Friday, December 30, 2011

Message to Xavier Suarez on Voting. By Geniusofdespair

A few weeks ago, the Miami-Dade County Commission passed on first reading and thus sent to the Infrastructure and Land Use Committee, an ordinance proposed by dim Commissioner Bruno Barreiro to expand Miami Mural Ad area to benefit a politically connected landowner, next to Lummus Park and a single family residential area.

The vote was 7 in favor (Chair Joe A. Martinez, Comm. Bruno A. Barreiro, Lynda Bell, Esteban Bovo, Jr., Jose “Pepe” Diaz, Jean Monestime, and Xavier L. Suarez).

6 against (Vice Chair Audrey Edmonson, Comm. Sally A. Heyman, Barbara J. Jordan, Dennis C. Moss, Rebeca Sosa, and Javier D. Souto).

Miami Dade County Commissioner Xavier Suarez: To identify easily if you are on the right or wrong side of a contentious issue, look at who is voting which way. One caveat, Jean Monestime is ill informed on certain issues and, thus, he is not a bellwether either way yet (in other words, don't go by him).

If, Commissioner Suarez you are voting with Barreiro, Martinez, Bell, Bovo and Diaz: YOU ARE MOST CERTAINLY ON THE WRONG SIDE OF AN ISSUE. You would do well to follow Sally Heyman's lead more often or Dennis Moss's lead. Rebeca Sosa is a far better barometer than the awful crew you are aligning with on the County Commission. Especially beware of being on the same side with Barreiro and Diaz. Ick.

I know it was only first reading. We all hope the second time is the charm for you Commissioner Suarez.


Anonymous said...

What did you expect? He is a mirror of Martinez politically (maybe book-wise smarter). Your expectations were too high.

Luz said...

I agree, just like Monestime, I don't think the Commissioner has found his footing yet. He is all over the place and not focusing on what is before him. I hope he gets it together before he has to run again.

Geniusofdespair said...

Suarez has proposed to me that he has some legislation in the works that would prevent the UDB line from consideration for a move until 2014 (or was it 2015?). I think he is finding his way. Give him a wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Xavier Suarez has stated that this Yes vote on First Reading was a mistake. No self-respecting commissioner should ever approve more visual pollution in Miami-Dade County. Suarez might need better staffers?

Bruno Barrerio and his staff are idiots or maybe corrupt to allow themselves to be influenced by the outdoor advertising industry. Remember it was Barrerio who made the motion to approve the Marlins deal, a $3 BILLION theft of taxpayer money.

Commissioners should fight to reduce outdoor advertising, not legislating to add more.

Anonymous said...

When will Carlos Gimenez start enforcing the County Sign against the illegal LED billboards approved by corrupt City of Miami commissioners? Hasn't Carlos heard of zero tolerance?

Barbara K. Bisno said...

Comm Suarez has told us that, as some of his staff is new, he did not receive the Scenic emails in a timely fashion. He also said he will vote no on this ordinance at second reading.

I made the decision to wait until after the new year starts to distribute his statement so that it would not get buried. Now I rather regret not distributing it immediately.

I believe he opposes visual polllution and is a supporter of our efforts.

Barbara Bisno

Anonymous said...

Montestime's vote is a disappointment. Why would he vote to increase the area along I-95 where disgusting mural ads are allowed?

Anonymous said...

There are far too many mural ads and billboards already.
No Commissioner should ever vote to allow more shit on a stick.

Anonymous said...

Xavier Suarez is a smart guy. He knows visual blight ie mural ads, detract from the beauty of South Florida.

Anonymous said...

I like Xavier Suarez and hope he becomes the next Commission Chair in November.

Geniusofdespair said...

They rarely have two Hispanic chairs in a row.

milly, hialeah said...

6 to 7 - we are inching in and improving; at least 6 out of 7 are connecting with what the people need and want from Miami-Dade county . . . at least by one vote this was almost the majority. Monastine needs to "see" us too!

Anonymous said...

Monestine's vote was dumb. He voted to increase visual pollution? What's up with that?