Saturday, November 11, 2006

How the Herald wimps out: by gimleteye

To know which stories the Herald editor and publisher know are important, but not important enough to warrant tough coverage that would threaten advertisers, just read the letters to the editor section closely.

Start with the two letters at the top of todays Opinion: "Restrict Developers" and "Old Cutler Headache".

The first letter: "Let government stop caving in to greedy developers who could care less about water shortages." Duh.

The second letter: "I challenge all (elected) officials... to join together to stop future development."

Now why it is time for a building moratorium in Miami and Miami-Dade county is a story worth reporting.

We have a county and city commission whose sole purpose is accomodating campaign contributors who need zoning changes and building approvals. Fair and representative govt? Give me a break.

But when it's election time, and the Herald could lead with stories that tell the truth about our communities and energize people to get involved: NADA.

Or, the paper prints a B section story that hints at the underlying corruption, and then go ahead and endorse the candidates the paper KNOWS are part of the great Miami destruction machine.

How nice to know that the Herald buries the BIG stories in the letters to editor. How comforting to know at least there's a hint of understanding.

WHEN did you ever read the Herald REPORTING about where all this traffic and problems with water quality could lead our communities?

Where did you ever read about the Herald dealing with a building moratorium story, or, how there's no difference between a developer and a big farmer any more. How about puff pieces on public officials or govt appointees that never even mention their land holdings out by Krome Avenue and the Everglades.

How every time there's an effort to manage growth for citizens who already live here, the overwhelming flood of lobbyists representing land speculators drowns city and county hall. Or taking commissioners to task for belittling citizens who have the guts to take a day to testify against decisions they know will go against them, their communities, and common sense!

Hard hitting stories? Not when the sacred cow of advertising revenues in the real estate section are on the line!

And WHERE is Miami New Times!!! At least we used to be able to count on New Times to write a story or two about what is important in our communities. Defede?

And to the letter writer, "Traffic on Old Culter Road is a nightmare." you should have gone to the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce meeting, recently, so that citizens could give suggestions on how to "improve" traffic in Miami-Dade. The cost for a seat was $125.

Now there's a GOOD one! Pay $3 for gas, sit in traffic for two hours a day, and pay $125 to complain about it.

The Miami Herald: where nothing is printed without a dusting of sugar and one eye closed.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Vile People List, Ragging on Miami Herald Puff Pieces & Body Bag: Seijas Criminal Investigation

"I'mnottheonlyone" said in his or her post that Ralph Arza was a vile person. I, in my second post, called Natacha Seijas a vile person. Coincidence? I think not. Maybe Miami has many more vile people that we should out. If you want to add to the vile people in Miami List go right ahead. I only ask that you rate how your vile person should be listed with a number. I am going to put Natacha at Number 1 as she is in a position to do a lot of damage. Arza moves down the list because he can't do damage anymore, but I do agree he also is vile (for this list we will use the definition for vile as: mean, morally despicable or abhorrent, foul). See excerpt of "BODY BAG" Criminal Investigation of Natacha Seijas at the end of today's blog.

The New Times blog Nov. 9th ( took issue with Curtis Morgan's puff piece in the Herald on Rodney Barreto, accusing the Herald of leaving out the critical stuff. It reminded me of my similar complaint to Haggman on his Lennar/Miller love fest article a few weeks ago. What's up Herald?

In the Blog the New Times mentions that "Barreto was partnering with former Latin Builders Association President Sergio Pino to circumvent laws that restrict building near the Kendall Tamiami Executive Airport." In the Herald today Scott Hiaasen reported that story in his article: "Airport Zoning Waived for Home Project." I loved the sentence: "...developer Pino agreed to reduce the number of the runway path -- the area where planes are most likely to crash." And, then Scott said: "two pilots spoke out against the development saying it made for riskier takeoffs and landings at the airport." Well plunk my money down! It is just where I want to live.

