Thursday, December 29, 2011

Senator Gwen Margolis: Legislative Hero on Ethics, Rejected Genting Check! By Geniusofdespair

State Senator Gwen Margolis got a $500 check from Genting Casinos. Remember, she is in a position to vote on Florida gambling. She has told me she returned the check. This is a troubling contribution. If Democrat Margolis got one, I am sure everyone got one. Anyone else have a State legislative hero who rejected a Genting check? Or are all the rest shills -- like State Rep. Erik Fresen -- willing to rake in the money and then vote?

This isn't the first time Margolis has been on the up and up. When her Godson had a vote before the County Commission on the Miami Circle property, she (then Chair of the County Commission) recused herself. Are you listening Barbara Jordan, who voted on Florida City Commons, that her BLOOD relative was presenting (her brother) and her BLOOD relative was representing as a lobbyist (her sister). Jordan should have recused herself.


Anonymous said...

Good for her. Too bad the Miami Dade County Republican Party didn't do the same (your earlier post).

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Margolis I am praying you will consider running for the tax assessors position in 2012. With the Marlins stadium mess up which Pedro Garcia was asleep at the wheel and the many tax payers who have lost their exemptions and the many tax liens that have been placed on citizens in Miami Dade County Pedro Garcia is a disaster. The tax payers of the City of Miami should be mad as hell.
I am not surprise at his incompetence. He should have been suspect and the thought of a real estate agent being a tax assessor is disturbing. I figure he lowers the property value, slaps liens,and remove homestead exemptions then the vultures move in and purchase the senior citizens homes and with this economy no jobs etc. the vultures benefit. Later sell the property at a high price when the market goes up.
Thank You for rejecting the Genting $500 check. You have told us a lot about integrity and honestly that you have. I met you one day in the elevator at the 163rd Street shopping center. You may not remember me but I have always admired your commitment to do the right thing.
Hopefully, I will see you again and continue serving the people of our state--Florida and as Tax Assessor.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that good for nothing staff in the Tax Assessors Office. They are rude, and you can ask to speak with Pedro you have a better chance trying to see the Pope in Rome.
Pedro Garcia and his staff need to be Gone. A fresh set of new employees in his office. They have been their too long and they operate a bully pulpit on all the citizens in Miami Dade County.
Anon. you are correct. Gwen would make a great tax assessor and she has a heart, has money and does not need to steal or jerk us around.
Run Gwen Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Geniusofdespair Thank you for this information. Now we know Genting has started delivering Three Kings Gifts already.
Who will deliver their check next. If they do not we will find out who received them. Lets watch the games begin.
Again, Thank you Genius.

Anonymous said...

Who's her godson?

Geniusofdespair said...

Michael Bauman?? If I recall correctly. Seijas worked like a dog to make sure her arch enemy Margolis lost. I don't know that a non Hispanic can win countywide office. She might be better off staying put.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Michael Bauman. He deserved to get paid considering the money he lost because of the Circle. We thought that was fair over at our house. I always liked Margolis.

The Rocker Wife

Anonymous said...

Good for Gwen. I'm glad we have her in the State.

Anonymous said...

Rocker WIfe - Michael Baumann made out like a bandit over the Circle site. The State and County paid nearly 27 million bucks for the property without Baumann having to lay the first brick. He, or whoever he would have unloaded the finished condo project on, would have lost their ass if the project had gone forward. And had it gone forward, we - the public - would have lost access to another piece of downtown waterfront.

Geniusofdespair said...

Rocker wife? Please explain.

Mensa said...

Gwen is a fine person. I should know,she and my wife grew up as friends. i always liked her.

Anonymous said...

Baumann did make money, but it wasn't his fault that the Circle was discovered and people wanted the property saved. He should have been compensated and waterfront doesn't come cheap. The good times rolled back then and he would have sold every one of those condos. The waterfront access was another plus for the people.

It was good times, though. The people stood up in protest and the politicians listened. I have never seen an occupy movement like it before or since. And the cops never did anything to break it up!

Anonymous said...

I realize that the Miami Circle and Baumann aren’t the topic of this blogpost but I would argue that Baumann’s plan, for two high-rise condo towers (one 39 story, one 49 story) crammed into a little over two acres with piss poor access, would have been doomed to fail, even in the boom years. It would be interesting to know if Jorge Perez’s largely vacant monstrosity Brickell Icon - next door to the Circle site and with a lot better access - would have been built had Baumann built his first.

As for the politicians listening to the people, I’d say that most (e.g. Penelas, Barreiro, and Jeb, etc.) saw a political opportunity and a chance for lots of free positive press at a time when the media were here in droves for the Super Bowl. Katy Sorenson may have been the exception. Joe Carollo and the City of Miami were strongly opposed to saving the site, despite public sentiment to the contrary. The story of the Circle is a lot of people doing the right thing, but mostly for the wrong reasons. One thing’s for certain though, the site and the City are a lot better off than if Baumann had had his way.

Cuban Pete said...

Gwen's got no viable opposition, plus the rub on Genting is that they have anti-semetic tendencies. So Gwen being the experienced politician she is did the politically expedient thing.

As for her being property appraiser PLEEEEEASE P Garcia is an idiot and needs to get the boot but Gwen Margolis? Leave her up in Tallahasse the bars in Miami have plenty of business.

Anonymous said...

Gwen wants gambling according to her committee vote:

An attempt by Las Vegas' largest casino operators to bring resort-style casinos to Florida died when a Senate Finance and Tax Committee killed the bill on a tie vote, 3 – 3. Bogdanoff was among three supporters of the bill that included Sen. Gwen Margolis, D-Miami and Sen. Maria Sachs, D-Delray Beach.