An Idiot Wind is blowing through the state capitol. Kind of like the Roman Senate chattering what a good idea it would be to crucify Christians. In the final days of the legislative session-- the worst in 50 years-- horrible bills are finding their way to a grand finale. I am growing old and weary from the annual rite of spring; special interests wreaking havoc on laws we fought hard to build into Florida's future. Although I have become accustomed to lobbyists chasing the civic interest down rabbit holes where the worst bills disappear and the least of the worst emerge to dilute our quality of life and even access to our own government-- nothing this awful has ever occurred as a result of radical extremists in the GOP legislature and a barely legal governor, Rick Scott.
Scott brought a host of top appointees to Tallahassee who are apparently clueless about the natural resources they are bound to protect and the laws, policies and histories that new bills intend to hack to pieces. The Jim Morin cartoon in The Miami Herald shows special interests driving us off the cliff-- again. But the truth is closer to crucifiction, with good Christians doing the crucifying. The truth is closer to the Congo, with legislative machetes and not crude iron blades, and the Hutu setting on the environmental Tutsi. (click, 'read more')
Today a few environmental lobbyists in Tallahassee have the grim job of going from GOP legislator to GOP legislator to explain why Florida's natural heritage should not be thrown to the wolves, embodied as Associated Industries, the Chamber of Commerce, electric utilities, Big Sugar and land speculators using the economic crisis to hollow out government so that what is left will look like a rotting lantern on a Halloween door step.
Senate Bill 1842 requires review and approval of water management district budgets by the Governor and requires funds to be withheld if districts don't comply. Its purpose? To set up a battle between the state and federal government over whether Florida will ever be held accountable for allowing the state's precious water resources to be polluted as a right of industry. The bill also provides that districts review its lands every five years to determine if property is still needed for water management or conservation, and make the land available for surplus if it isn't needed. All wetlands ever mitigated, all Florida Florida public trusts ever established would now become the pinata in fact: a Final Solution for the haters and the cannibals.
House Bill 239 is headed to the House Special Order Calendar tomorrow. This is a creation of the Frank Matthews Brigade to Destroy Florida, perhaps in memory of the late Wade Hopping, the go-to Tallahassee lobbyist for Big Sugar and land speculators around the state. The bill not only proposes to make it more difficult for the federal EPA to impose pollution standards where Florida fails to, it also would sweep a whole new set of changes to Everglades water quality standards that would instantly be litigated and found illegal in federal court. Why am I certain of this? Because the organization I represent, Friends of the Everglades, is ALREADY in the midst of seven years of lawsuit on exactly this point and have won against a more subtle assault by Jeb! in 2003, backed by Big Sugar. HB 239 alters statutory language defining pollution in the Everglades and other Class III Florida waters.
Then there is a Miami-Dade specific bill: HB 991. The rock miners threw this one into the Tallahassee Cuisinart. What this bill proposes to do is to divert fees being collected in a trust fund to pay for a new water treatment plant to protect 2.2 million drinking water users in Miami-Dade-- susceptible to pollution because of their industrial excavation of limerock-- and take that money to pay for a "seepage barrier" between their rock mines and the Everglades. The billionaires who control rock mining in South Florida are doing everything they can to wriggle out of their responsibility to provide clean water that we once obtained freely from nature. Every legislative session they find compliant Miami-Dade state legislators to carry THEIR water and impose further costs on taxpayers.
Then there is HB 7129/ SB 1122, the Growth Management Destruction Bill. Phosphate miners put in a provision, here, to exempt themselves from any state-wide review; pushing the burden to local municipal or county government where their campaign contributions stretch the furthest. This bill is also on Special Order of the House tomorrow and will have its final vote on Thursday. In its review of this horrendous bill, "Failing to plan is planning to fail", Sierra Club writes:
The bill eliminates financial feasibility. A budget is the basic planning document. If there is no budget, there is no plan. Striking the twice a year limit on plan amendments means there could be amendments every other day. Without an established time frame, it’s not a plan but a grocery list that can change at whim. Striking concurrency for transportation, recreation and parks, and schools! These three concerns are very important to communities and eliminating the requirement that they be planned for (and paid for) is asking for trouble. Striking all Evaluation and Appraisal Reports (EARs). Mid-size, growing communities with an annual growth rate of 1% or more pose the greatest threat for sprawl and should be required to evaluate their growth so they can make intelligent planning decisions. Communities with low or no growth and perhaps large built out communities may not need EARS, but growing areas should continue to be required to do EARS. Many localities don’t have the capacity to do effective planning and depend on help from the professional staff at the Department of Community Affairs. Localities have no incentive to take regional and state concerns into their planning. HB 7129 also removes any requirement for energy efficiency or reducing greenhouse gases in planning.
