Thursday, July 14, 2011

Commissioner Dennis Moss Defends DERM to Commissioner Bell. By Geniusofdespair

Link to video.

County Commissioner Dennis Moss gives Lynda Bell an important history lesson.

Dennis Moss says: "The thing we can't do is throw DERM under the bus on this issue. That is my concern." (That is at 1:40 on my counter or 7:21 on the County Counter.)

Moss discounts the people claiming they are being mistreated in the 8 1/2 square mile area. He says the courts over the years have been siding with DERM -- i.e. Miss Fernandez who owns property out there went to Court but she signed a consent agreement because the Courts didn't agree with her,  Moss said they sided with DERM.

Lynda Bell in her one-woman Jihad against DERM is trying to form a wetlands advisory task force to over-see the Department of Environmental Resources Management, DERM.

Laura Reynolds of Tropic Audubon Society is disturbed by the attacks on DERM. Here is what she says:

In Miami-Dade County, the Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) has recently come under fire, with citizens, media and politicians criticizing DERM for presumably applying heavy-handed enforcement of local environmental regulations.

The truth is that DERM provides critical services that protect our environment and our economy. Most central to its mission is the protection of the resources that make Miami-Dade such an attractive place to live and do business. Protection of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the natural landscapes we enjoy are tasks that often require telling someone they must comply with the regulations in place. Modifying a project or development to protect the environment is not an inconvenience or unwarranted expense, it is an essential part of making sure our resources will be sustainable, available, and enjoyable for generations to come. These are shared resources that no one individual or business has an intrinsic right to pollute or destroy.


The criticisms against DERM have been twisted, and now the agency is under attack because it does not depend on taxes to fund its activities. DERM is funded primarily through fees that are collected in the course of DERM plan reviews to ensure projects and developments are compliant with minimal environmental protections.

DERM is not supported by fines levied against poor violators and it is unfair and a misrepresentation of the truth to classify it as a predatory agency. In fact, DERM has a long history of working with violators in a non-punitive fashion to correct and remediate adverse environmental impacts and pollution. The agency works to gain compliance and correction of environmental problems, only asking courts to impose penalties as a last resort. The agency should be applauded for not being a drain on the county's general fund and tax revenues, not criticized for it.

As an example of its many essential services, DERM is charged with protecting the Biscayne Aquifer, our sole-source of drinking water. As disappointing as it may be to a few individuals or businesses, some activities may not be allowable in areas that provide critical recharge for our aquifer or in areas where contamination of the aquifer may occur. County Commissioners need to be mindful as they seek to audit DERM.

Thoughtful change to strengthen environmental protections and help DERM do its job would be a step in the right direction, efforts to destroy DERM or its authority should not be tolerated. With environmental regulations being destroyed at the federal and state level, presumably in the name of progress and jobs, there will be no one left to protect our land, air and water if Miami-Dade County does away with DERM.

Pitting the environment against the economy is a false choice being forced on us by those with an individual motivation to profit from common resources that should be shared and respected. We all know better, we can achieve environmental protection and economic prosperity.


Anonymous said...

There was an item yesterday regarding livestock in the 8 1/2 sq mile area. It's a mess and something we've been opposed to because of the run off issue, cock fighting, etc.

Pepe and Bell were co sponsors. For a minute, Jordan and Edmunson came to their senses then allowed it to go to the full BCC.

For those of you who like produce from our South Dade farms, or those who are an well water - would you like some manure with that, or some animal carcases? Sorry to be so blunt, but that is the end result to reward a group of about 40 homes who don't want to follow our laws.

Charles Danger told the commission, this ordinance is unenforceable, but they didn't listen.

Anonymous said...

Mr . Mayor who is going to pay for the staff for yet another task force that is not needed? Take it out of Linda Bell's budget if she wants it so badly.

Anonymous said...

Recall Bell and her de facto chief of staff, James Humble. But them both in a tomato field to pick 'em while you wait.

Anonymous said...

Bell is just parroting the conversation the Tea Partiers are spouting at the National level regarding environmental protection.
Last night I heard Hannity suggest that in order to help close the budget gap/ debt ceiling issue, EPA should be closed.
DERM is needed but does over reach and has become a hydra.

Anonymous said...