Didn't they have to pay to relocate lots of people in Hollywood's airport flight path? This will cost us taxpayers money in the long haul. Another boondoggle in the making. But I know at least two people who are getting rich (might be more under that table). LetÂ’s guess how the County Commission voted: Sorenson was the only one in attendance who voted no.

To add to the zillion cases of our county taxpayer money being used, abused, stolen and wasted: It was reported today in the Herald that Inspector General Christopher Mazzella uncovered yet another scandal with county tuition reimbursements. It is early in the investigation but we the taxpayers are already in the hole for $183,000. Four county employees have been indicted according to the article by Charles Rabin. This is a program that has spent $9.3 million dollars so I expect a lot more of our money went down the drain. Stay tuned. Mazzella ain't bad!

My mother-in-law turned 99 yesterday. She said: "I have seen a lot of Presidents, but Bush is by far the worst." Women finally got the vote when my mother-in-law was 13 years old. At that time she had no electricity, used an outhouse and remembers her father's horse - it wouldn't move half the time. Hell, she has seen MANY, MANY presidents. I only hope she lives to see one she can be proud of again. By the way, her drivers license will expire in 2010. She was not required to take a test for the 10 year renewal.

She still votes.

Excerpt of Criminal Investigation dated 1/12/2004 Subject: Natacha Seijas

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Miami Herald: Unfortunately it is the only game in town.

I predicted yesterday (11/08) in my response to Woof Blog: “Election: The Day After”, that the Herald would devote ink to the run-off in district 2. And there it was: the article today.

Had the Herald only given half as much ink to the county commission races, we might be looking at some new commissioners. The Herald’s biggest blunder: they endorsed BEFORE having ANY news articles about the candidates. How arrogant.

The challengers didn’t have the advantage of bundles of lobbyist/developer dollars that sitting commissioners raised. And worse, most of the sitting commissioners voted to tack unreasonable restrictions on the campaign finance reforms (voters had passed previously) a few months before the election - putting challengers at a further disadvantage. They didn’t have a chance in hell, it was no surprise they all lost.

The very least the Herald could have done was raise the issues in news reports to help even the playing field. They have reported over and over that the county management of our tax dollars has been inept, even corrupt. The county budget is two volumes totaling in the multi-billion dollar range with a whopping $5 billion dollars of needed but unfunded infrastructure. In light of what was at stake, you would think these races would be reported on with vigor. Nope. The Herald reported nada and endorsed the status quo -- all the sitting Commissioners except for one. Over and over again, the Herald said the Commissioners are good in their district. That was never enough. Anyone can fill potholes. That shouldn't give them a free ride.

And worse, the Herald put their crack NEIGHBORS reporters on these important assignments – reporters who have gotten chummy with the incumbents over the years. These reporters do not do hard-hitting, researched articles as a matter of course. One Neighbors reporter reported from the Candidate’s home. Ick.

Here is a copy of my groveling email that I wrote to the Herald in August about the County Commission coverage:

Your news coverage of the county has been incredible these last two or three years. Haggman, Cenziper, Figueras, Hiaasen, Schwartz et al are doing in depth, hard hitting coverage of the corrupt politics at county hall. Yet, the all important election that might clean up the politics in Miami Dade County is getting no play in the Herald? We have 6 districts up for grabs. Astounding — with no coverage in the great metro section.

I am hoping the endorsements don’t come out before you have done a NEWS story on EACH of the county commission candidates. Please have news coverage before the Editorial Board speaks.

And, these races are not just neighbors material. God help us --- we need to know what is going on in all the commission districts. Commissioners fill potholes in their districts to get elected and then impact all of us in Miami Dade County. I.e. what Katy Sorsenson votes for in South Dade effects me in North Dade. We need NEWS profiles of these candidates as hard hitting as your news stories have been. THEN YOU CAN DO YOUR ENDORSEMENTS and I will be happy.