Provisions tilting the process that are aimed at weakening the ability of citizens to challenge local government adoption of comp plan amendments: The fairly debatable standard imposed on challengers is almost impossible to win a case on. If the locality has any argument at all that an amendment meets the requirements for adoption, it will make no difference at all how much better an argument a challenger has. The mere fact that there is a scintilla of an argument for the amendment means it is “fairly debatable” and the court will be bound to approve it. Agency comment is limited to “important state resources and facilities within their jurisdiction” This is bad because the state land planning agency (SLPA) is limited to challenging on the basis of comments made by other commenting agencies. If the agencies are limited in what they can comment on, the SLPA is constrained in what it is allowed to object to. Agencies should be able to comment on anything within the area of their responsibility and authority. The SPLA’s role with respect to growth management is turned on its head. Instead of looking for non-compliance with the Growth Management Act, HB 7129 forces it to look for excuses to override objections by commenting agencies. It makes the SPLA a cheerleader for growth. This “balance” language is the equivalent of requiring a prosecutor to list all the good things a defendant has done instead of focusing on the crime.
Need is also reversed. In current law (despite numerous chippings away at the concept) need sets a threshold of projected market demand for land use that must be demonstrated before the future land use map can be changed to accommodate growth. This bill turns that on its head by requiring the consideration of need to be calculated completely differently. It requires the SLPA to project the potential real estate market for residential and seasonal populations and demand that land be set aside to meet it! In other words, the only time need will be invoked is if a comp plan amendment doesn’t set enough land aside for growth. The bill prevents the SLPA from intervening in any challenge brought by a third party (an affected party). The interests of the community and the state should be entitled to the best outcome of the challenge – that should be the goal – and therefore, the involvement of the SPLA and its expertise should be allowed. The bill prevents referenda or initiatives on any development order. Currently, referenda are prohibited for five or fewer parcels (to avoid the expense of holding an election for a relatively small change.) This provision is another kick in the ass, of supporters of the failed Hometown Democracy Amendment 4 in the November 2010 election cycle.
Why is this year, in Florida, so incredibly awful? For more than a decade, Florida voters have been conditioned to believe that government is the enemy. The housing bubble and development frenzy that consumed so much of Florida, left severe financial misery in its wake. People have no idea who to blame, because there has been no accountability. The perpetrators aren't hurting: they banked their profits by the billions and to a large extent they are in the same position of authority and privilege (including not paying their mortgages) that they were during the boom times.
Their proxies in the state legislature wear American flag pins on their suit lapels, go to church on Sunday, and on Monday commit themselves to gutting protections for Florida.
In the past, the thievery happened around the edges, in the grey areas of the law. In the late 1990's Jeb! could use the Foundation for Florida's Future, for example, to argue that the "free" market and industry could protect environmental resources better than regulations. Or, that only a booming state economy based on real estate development could provide a tax base to afford environmental protections. It was a Ponzi scheme. It was Administrative Fraud on a grand scale.
These days the legislative scammers, charlatans, snake oil salesmen and jackasses are pooled together in a shrinking economic pond. Think of the pools in the Everglades that dry down in the winter and concentrate bait so the birds and big feeders can thrive. Because the economic opportunities for land speculation and exploitation have dried down; the big feeders are putting to work the otherwise unemployed and unemployable on "fixing" Florida's laws and regulations. They call what protects Florida, "job killers". Our legislators call themselves Christian, but what they set out to do this session would make Jesus grind his teeth to the bone. Deliver that message, by calling your state legislature and legislators, today.