DERM is an important part of our lives. I totally agree with Laura. What is Lynda Bell's problem? Why not stop making and creating problems for all of us? You are worst than I thought. Everyone I talk to in this part of town tells me I have not seen anything yet. I am also told to strap on my leather and volunteers are lining up to recall you. Listening to the commissioners meeting you yelled YES louder than anyone. Have you no shame. You are in my opinion in watching and following you over the last few months you are one horrible and arrogant human being. You have totally disappointed me. I will fully support a recall on you. BYE BYE BYE

Anonymous said...

Protecting the environment comes at a cost that will be either a benefit to the future if we do it or will come at costs we can't pay if we don't do what is right. Development and misuse of our natural resources is not an economic panacea. However, creating an economic driver based on the use of alternative energy can be something that supports Florida and our children and grandchildren in the future. Grandma Bell, wake-up and quit paying back your campaign contributors and think of Dade County first. You have promised (threatened) to remember who supported your campaign. Try remembering that it is Dade county residents you serve, not the builders associations and the other members of the political machine who elected you. You can't honestly think pollution and wasting our natural resources is a good thing

Anonymous said...

Thank you Commissioner Moss.

Anonymous said...

Ditto. Moss isn't perfect but he recognizes a dangerous demagogue (bell) when he sees one. Bet he wishes Sorenson were in that seat to give him some cover with the tomato growers.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Moss I am very proud of you and the history lesson you gave your colleague Bell. Its unfortunate it will not do any good. She is totally useless to the people in District 8 and Miami Dade County. However, just maybe the other commissioners will listen and understand the importance of DERM. Thanks a lot for your presentation.

Anonymous said...

In return, Bell will figuratively do to Moss what that crazy lady did to her husband in California a few days ago... cut "it" off and place it in the garbage disposal. Once you cross her, it is over, there will never again be any civility from her toward Moss.

No sympathy here said...

8.5 area people bought into the issues that they have when they bought the property. They bought property in an environmental area cost less than what market value was. Now they are angry that they can't have their way and have sidewalks, street lights and high - dry land. County paid for ones at that.

If they got snookered, then they need to take it up with their realtor. Every time there is an issue, they blame someone else.

If you allow the dumping of illegal materials onto your property, you get the fine and you clean it up. If you build an illegal addition to your house, it comes down. The rest of us understand that you can't do those things without permits or whatever, so why makes those people so different?

They live like it is the wild west out there and act like they aren't part of this county until they want something.

Well, NEWS FLASH! 8.5 mile area and north hialeah ag areas do have follow the laws (including federal and local), and they can't blame anyone but themselves when they get caught breaking them.

Anonymous said...

If you all think Commissioner Moss is so great let him represent you for a while and you will realize that liveing west of the turnpike is like living in no mans land. How many more Publix stroes can be built around the country walk area. We now have three Publix stores within several miles. Moss says on thing and does another. Moss has been my commissioner for 13 years and his time is up. He has lost many voters and his district has changed to hispanic so his time is almost over. I would be very surprised he has several contenders for his seat in the next election. Lets get rid of these elected officals who spend our tax dollars like water and as a result look at the shortage in this years budget. Do we need Moss to spend whats left? Lets elect a real leader who is not a voice for building any further than the UDB.

Anonymous said...

The issues of all residents including those in the 8.5 sq. mile area need a representative. That is called democracy, if the advisory panel concludes DERM is performing for all the people it represents the argument is over.
Starting a crusade against an advisory seems un-democratic, certainly everyone has a right to consider the facts in detail and not the generalities fomented here. Think about the smallest voices in the county, they also need to be heard. Thank you for allowing a discussion to an issue where some people feel they are being targeted unfairly.

Anonymous said...

I would say that, yes, DERM is performing for all the people it represents when it is trying to protect the quality of the groundwater from which we all ultimately drink, including those folks in the 8.5 sq. mile area. The fact that those folks don’t understand the role that wetlands play in groundwater recharge and purification, that many of them have filled wetlands with mulch and trash, and that they continue to break the law isn’t the fault of DERM. If DERM (and Building & Zoning) is at fault for anything, it is that they did not consistently enforce the law in the 8.5 sq. mile area throughout the years, primarily due to the kind of political pressure they are feeling now.