This never came to pass dear readers. The endorsements came first. And, the Herald endorsed all the incumbents except one. What a putz paper.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election: The day after

Eye On Miami

Keeping up with a blog is a royal pain in the ass. It has already gotten old. How long have I been doing it? This is the third day. Sitting in my pajamas commenting on the day is not my cup of tea. It feels too personal. Anyway, to comment on the election, I am disappointed that voters made it a super majority to get amendments in the Florida Constitution. The good news, if you write the amendments in feel good, unclear language, they seem to always pass by over 60%. Take that special interests!

I knew Crist would win. He is better looking than Davis. So no surprises there. I did think that Shaw was pretty good on the Everglades but I think it was time for a change. You might say as an Independent with a Democrat leaning I should be happy about the election and that I shouldn’t “despair.” However, we are in such a deep hole, I don’t think either party can get us out of it now. And, the Democrats will ultimately get the blame for not fixing everything which will translate badly to the next presidential election. Thus, I predict we will get another Republican unless the Democrats can find a good looking candidate.

Back to local politics, while at the polls I was astounded at the stupid questions voters asked me. I wanted to say “Go Home”. They were so uninformed on what they were voting on. That is why all the amendments passed. And, that Zoo thing, developing OUR land with private crap (hotels, theme parks, etc.), how the heck did that pass with over 60%? Oh, yes, feel good, unclear language triumphs again.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Liz and Sue on Election Day

Turnout was very good in Aventura and North Miami where I was collecting signatures for the Hometown Democracy Petition. I was there from 10:30 till 3pm.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony spent their whole lives trying to get women the right to vote. They died without getting women the vote. What man would stick with one issue for about fifty years? Anyway, I am honoring them today for their perseverance. Check out Stanton's Solitude of Self.

I long ago dated a fan of Susan B., I personally prefer Liz.

Get out and vote!

Eye On Miami

This is addressed to all the lazy people -- go vote today. And kill that Amendment 3. Both candidates for Governor agree on one thing: that it is bad. Don't VOTE YOUR RIGHTS AWAY by passing Amendment 3. I don't know why I would have to tell you all should know it. I read in the Herald that they changed the numbers? I don’t see how that is possible. Probably I read it wrong. I would just vote NO on all the amendments and then you would be safe. Since I voted NO, they surely will all pass.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Natacha Seijas - Vile Miami Dade County Commissioner

Eye On Miami

Natacha Seijas is a particularly vile and sour woman who is a County Commissioner in Miami Dade County. She is built like a bloated fire plug and has a furrow of frown lines etched on either side of her mouth. She has contempt for people in general and even the manatees can’t escape her crappy disposition. She said: “I am not a lover of manatees, as far as I am concerned they are from Cuba, which was our original animal, and I am glad they are here [but] I want to know how big that herd is because if that herd is way too big it is time to find something else to do with it.”

If I had to rate hateful people: This woman tops the list. And what happens to people who are mean and vile and sour: They get promoted of course!

Here is a press release from her website dated September 30, 2005:
Miami-Dade County Commissioner Natacha Seijas has been appointed by the president of the National Association of Counties to one of the organization’s influential steering committees. As an outspoken advocate for water and air quality and as chairperson of the Board of County Commissioner’s Infrastructure and Land Use Committee, Commissioner Seijas makes an ideal appointment to NACo’s Environment, Energy and Land Use Steering Committee. (She probably wrote the part about her making an “ideal appointment.” Nothing could be further from the truth.)

Welcome by Geniusofdespair

Welcome to Eye On Miami, the place to come to talk about wacky politics and ethically challenged politicians. Tomorrow is election day and the ads on TV have been non-stop. I look forward to Wednesday. Vote "No" for State Amendment 3 and please sign a Hometown Democracy Petition if you can. I am really angry at the Miami Herald all the time because they are short staffed and leave out so much. I toyed with calling myself "Angry Person In Miami" for this blog but, I am more depressed than angry. I don't have a lot to say right now, just want to start the ball rolling. I would rather hear from you.