2011 Senate Environmental Preservation & Conservation Committee
Charles Dean, Chairman (850) 487-5017 dean.charles.web@flsenate.gov
Steve Oelrich, V. Chair (850) 487-5020 oelrich.steve.web@flsenate.gov
Nancy Detert (850) 487-5081 detert.nancy.web@flsenate.gov
Dennis Jones (850) 487-5065 jones.dennis.web@flsenate.gov
Jack Latvala (850) 487-5075 latvala.jack.web@flsenate.gov
Nan Rich (850) 487-5103 rich.nan.web@flsenate.gov
Eleanor Sobel (850) 487-5097 sobel.eleanor.web@flsenate.gov
Florida House 2011 (check the back of your voter card for your Representative’s District)
Representative District Local Phone Email Address Local Delegations
Rep. Joseph Abruzzo 85 (850) 488-4791 joseph.abruzzo@myfloridahouse.gov Palm Beach
Rep. Janet Adkins 12 (850) 488-6920 janet.adkins@myfloridahouse.gov Baker, Bradford Clay, Duval, Nassau, Union
Rep. Larry Ahern 51 (850) 488-6197 larry.ahern@myfloridahouse.gov Pinellas
Rep. Ben Albritton 66 (850) 488-9465 ben.albritton@myfloridahouse.gov Hardee, Highlands, Polk
Rep. Frank Artiles 119 (850) 488-9550 frank.artiles@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Gary Aubuchon 74 (850) 488-7433 gary.aubuchon@myfloridahouse.gov Charlotte, Lee
Rep. Dennis Baxley 24 (850) 488-0335 dennis.baxley@myfloridahouse.gov Marion
Rep. Leonard Bembry 10 (850) 488-7870 leonard.bembry@myfloridahouse.gov Alachua Columbia, Dixie, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Levy, Madison, Taylor, Wakulla
Rep. Lori Berman 86 (850) 488-1662 lori.berman@myfloridahouse.gov Palm Beach
Rep. Mack Bernard 84 (850) 488-8632 mack.bernard@myfloridahouse.gov Palm Beach
Rep. Michael Bileca 117 (850) 488-6506 michael.bileca@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Jim Boyd 68 (850) 488-4086 jim.boyd@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough, Manatee
Rep. Jeffrey ''Jeff'' Brandes 52 (850) 488-5719 jeff.brandes@myfloridahouse.gov Pinellas
Rep. Jason T. Brodeur 33 (850) 488-0468 jason.brodeur@myfloridahouse.gov Orange, Seminole, Volusia
Rep. Doug Broxson 1 (850) 488-8188 doug.broxson@myfloridahouse.gov Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa
Rep. Dwight M. Bullard (D) 118 (850) 488-5430 dwight.bullard@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Rachel Burgin 56 (850) 488-9910 rachel.burgin@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough
Rep. Matt Caldwell 73 (850) 488-1541 matt.caldwell@myfloridahouse.gov Lee
Rep. Daphne Campbell 108 (850) 488-4233 daphne.campbell@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Dean Cannon 35 (850) 488-2742 dean.cannon@myfloridahouse.gov Orange
Rep. Charles Chuck"" Chestnut 23 (850) 488-5794 charles.chestnut@myfloridahouse.gov Alachua, Marion
Rep. Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed 92 (850) 488-0880 gwyn.clarke-reed@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Jeff Clemens 89 (850) 488-0260 jeff.clemens@myfloridahouse.gov Palm Beach
Rep. Marti Coley 7 (850) 488-2873 marti.coley@myfloridahouse.gov Bay, Calhoun, Gadsden, Jackson, Leon, Liberty, Okaloosa, Wakulla, Walton
Rep. Richard Corcoran 45 (850) 488-8528 richard.corcoran@myfloridahouse.gov Pasco, Pinellas
Rep. Fredrick W. ''Fred'' Costello 26 (850) 488-9873 fred.costello@myfloridahouse.gov Flagler, Volusia
Rep. Steve Crisafulli 32 (850) 488-4669 steve.crisafulli@myfloridahouse.gov Brevard, Orange
Rep. Janet Cruz 58 (850) 488-9460 janet.cruz@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough
Rep. Daniel Davis 13 (850) 488-5102 daniel.davis@myfloridahouse.gov Clay, Duval
Rep. Jose Felix Diaz 115 (850) 488-3616 jose.diaz@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Chris Dorworth 34 (850) 488-5843 chris.dorworth@myfloridahouse.gov Orange, Seminole
Rep. Brad Drake 5 (850) 488-4726 brad.drake@myfloridahouse.gov Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Walton, Washington
Rep. Eric Eisnaugle 40 (850) 488-9770 eric.eisnaugle@myfloridahouse.gov Orange
Rep. Clay Ford 3 (850) 488-0895 clay.ford@myfloridahouse.gov Escambia, Santa Rosa
