most Important to Me. By Geniusofdespair

The Presidential race.
The Miami Dade County Mayor's race.
State of Florida Senate District 38. 

Why you should care about District 38, even if you don't live within the district, because we have a crazy Democrat - Daphne Campbell - that votes with Republicans and she will win if you don't help her rival NPA candidate Phillip Brutus (DONATE TO PHILLIP BRUTUS ON THIS LINK AFTER YOU READ BELOW):

A picture is worth a thousand words....This is Daphne Campbell's Democratic Primary Victory Party and She is with the head of the Republican Party

Daphne Campbell votes ANTI GAY:  (note Daphne Campbell is the only Democrat on this list of 27 sponsors)

HB 43 - Churches or Religious Organizations
General Bill by Plakon and Cortes, B. (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Ahern; Albritton; Artiles; Baxley; Bileca; Broxson; Campbell; Costello; Drake; Eisnaugle; Fant; Gonzalez; Harrison; Hill; Mayfield; Metz; Moraitis; O'Toole; Renner; Rodrigues, R.; Stone; Sullivan; Van Zant; Wood
Churches or Religious Organizations: Provides that churches or religious organizations, related organizations, or certain individuals may not be required to solemnize any marriage or provide services, accommodations, facilities, goods, or privileges for related purposes if such action would violate sincerely held religious belief; prohibits certain legal actions, penalties, or governmental sanctions against such individuals or entities.
Effective Date: July 1, 2016
Last Event: Chapter No. 2016-50 on Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:40 PM

Floor Speech on April 27, 2011 by Florida State Rep. Daphne Campbell

I support this bill because it rightly allows the people of Florida to decide whether or not they want to have their hard-earned taxpayer dollars used to pay for abortions. If abortion is truly a private matter between a woman and her doctor and the government should not be involved as pro-choice legislators say, then the government should not be involved in paying for abortions, either. Regardless of your position on abortion, the Pew Research Center states that approximately 70% of ALL Americans, pro-choice and pro-life, are opposed to having their hard-earned taxpayer dollars used to pay for abortions. This is a matter of fairness and democracy.


Then she quoted a bunch of bible passages.
Here is video about her Medicaid Fraud:


New fraud trial for Daphne Campbell's son prompts outburst on House floor

By Marc Caputo and Matt Dixon

02/10/16 10:22 PM EST

TALLAHASSEE — An appeals court on Wednesday ordered a new Medicaid fraud trial for the son of state Rep. Daphne Campbell after determining a judge didn’t allow the jury that convicted him to deliberate properly.

Gregory Campbell was convicted on multiple Medicaid fraud charges in 2013, sentenced to seven years in prison and ordered to pay $460,893.58 in restitution stemming from an Internal Revenue Service investigation into his mother, a Democrat from North Miami who was never criminally charged and always maintained her innocence.

When she learned her son’s appeal had succeeded, Campbell was so overjoyed that she started yelling that her son had been “exonerated” and praised Jesus so loudly on the floor of the state House of Representatives that proceedings were stopped briefly.

She could also be heard yelling “my Jesus, it was one vote. They did this to me, it was one vote. I am vindicated.”

Other lawmakers said her fellow Miami state Rep. Carlos Trujillo, a Republican and former prosecutor, informed Campbell her son had not been cleared, but that the Third District Court of Appeal had simply reversed the charges and remanded the case back to the Miami-Dade County court for a new trial.
Trujillo did not return calls seeking comment.

Campbell continued to praise God and was escorted from the floor. She is running for state Senate against Democratic Sen. Gwen Margolis in the newly drawn Senate District 38.

Her explosion of emotion came as the House was debating a $1 billion tax cut package, one of its top priorities.

Monday, September 05, 2016

Picture of the Day: Sea Level Rise. By Geniusofdespair

I got this from Facebook - Thank You Peter - and it seemed fitting for Florida. If you can't get them with facts: try humor.

Greenberg Traurig in the news: Miami law firm tethers to Donald Trump ... by gimleteye

Daily News reporter Wayne Barrett chronicled the early Trump years for the Village Voice. Read his latest:

Peas in a pod: The long and twisted relationship between Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani
Sunday, September 4, 2016, 5:00 AM

Let's start with the fact that Donald Trump's top surrogate, Rudy Giuliani, is on the payroll. In January, he joined a law firm, Greenberg Traurig, that represents Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Last year, the firm handled Trump's suit against the Florida city of Doral so his golf course could override noise regulations that barred him from bulldozing before sunrise. More recently, it handled Kushner's $340-million acquisition of the Watchtower properties in downtown Brooklyn.

