Monday, November 06, 2006

Natacha Seijas - Vile Miami Dade County Commissioner

Eye On Miami

Natacha Seijas is a particularly vile and sour woman who is a County Commissioner in Miami Dade County. She is built like a bloated fire plug and has a furrow of frown lines etched on either side of her mouth. She has contempt for people in general and even the manatees can’t escape her crappy disposition. She said: “I am not a lover of manatees, as far as I am concerned they are from Cuba, which was our original animal, and I am glad they are here [but] I want to know how big that herd is because if that herd is way too big it is time to find something else to do with it.”

If I had to rate hateful people: This woman tops the list. And what happens to people who are mean and vile and sour: They get promoted of course!

Here is a press release from her website dated September 30, 2005:
Miami-Dade County Commissioner Natacha Seijas has been appointed by the president of the National Association of Counties to one of the organization’s influential steering committees. As an outspoken advocate for water and air quality and as chairperson of the Board of County Commissioner’s Infrastructure and Land Use Committee, Commissioner Seijas makes an ideal appointment to NACo’s Environment, Energy and Land Use Steering Committee. (She probably wrote the part about her making an “ideal appointment.” Nothing could be further from the truth.)


Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Seijas is rude and disrespectful, it is no wonder she is being recalled.

Anonymous said...

Seijas is the cash manatee of the Miami Dade county commission.

Of course, that's just fine with the insiders.

Notice former lobbyists now real estate developers pleading with the commission.

Turning south Florida into a traffic nightmare, without adequate parks or sufficient water, has made a few people very, very rich.

Who is going to hold Seijas accountable? The Miami Herald?

Ordinary Hialeah voters need to understand their special responsibility to recall Seijas: as the biggest voting bloc in Florida's largest county, Hialeah pulls leverage far outside its numbers.

God Bless Hialeah for turning out in such strong numbers, but please Hialeah, vote out Seijas.

Seijas takes care of abuelas and fixes every pothole... but the arrogance is killing our community.

Anyone who has seen her in the past, when the bile and venom poured from her mouth, knows that behind the new-found sweetness she is still the cash manatee.

The puzzlement is how she has avoided stumbling like some of her long-gone colleagues-- Burke, Alonso, Reboredo-- to name a few.

The sad part is that the damage to our communities is done.

Hialeah should take this moment of change and return Seijas to the private sector, where she'd probably make a fine living dispensing political advice and calling in chits.

Maybe someone who reads this blog knows how the vig is managed now and can tell us all how it really works.

Geniusofdespair said...

Anonymous said:
...The arrogance is killing our community.

All I can say is: Amen to that.

Anonymous said...

Natacha Seijas and Miriam Alonso and now Linda Haskins. Linda Haskins is the appointed Interim commissioner in the City of Miami. She is trying to get elected by vastly outspending her rivals. In the meantime, she has the taxpayers pay for her big black SUV and for her driver to drive her to all her and her campaign staff and family to campaign events. Disgusting behavior. Election Nov 21st. Vote for the frontrunner, quality of life candidate,Marc Sarnoff. He pays for his own car and he drives himself.