I went to the first Mayoral Forum sponsored by Democracy for America on Monday. Nine candidates showed up (Luther Campbell, Hialeah Julio Robaina and Wilbur Short Stop Bell were MIA). It was bad enough to have a forum with 9 candidates. I can't imagine how bad it would have been with 3 more. I think Julio Robaina should have been there - is he afraid to face union voters? It started almost 40 minutes late which wasted the time of the candidates who got there on time and my time too. The Miami Herald's Matt Haggman was the moderator. I think these meet-ups would be more exciting if the candidates could react to the answers of other candidates but there are just too many candidates on the dais to do that effectively.

Anyway, I think that the forums are a big waste of time for the front-runners but they do give the candidates with no money a voice. In some cases that isn't so good because they have nothing much to say. Trying to explain how you fix Jackson, and what role the county should play in the hospital's fix was a lot for a 90 second answer. But it looks like this is how the campaigning will go - Forums - until those big mailers come through in a couple of weeks. I was impressed with the watermelon tootsie roll pops that Candidate Gabrielle Redfern provided for the audience. I encourage other candidates to bring us some stuff to eat at these events.
(Photo: Carlos Gimenez, Eye on Miami's endorsed candidate, speaks to some members of the audience before the forum began.)
What was the best question and answer of the night?
For me, this is turning in to a side show and diversion from the real issues affecting the County Taxpayers.
There are two candidates I'm considering. And, it's not because I support them, it's because two others are so bad, (Hialeah Julio & Bradley), I don't want to not vote.
In our County, the real issues/problems lie within the Commission. I would like to know how any incoming Mayor is going to address the problems there.
Budgets make great sound bites but the reality is, the BCC has the final say after endless days/hours of debates.
After following the BCC & our current Florida Legislative session - I pose this question, when did we the taxpayers become such glaring pawns/slaves of Public Servants?
These debates won't help me choose anyone and that is sad.
The Michael Putney article in the Herald today nailed the Mayoral campaign as truly uninspired as to all the candidates except Luther Campbell who at least throws out some great soundbites. Come on, candidates, say something meaningful and important and MEAN it.
First comment - I said I WENT - I didn't say I listened.
The best question was, "It is halftime do you want to hear the score?"
Regarding the Putney column - i had to look up a word. Obstreperous means difficult to control. He was referring to the county commission.
I decided to go after you posted the announcement. I was 30 minutes late which was perfect. Given the format, Haggeman did a great job as moderator. The debate may have started late, but they ended on time.
Gimenez and LLorente showed themselves to be the only serious candidates. LLorente is extremely polished, well dressed (expensive suit), and well spoken. He was responsible for many statewide issues as a legislator and that's how he answers every question. I thought Gimenez had the best command of the issues and was the debate winner in my book. Cancio or Khavari have very limited English skills and I could barely understand them.
So-called PhD economist Khavari said he "will not fire any union employees." How stupid is that? What if one of the 25,000 unionized county employees engaged in a criminal act? Khavari came across as the silliest candidate to me, and I refuse to believe that book he said he wrote was written in English.
Bradley said he would do away with car allowances and cell phones which received a spattering of applause. Bradley suggested that, as a transit director, he was a competent and effective administrator which made me laugh because I know the truth. He said the guy who replaced him as Transit Director, Kapoor, should be fired.
John, thanks for listening for me.
I want to know just how solid we are with our investments, bonds, etc. The real answer, not the spun one.
I would also like to hear about how we create a platform for sustainable job growth and what the steps towards that would be.
I am over hearing about the Marlins. It is history. I don't respect Robaina (the bad one) for lying, so he is not "in" my final choices.
I tend to like Gimenez, but I am expecting to hear some pointed remarks from all about how a transition team will take the boat over and steer it in the right direction.
Thank you for telling us about it. I also had one of Gabrielle Redfern's watermelon tootsie pops from the table. Delicious. She also did okay in the debate although I would have liked to see her mix it up with Bradley on transit issues but the debate did not lend itself to that.
Jeffery Lambert and Eddie Lewis appear to be bored retirees who are trying to get out of the house. They will not miss any debate opportunity I am sure.
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