The residents out there who are complaining of being unfairly persecuted are either really dumb or disingenuous, since the area has a looooong and generally well known history (at least to anyone who has lived here for a while). That much of the area is protected wetlands should come as no surprise to anyone. The bottom line is that DERM is - finally - doing its job out there, unlike many other county, state and federal agencies. I suppose there would be those who would be complaining if they weren’t.

Anonymous said...

The question is whether or not Bell's peabrain will absorb any of Mr. Moss's schoolin'.

Anonymous said...

You need some schoolin, John Renfrow is in charge of WASD, read about his record with DERM.
DERM under Renfrow allowed pollution to run wild out in the Redland a convenient truth for DERM. Ever hear of Ouster Industries, learnin is fundamental.

Anonymous said...

Ah, and who can forget the NW wellfield fiasco under Renfrow!

Anonymous said...

Stop it, Lynda!

Get back to lurkin' over on the HIH blog.

And take your "puggy" chief of staff with you!

Anonymous said...

That "thump" you heard was Miss Lynda's jaw hitting the dias.

Anonymous said...

Yes, enforcement in the 8.5 SMA was lax under Renfrow, a political animal if ever there was one. For all his ineptitude, his survival skills are nothing short of amazing. If the new mayor is truly interested in cutting costs, increasing efficiency, and unloading dead weight, Renfrow should be among the first to go. But Renfrow, currently head of WASD, should not be held against those at DERM who actually try to fight the good fight and believe in the department’s mission.

Anonymous said...

Here is a good one for the tea partiers:

Lynda Bell is a DERM-o-phobe who is going to cost you money. Who do you think will be cleaning up the corporate mess? You - the tax payer. Lynda "the knuckle dragger" will trade your health and quality of life so a company can save five cents a unit at market (if even that much), but idiots like Ball will cost you the taxpayer hundreds in tax dollars to clean up the mess.

Does it make sense that we should clean up mess made both others? Maybe to Lynda Bell. After all, she did work as a maid/housekeeper in Cutler Ridge for many years cleaning up after others. I guess this is normal for her.

Anonymous said...

The problem with Commissioner Moss' comments are that they refer to past history with past commissioners and directors who were trying to SOLVE problems. To the contrary, Commissioner Bell is working to CREATE problems.

Bell doesn't care. Bell represents the environmental locust who want to exploit your community, strip it bare and move on. Their only comment when environmental disaster does arrive will be "don't look at me, your commissioner Bell approved this."

Geniusofdespair said...

Didn't Lynda Bell want to hold Muntz accountable for the over-dredging fines? And didn't the next administration let him off the hook -- next to the last commenter? And, if she worked hard at a job for other households-- to make ends meet-- good for her. Your argument is mean spirited and does not ring true. Don't make me defend Bell ever again.

Anonymous said...

Your comments are accurate but many think that she pursued Redland Company because it is a competitor to a company owned by her close friends and fellow congregants who have raised significant amounts for all of her campaigns. So, yes, she chased one wrongdoer but was it for the right reasons ? As for her work history, she did what she had to do to support her family as a single mother and should not be demeaned for that but her quest for money and power is now driven by that experience.

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes I was thinking Steve T as I wrote that comment. She might have been doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Anonymous said...

Comm Bell, think if it this way, if EPA is gutted, DERM is our only local means of protecting ourselves. Tea Partier's would probably prefer the local, self-regulation bit. Non regulation would be like what they have in Haiti. I don't think you want to go there, right?

Anonymous said...

I think any one who has the ability to be a housekeeper has a gift from GOD. A true housekeeper is a member of a genuine profession.... it takes determination, skills and a sense of order.

Anonymous said...

Bell's as clueless in the kitchen as she is on the M-D Commission Chambers.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the 2/21/12 BCC hearing with the "special presentation" about DERM? The one where the Commissioners (Pepe Diaz in particular) called DERM (or PERA now...) a "monster with fangs" and questioned whether they had to "get rid of DERM"...Alice Pena stood and pouted like a child for about an hour about how unfair wetland regulations are. Oh don't all spoiled children hate rules?

I had to laugh when Mr. Diaz questioned what time of year inspections are performed for wetland determinations...his ignorance pertaining to wetland science and ecology is blatantly obvious.

Regardless, the Commission discussed reviewing and possibly revising (scraping) all DERM code.

Be aware folks! They are out to destroy what little of our environment remains, all for the sake of the almighty dollar. Maybe they'll go for the clean air and clean water acts next??