Rep. Erik Fresen 111 (850) 488-4092 erik.fresen@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Jim Frishe 54 (850) 488-9960 james.frishe@myfloridahouse.gov Pinellas
Rep. Reggie Fullwood 15 (850) 488-7417 reggie.fullwood@myfloridahouse.gov Duval
Rep. Matt Gaetz (M) 4 (850) 488-1170 matt.gaetz@myfloridahouse.gov Okaloosa, Santa Rosa
Rep. Luis R. Garcia, Jr. (L) 107 (850) 488-9930 luis.garcia@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Joe Gibbons 105 (850) 488-0145 joe.gibbons@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Rich Glorioso 62 (850) 488-0807 rich.glorioso@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough, Pasco
Rep. Eddy Gonzalez 102 (850) 488-1683 eddy.gonzalez@myfloridahouse.gov Broward, Miami-Dade
Rep. Tom Goodson 29 (850) 488-3006 tom.goodson@myfloridahouse.gov Brevard, Indian River
Rep. James ''J.W.'' Grant 47 (850) 488-0275 james.grant@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough
Rep. Denise Grimsley 77 (850) 488-3457 denise.grimsley@myfloridahouse.gov Collier, Glades, Hendry, Highlands
Rep. Bill Hager 87 (850) 488-2234 bill.hager@myfloridahouse.gov Broward, Palm Beach
Rep. Gayle Harrell 81 (850) 488-8749 gayle.harrell@myfloridahouse.gov Martin St. Lucie
Rep. Shawn Harrison 60 (850) 488-3087 shawn.harrison@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough, Pasco
Rep. Doug Holder 70 (850) 488-1171 doug.holder@myfloridahouse.gov Sarasota
Rep. Ed Hooper 50 (850) 488-1540 ed.hooper@myfloridahouse.gov Pinellas
Rep. Mike Horner 79 (850) 488-8992 mike.horner@myfloridahouse.gov Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Polk
Rep. Matt Hudson 101 (850) 488-1028 matt.hudson@myfloridahouse.gov Broward, Collier
Rep. Dorothy Hukill 28 (850) 488-6653 dorothy.hukill@myfloridahouse.gov Volusia
Rep. Clay Ingram 2 (850) 488-8278 clay.ingram@myfloridahouse.gov Escambia
Rep. Evan Jenne 100 (850) 488-0245 evan.jenne@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Mia Jones (M) 14 (850) 488-6893 mia.jones@myfloridahouse.gov Duval
Rep. John Patrick Julien 104 (850) 488-7088 john.julien@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Martin Kiar 97 (850) 487-1588 martin.kiar@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Paige Kreegel 72 (850) 488-9175 paige.kreegel@myfloridahouse.gov Charlotte, DeSoto, Lee
Rep. Rick Kriseman 53 (850) 488-9337 rick.kriseman@myfloridahouse.gov Pinellas
Rep. John Legg 46 (850) 488-5522 john.legg@myfloridahouse.gov Pasco
Rep. Ana Rivas Logan 114 (850) 488-2831 ana.logan@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera 113 (850) 488-4202 carlos.lopez-cantera@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Debbie Mayfield 80 (850) 488-0952 debbie.mayfield@myfloridahouse.gov Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie
Rep. Charles McBurney 16 (850) 488-4171 charles.mcburney@myfloridahouse.gov Duval
Rep. Seth McKeel 63 (850) 488-9890 seth.mckeel@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough, Polk
Rep. Larry Metz 25 (850) 488-0348 larry.metz@myfloridahouse.gov Lake, Seminole, Volusia
Rep. George R. Moraitis, Jr. 91 (850) 488-0635 george.moraitis@myfloridahouse.gov Broward, Palm Beach
Rep. Peter Nehr 48 (850) 488-5580 peter.nehr@myfloridahouse.gov Pasco, Pinellas
Rep. Bryan Nelson 38 (850) 488-2023 bryan.nelson@myfloridahouse.gov Orange
Rep. Jeanette M. Nuñez 112 (850) 488-7897 jeanette.nunez@myfloridahouse.gov Broward, Collier, Miami-Dade
Rep. Marlene O'Toole 42 (850) 488-5991 marlene.otoole@myfloridahouse.gov Lake, Marion, Sumter
Rep. Mark Pafford 88 (850) 488-0175 mark.pafford@myfloridahouse.gov Palm Beach
Rep. Kathleen C. Passidomo 76 (850) 488-4487 kathleen.passidomo@myfloridahouse.gov Collier
Rep. Jimmy T. Patronis 6 (850) 488-9696 jimmy.patronis@myfloridahouse.gov Bay, Franklin, Gulf
Rep. Steven M. ''Steve'' Perman 78 (850) 488-5588 steve.perman@myfloridahouse.gov Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, St. Lucie
Rep. W. Keith Perry 22 (850) 488-0887 keith.perry@myfloridahouse.gov Alachua, Levy, Marion
Rep. Ray Pilon 69 (850) 488-7754 ray.pilon@myfloridahouse.gov Manatee, Sarasota
