This is not hype or an exaggeration: Gov. Rick Scott and his allies that run the Florida legislature are presiding over the most over-reaching, corporate driven, anti-middle class legislative session in the history of our state. Their agenda must not go unchallenged.
Why? Because massive funding cuts to our neighborhood public schools is wrong. Because forcing a woman to have an ultrasound before she can get access to reproductive healthcare is wrong. Because making it harder to vote and register to vote is wrong. Because raising taxes on nurses, teachers, police and firefighters so we can give more tax breaks to Florida’s wealthiest corporations is wrong.
These are all proposals winding their way through the legislative session as I write this, and we’re not going to wait until the next election to do something about it. We’re fighting right now, and we need your support. Please become a “Progress Florida Progressive Partner” by contributing just .50 cents a day or $15-per-month. It’s easy, and you can cancel at any time.
We know that smart, strategic, focused organizing can win victories. In fact, the work we’ve done in helping launch the “Awake The State” movement, flooding legislative offices with letters and phone calls and shining the public spotlight on Scott’s ill-conceived agenda using social media and outreach to traditional press, is making a difference.
Recent polls show that Gov. Scott’s ratings among Floridians have plummeted to record lows. The public backlash against Gov. Scott's extreme anti-middle class agenda has already forced him to retreat on parts of his agenda. Last week he reversed himself on his cuts to services for the developmentally disabled and he’s backtracked in his obstinacy over cracking down on “pill mills.”
Although we’re currently in an “all hands on deck” mode with just a few weeks remaining in the 2011 Legislative session, this is ultimately a long-term campaign. We’re not just working to defeat, piece-meal, Gov. Scott’s agenda. We’re working to build a stronger progressive movement so that each of the 32 months this governor remains in office is another month our movement is getting stronger.
We’re not waiting until the next election, we’re fighting now. Will you join us?
Yes, I can contribute $15 a month. or Sorry, I can't.
We appreciate your support as we fight for a more progressive Florida. Mark, Julie, Ray and the rest of the Progress Florida Team.
PS: Your monthly contribution can be cancelled at any time. But your commitment will ensure we have the resources to build the progressive movement and fight the threats to our quality of life from Gov. Scott and a reckless, right wing legislature.
We will all get a reprieve from this insanity next year when all the legislatures are up for re-election in 2012. First time in 10 years this has happened. The ones that stick by Rick's side will be gone just like him.
We will call they the "Sticky Ricks" (sticky because those government contracts will sure stick to their fingers). I think we have just invented a party.
Never more needed than right now.
good point. Now, everyone needs to go out and vote in 2012 so we can get rid of them.
No more Rick and the Sticky Ricks that fallow him. Tell them all to move to Texas.
damb look at those eyes
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