When Trump paid a $250,000 fine in 2000 for secretly funding a million-dollar lobbying campaign against an Indian casino in upstate New York, he was represented by Greenberg.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Something Special About Jodi Macken of Macken Realty. By Geniusofdespair

I was so mad a Jodi and her mom with my first deal, because Macken Realty represented the buyer. But as I suspected, the Mother-Daughter Realty did not know the full story. They requested a meeting with me and my husband.

At their office in a beautiful conference room we were presented with pastries. A bad sign because I am always bribed easily with food.  I was expecting a fight.

The two Macken gals sat down and the first thing Jodi did was hand me a check and offer an apology. You readers who know me, know I am all about redemption and epiphanies. In that regard one of my heroes is Jack Abramoff,  evil lobbyist who is now crusading for reforming politics. Hats off to Jack!

In any event, my first deal had a problem (I asked my realtor a million times to check something and he did not) with the title company and some other problems. Jodi said that now, because of our problem,  she and her mother were personally reviewing all the files to make sure nothing of this sort happened or does happen again. Lillian Macken was visibly upset, her reputation obviously important to her. Jodi said that with the expansion they had left some of this over-sight to managers. We talked some more did an abrazame or two and left with the hefty check and a promise to sell our house quickly as our realtor, with a financial arrangement we were happy with.

Lillian and Jodi Macken came to our house. I do have to say that Lillian got to me. Not only did we trade Bascom Palmer waiting time stories (abysmal wait), she, like my mom was a realtor mom. She sounded just like my mother.  And Jodi's recollection of her childhood with a realtor mom mirrored my childhood.  Growing up with a realtor mom is grueling, how many times can you listen to a real estate story?

As the 3 of us walked to inspect the pool area, a little old lady passed us with a book in her hand. I said to her "You still read books?" She didn't understand. Lillian translated to Spanish. Anyway I did an abrazame (remember my abrazame campaign to promote love between ethnic groups?).  Then Lillian and Jodi also hugged the woman and the woman began to cry with happiness, so in need of touch from another human being. It was one of the most heart wrenching moments of my life and I had two people to share it with. Special. Jodi said it was an incredible moment.

Back to Real Estate, Jodi sent her young, beautiful assistant to show the house when she couldn't. I wasn't convinced she was qualified, But Sabrina was great. I grew to trust her abilities.  As Jodi texted me during the selling period, I learned how funny she was. And she is a pisser.  I really got to like her and her stories about  bringing up her daughters were hilarious.  I begged to have them for a day. I was going to make them watch meaningful movies all day, like in Clockwork Orange.

Finally my house had a buyer in a bad market. When it was time to negotiate I didn't get nice Jodi (where did she go?), I got tough Jodi. Wow, was I surprised at her skill with dealing with me.  I am not an easy person when prickly.  I am sure the buyer got the same Jodi as I was getting. So, the damn house is gone, I made more money because of our financial agreement and I am renting and happy. But I couldn't let  the real estate saga end without thanking my crack realty team of Matriarch Lillian Macken, Jodi Macken (Facebook buddy), and millennium Sabrina Beyda. You go girls!

FACT: global warming ... FACT: global warming deniers have no place in elected office ... by gimleteye

Let's see if I get this right:

1) Coastal cities are experiencing flooding from global warming. ("Flooding of coast, caused by global warming, has already begun", NY Times, Sept. 3, 2016)

2) The scientific record -- through easy-to-understand visualizations -- is clear: global warming is FACT.

3) Global warming is quickly amplifying refugee crises around the world. Pope Francis at the Vatican, two days ago, said, "Climate change is contributing to the heart-rending refugee crisis. The world’s poor, though least responsible for climate change, are most vulnerable and already suffering its impact."

4) The GOP has a presidential candidate, Donald Trump, and Florida has a US Senator, Marco Rubio, who deny man-made global warming.

5) Corporations, more powerful than people, continue to fund anti-global warming messages through right-wing media organizations like Fox News.

Have we all lost our minds even considering candidates who deny FACT, or, will American voters elect candidates who understand global warming is FACT and understand, like the US military does, that the impacts of this FACT significantly threaten our national security and economic future?

Climate change just got another telling visual courtesy of the famed temperature spiral creator. But rather than a graph, it’s a series of 167 maps.

Alone, they each tell the story of whether a year was mostly hot or mostly cold or mostly average. Together, they show unequivocally how much our planet has warmed since the 1850s, including the rapid rise over the past three decades.