Thursday, December 29, 2011

Environmental Regulation in the Rick Scott Era: Whatever business wants it to be ... by gimleteye

In the year, 2011, that the Rick Scott administration and the GOP-led legislature pole-axed growth management, it is fitting to read the story in the Herald to close out the year, that the state of Florida has awarded permits to dispose of the waste from the Miami tunnel project on Virginia Key, long after that horse was out of the barn. Why would the environmental permitting take place after the fact of the construction start?


Anonymous said...

Note the story indicates that the public is kept in the dark about the chemicals in that fill/dirt/rock - If this stuff is going on public land - why shouldn't the public have a right to know?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't bode well for the State of Florida making local officials clean up what's underneath that landfill where the Port Tunnel material will be dumped. A recent New Times story posted photos of just what is buried there.

Sparrow said...

You left out how our state leaders defunded Florida Forever, lobotomized the water management districts,and removed a long-standing law that allowed citizens and groups to appeal environmental permits. The tunnel waste permit approval was never in question.