Rep. Scott Plakon 37 (850) 488-2231 scott.plakon@myfloridahouse.gov Orange, Seminole
Rep. Elizabeth W. Porter 11 (850) 488-9835 elizabeth.porter@myfloridahouse.gov Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Lafayette, Suwannee
Rep. Ari Porth 96 (850) 488-2124 ari.porth@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Steve Precourt 41 (850) 488-0256 steve.precourt@myfloridahouse.gov Lake, Orange, Osceola
Rep. Bill Proctor 20 (850) 488-2977 bill.proctor@myfloridahouse.gov Clay, Flagler, St. Johns
Rep. Scott Randolph 36 (850) 488-0660 scott.randolph@myfloridahouse.gov Orange
Rep. Lake Ray 17 (850) 488-4388 lake.ray@myfloridahouse.gov Duval
Rep. Betty Reed 59 (850) 488-5432 betty.reed@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough
Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda 9 (850) 488-0965 michelle.rehwinkel@myfloridahouse.gov Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon
Rep. Ronald ''Doc'' Renuart 18 (850) 488-0001 ronald.renuart@myfloridahouse.gov Duval, St. Johns
Rep. Kenneth L. Roberson 71 (850) 488-0060 ken.roberson@myfloridahouse.gov Charlotte, Lee, Sarasota
Rep. Hazelle ''Hazel'' Rogers 94 (850) 488-8234 hazelle.rogers@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Patrick Rooney, Jr. 83 (850) 488-0322 pat.rooney@myfloridahouse.gov Palm Beach
Rep. Darryl Rouson 55 (850) 488-0925 darryl.rouson@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough, Manatee, Pinellas, Sarasota
Rep. Franklin Sands 98 (850) 488-0590 franklin.sands@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Ron Saunders 120 (850) 488-9965 ron.saunders@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade, Monroe
Rep. Robert Schenck 44 (850) 488-6641 robert.schenck@myfloridahouse.gov Hernando, Pasco, Sumter
Rep. Elaine Schwartz 99 (850) 488-0465 elaine.schwartz@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Irving ''Irv'' Slosberg 90 (850) 488-1302 irving.slosberg@myfloridahouse.gov Broward, Palm Beach
Rep. Jimmie T. Smith (J) 43 (850) 488-0805 jimmie.smith@myfloridahouse.gov Citrus, Hernando, Levy
Rep. William Snyder 82 (850) 488-8832 william.snyder@myfloridahouse.gov Martin, Palm Beach, St. Lucie
Rep. Darren Soto 49 (850) 488-9240 darren.soto@myfloridahouse.gov Orange, Osceola
Rep. Cynthia A. Stafford 109 (850) 488-0625 cynthia.stafford@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Kelli Stargel 64 (850) 488-2270 kelli.stargel@myfloridahouse.gov Polk
Rep. Richard L. Steinberg 106 (850) 488-0690 richard.steinberg@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. W. Gregory ''Greg'' Steube 67 (850) 488-6341 greg.steube@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota
Rep. Dwayne Taylor 27 (850) 488-0580 dwayne.taylor@myfloridahouse.gov Volusia
Rep. Geraldine Thompson 39 (850) 488-0760 geraldine.thompson@myfloridahouse.gov Orange
Rep. Perry E. Thurston, Jr. 93 (850) 488-1084 perry.thurston@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. John Tobia 31 (850) 488-2528 john.tobia@myfloridahouse.gov Brevard
Rep. Carlos Trujillo 116 (850) 488-5047 carlos.trujillo@myfloridahouse.gov Miami-Dade
Rep. Charles E. Van Zant 21 (850) 488-0665 charles.vanzant@myfloridahouse.gov Bradford, Clay, Lake, Marion, Putnam, Volusia
Rep. James W. Jim"" Waldman 95 (850) 488-3164 jim.waldman@myfloridahouse.gov Broward
Rep. Barbara Watson 103 (850) 488-0766 barbara.watson@myfloridahouse.gov Broward, Miami-Dade
Rep. Will W. Weatherford 61 (850) 488-5744 will.weatherford@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough, Pasco
Rep. Michael B. Weinstein 19 (850) 488-1304 mike.weinstein@myfloridahouse.gov Clay, Duval, St. Johns
Rep. Alan B. Williams (A) 8 (850) 488-1798 alan.williams@myfloridahouse.gov Gadsden, Leon
Rep. Trudi Williams (T) 75 (850) 488-2047 trudi.williams@myfloridahouse.gov Collier, Lee
Rep. John Wood 65 (850) 488-2721 john.wood@myfloridahouse.gov Polk
Rep. Ritch Workman 30 (850) 488-9720 ritch.workman@myfloridahouse.gov Brevard
Rep. Dana D. Young 57 (850) 488-2770 dana.young@myfloridahouse.gov Hillsborough
Thanks for writing what I was thinking.
