Wednesday, September 09, 2009

"George LeMieux, I thought I knew you": LeMieux to run for US Senate ... by gimleteye

We reported that Gov. Charlie Crist had made a deal with Gov. Jeb Bush to fill the vacancy left by retiring Mel Martinez. Something came in the way of that deal. Today, on 9/9/09, we offer another scoop: George LeMieux will soon declare his intent to run for US Senate in 2010. Republican insiders report that Jeb Bush is so angered by Crist's double cross, in which Crist chose LeMieux instead of Jeb who had agreed to serve under certain conditions, that he is pushing Rubio to drop out of the primary battle for US Senate and that they throw their combined support to LeMieux. The only more exciting result for the Republican primary would be a LeMieux/Crist presidential ticket in 2016. You heard it here, first. Speaking of which, click this link for a very good article on why Florida lacks so much clout in Congress, from the Sarasota Herald Tribune.


Anonymous said...

This all seems like the gang who couldn't shoot straight. I don't think your scenario in regard to the 2012 Senate will play out, but if it does, it would be quite interesting.

LeMieux wouldn't run against Crist. It's not going to happen.

Florida is in the gutter in the house and senate. That I agree with. There's no one in office right now at the Federal or State level I would support. They all need to go, in my opinion.

I could see a 2016 run with the two of them though.

Anonymous said...

Le Mieux run against Crist? I don't think that would ever happen.

Geniusofdespair said...

What is this we? I personally am putting my money on Senator Rubio...I have to check on his twitter page to see how he is doing...

Anonymous said...

I get it, this column is a Joke! Right?

Anonymous said...

The reason we are a joke legislatively is Bill Nelson - he's never had clout and is not taken seriously on the hill. Our Democrats are impeached judges, people who don't pay their bills and people with fraudulent residency, while the GOP has old guys, homosexual pedophiles and quitters (see Mel Martinez.) Need I say more?