Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Thanks To Our Readers ... by gimleteye

Despite the proliferation of Miami-centric blogs-- there is something for everyone--, Eyeonmiami continues to be a forum gathering many readers. Our mix of entertaining side-shows, center ring acts, and observations keep you coming back and motivate us, too. I want to especially thank the "insiders" of local and county politics who sometimes post comments and sometimes give us information and insights -- albeit anonymously-- that helps to fill out the true picture of our community. Because of Miami's stature in state politics, we know there are many interested and well-placed observers of the national political scene who regularly peer into our blog. Here's to all, our best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year.


Sparrow said...

Cheers to you! Sometimes the "eye" seems to be peering into a cesspool, but its always the best view in town!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Genius! Keep up the good work!!!