Thursday, May 26, 2011

GOP radicals put party in danger of being swept away ... by gimleteye

The furious undercurrents of a struggling economy -- and the dawning awareness on the part of many voters that they have been hoodwinked by GOP radicals, under the Karl Rove banner of the Republican Party -- are beginning to surface. In many ways, Florida Governor Rick Scott represents most the most unvarnished vision; a strait-laced, pro-big business agenda woven through with Tea Party platitudes.

A recent Quinnipiac poll shows Scott in deep trouble; measurements he flicks off like an independently rich, novice politician. The numbers are intriguing, especially emergent vulnerabilities among GOP and independent voters.

Florida is not alone. On Tuesday, a Democratic underdog won a Congressional seat in one of New York's most reliable conservative districts, despite being outspent by her opponent. In Jacksonville, Florida a Democratic candidate, the first African American in the city's history, defeated a Republican deemed to be a sure winner by top state GOP leaders. All signals worth considering in light of the economic emergency.


Rick said...

If the American public paid as much attention to politics as they do "Dancing With The Stars" this would have never happened.


Anonymous said...

Question now is can the Florida Democratic Party get their shit together and start bringing some sanity/balance to this state.

Anonymous said...

I have a theory about Huckabee....but I am pulling it out of thin air. Could he be interested in running for Gov if Scott gets run out on a rail?