Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mayor Gimenez' first veto: the lobbying contract ... by gimleteye

Good for Mayor Carlos Gimenez, vetoing the Tallahassee lobbying contract that increased lobbying fees through a measure by county commissioners originally intended to reduce fees. Along with many others, we laughed at the county commissioners' performance-- approving the larger lobbying contracts when it meant to cut them-- but this is the place that gives away everything of value. True, for taxpayers the $450,000 at issue hardly warrants mention compared to the billions in infrastructure deficits that the commissioners have buried from sight. But symbols, count and it is Christmas-time in Miami, after all.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Mayor Gimenez!

Commissioners were shameless to put this legislation forward and I am glad you were there to stop it!

Thank you so much!

Dave said...

Isn't it kind of the job of South Florida's elected members of the Florida Legislature to be sticking up for South Floridians so we don't have to pay County taxes for someone else to do so?

Anonymous said...

Too bad Gimenez couldn't find a pen or have the guts to veto the Ferro application!

Anonymous said...

to Dave, the state legislative delegation and the county commission are famous for not getting along so going to Tallahassee to push county issues never works.

Anonymous said...

and the delegation is famous for working against the local community, note education funds for one...

Anonymous said...

One of the issues I have with the lobbying contracts is that I have been told most County departments have a lobbying section whose personnel are being paid handsomely to represent their individual department in Washington and Tallehassee. I strongly suggest that if one were to add the amount these county employees are being paid, including all expenses attributed to their lobbying efforts, the total bill for lobbying would be well over $1,000.

Also, our legislative delegation should be on board for lobbying in Washington and/or Tallahassee respectively. This is how it is done in every state in which I have been involved and there have been many. If this is not automaticaly being done, then their failure to do so would be a very serious issue, in fact, a breach of the public trust. Plus liking or not liking the county and/or Tallahassee/Congress should not intefere with elected officials representing the interests of South Florida on their individual turf.

The pettiness of South Florida elected officials need to be stopped and replaced with everyone behaving like adult elected officials who signed on to the public trust. If they are not doing the job they were hired to do, why are they there?

Mensa said...

Finally we have an elected official who we can be proud of.

Anonymous said...

Now if only Carlos Gimenez will stop hiring lightweight staffers at well above market rates he will finally be doing something.

Gimenez screws himself by hiring too many low IQ staffers.

milly, hialeah said...

Okay . . . maybe, just maybe, he is trying to get elected to a full term as county mayor, but he is going to still have to address the high paid employees and deputy mayors.... Let's not cover the sun with one finger.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Milly. This short term he is serving does pose certain challenges. When and if he is re-elected, he had better hit pay dirt, though. The salaries are way too high.