Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reasons to Recall Some County Commissioners. By Geniusofdespair

For these unpardonable crimes I think the following County Commissioners should be recalled:

Pepe Le Pew Diaz: For his misuse of the word "wisdom" when referring to his cohorts on the County Commission. Also for his April 8 memo stalling on charter change.

Javier Souto: For his so-not-clever euphemism for Whites - "The wine and cheese set, living east of U.S. 1." Also for his painfully long - albeit funny - tirades that almost always mention Cuba.

Joe Martinez
: For the sweetheart deal he got from a developer for land and then the even better deals he got from contractors while building his home. Also for his steadfast commitment to move the Urban Development Boundary.

Bruno Barreiro: Where do I begin? How about the last thing he did. He tried to allow cities to opt out of the County sign ordinance. As Chair of the Commission, he also stopped discussion during the Marlins hearings.

Lynda Bell: For the loudest yes to move the Urban Development Boundary. Also for her thinly veiled attacks on DERM.

Barbara Jordan: For repeatedly calling her brother (Mayor for Life Otis Wallace of Florida City), when he came before the County Commission, "Mr. Mayor." Definitely one for the pompous record books. Also, for voting for an item when her sister was a lobbyist for the developer.


Anonymous said...

make sure to start from the bottom.

Anonymous said...

re: Comm. Bell - you gotta love how a bunch of the other commissioners are sticking it to her publicly for her short-sighted championing of the faux issue of enviro-destruction in the name of economic progress. Two questions for the former one-term mayor that is soon to be a former one-term commissioner: 1) if environmental and pro-smart growth laws are so restrictive, then how come we had such a huge housing boom last decade that you had to issue a moritorium in Homestead? and 2) Do you really believe that spending a whole lot of political capital right out of the box by backing 40 or so podium thumping zealots who don't want to follow the same laws as everyone else and aren't even located within your district will help you with voters who are actually in your district (who, incidentally, you are not spending any energy at all on) when it comes time to fight off a recall?


I voted for her but won't make the same mistake twice.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of this, but I cannot imagine losing the comedy value of Souto, endlessly talking about stuff that has no relations to issues on the agenda!

This recall list makes me believe in the saying "S*** rises".

These Commissioners don't realize the "we the people" when they place their own personal agenda's above the community they are supposed to be serving - and some of them profit very handsomely for it like "I'm not a crook" Martinez or le Pew!

Geniusofdespair said...

Last comment: tongue in cheek list. Does anyone understand by humor?

Anonymous said...

I understand the humor, but am saddened by this list for so many reasons.

1) Lack of representation
2) They all really do suck!
3) See number 1 & 2.

Anonymous said...

Re: Bell

It certainly defines the use of a good person to wrangle absentee ballots. Anyone who actually researched her would have known that she's not the brightest bulb and that her "moratorium" was placed AFTER most of the large scale developments were approved - by her! And, they also would have found out just how nasty she is because she cannot fight an issue on fair grounds, she's as dirty as the the rock miners she endlessly cheers for (as long as it's not a competitor of her friend like Redland Co. was)

Geniusofdespair said...

I meant "my" humor-- posting on a phone.

If I were doing this for real, it would be longer.

Anonymous said...

Bell is so quick to jump on the bandwagon. Yesterday's millage swap was about getting back at the firefighters who helped get Gimemez elected to Mayor.

Her vote to cut the fire millage to raise the library millage was a very loud "yes." Maybe she should take a look at her district and see that the $3 million she cut could have been used to staff a new facility in her much needed area.

Gucci Shoes said...

Don't Forget about Souto's Gucci Shoes Comments.

PS. I'm wearing mine today!

Anonymous said...

Instead of a richy rich paying for recalls, why won't people just control their own community's destiny and VOTE?

Anonymous said...

I've got to think the reduction in the Fire Milage was just one big "Head-fake". Just last year, the Board had started to consider whether or not to pursue a "Fire Fee", because the millage (before this proposed cut), wouldn't be enough to sustain the department within a year or two.

If there was enough money generated under the fire-mil, to cut the mil without decimating the department, why would they have even considered such a taboo issue, like a Fire Fee?


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Jordan saying "Mr. Mayor"? He is... right? What should she have called him? "Bro"?

Anonymous said...

What happen to Commisioners Bovo, Edmonson, and Heymen yesterday? why did they miss such an important vote on the mileage?

Are they hiding behind the plotted plant?

Geniusofdespair said...

She should have called him Otis.

Anonymous said...

The reason she called him Mr. Mayor was because she voting on an issue in his city she had no business voting on. She should have recused herself because of the Sister and The Mayor. She was trying to distance herself from him by calling him Mr. Mayor. Farce!

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Bell your loud YES vote has a certain sound to it that tells us all your feelings on an issue. The sound that is heard around the county. Its amazing how many of your voters who did not know you before know you now. They are regreting that vote even the absentee voters. This was your second chance after Homestead and now we know you will never change. You have not learned your lesson. District 8 voters are counting the days. They have a calendar marking the days to RECALL. I feel so sorry for you. Your feeling for other people is just not in your heart. You thump that bible but you are who you are and that is so sad.

Anonymous said...

Serious question re recalls: let's say Braman started the process now, wouldn't he just run right up to next year's election?

Wouldn't it make better sense to create a Braman PAC that would fund ads against these candidates and/or influence the county redistricting process?

As much as I'd like to see Bell out on her tush, a recall at this point seems expensive.

Anonymous said...

listening to comm Souto is like hearing a spannish radio talk show that never shuts up.

Anonymous said...

Another example of Bell's inability to control her emotions.

Anonymous said...

I see the list as follows: Martinez, Diaz, Barreiro and Jordan. Martinez got to many back door deals for me. Diaz is easy, he has no character at all, just another slime ball. Barreiro is connected to the folks who want all those billboards, and he was and still is in the marlins pocket, And do you believe for one moment that he dident get something for his support of the marlins ball park. Jordan stands for anything that will get her re-elected, developers, the marlins and just her lack of leadership. Political leaders like her never solve problems they just create more. I would rather have every commission seat filed by regular working people, construction worker, bus drivers, teachers and yes even the guy who picks up your trash every week and I bet we would be better off. Lets rid ourselfs of the trash that got us in this budget mess