The current crop of Tea Partiers and Florida GOP members make Ronald Reagan look like a liberal!
I only wish we could just "vote em out". It works in theory. In reality, there's so much money funding the campaign machines, that train has long left it's track.
I'd like to say we need Federal interventions, but the White House is just a culpable for turning a blind eye at the same time bailing out bankers who can and will game whatever system put in place.
When I read about the Related Group wanting to build a new condo this morning, I couldn't believe it. This is the same company who saved themselves by signing property back to the banks, then getting the management contracts for those same buildings!
That is just one very small fraction of the stuff no one would believe unless they lived here in what I'm deeming the new "ground zero" for all that's wrong in politics.
What are you talking about?
How could the common man not cotton to massive funding cuts to public schools, forcing a woman to have an ultrasound before getting healthcare, court packing to ram through big business rip offs, disenfranchising the vote, and raising taxes on nurses, teachers, police and firefighters while giving his business buddies tax breaks?
This is what the people want!
not to sound alarmist, but apparently this is an epidemic on a grand scale across the U.S.; do you see what Michigan is doing? dissolving cities/kicking out elected officials and sending in the Gov.'s own "fiscal emergency" people to take take take from the citizens; folks this is a war and we're losing. Could anyone have predicted that the 1st black American elected to be President would have created this kind of backlash? Or is the white party, er I mean TeaParty kind of like a dying star, shining ( or should I say screaming?) loudest right before it goes dark? no pun intended.
...because we are not passing the stress test of a bad economy. The ants are all scurring to get the last vestiges of crumbs.
Voter initiatives are needed. Campaign finance reform needed. Otherwise, it will not change. Democrats need to learn how to get out the vote every two years.
Florida, Inc.! This just ran in Salon.com:
A GOP dream come true: Florida Inc.
Developers, start your engines! Corporate cash and Republican control equals fun in the sun for the business lobby
Florida has long been a case study in out-of-control sprawl and wanton environmental destruction for many decades, but in the mid-80s the state attempted to get its act together by passing a growth management law that reined in the freedom of local governments to sell their souls to the nearest deep-pocketed developer.
That was then. Now Florida is governed by Republican super-majorities in both the House and Senate and an arch-conservative in the state house and the developers are fighting back. The growth management law is about to be gutted -- along with just about every other currently existing hindrance to the corporate freedom to gouge as much cash as possible out of the Sunshine state
The Orlando Sentinel has the deeply depressing, but essential story. An overwhelming flood of corporate campaign donations to Republicans in Florida has achieved an astonishing capitalist makeover. It's pay-off day!
Business interest groups in Tallahassee are already describing this year as a "generational opportunity" to pass sweeping "free-market"' reforms that have sat on their shelves for years.
From new restrictions on personal-injury lawsuits against automakers, limits on unemployment pay and benefit cuts for public workers to a wave of tax breaks for individual companies, the Legislature is advancing virtually the entire business-lobby playbook this session -- measures that in previous years would have been too polarizing to pass.
Continue reading
AT&T is pushing for rate hikes and deregulation of state oversight. A private prison operator is pushing a bill that would... privatize more prisons. A power utility wants permission to tax Florida residents to pay for building solar power plants. Health insurance groups are seeking changes in how Medicaid is run. The Florida Association of Realtors wants to cut property taxes. Universal Orlando wants tax breaks to encourage film and TV production at its own studios. And so on.
Pigs at the trough.
Someone call Amy Goodman. Florida, Inc. is going to be a best seller. Love the name.
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