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I put the Washington Post findings on a blue-red map, to see how my theory worked about stupid people, it didn't hold water. Look at pathetic Florida. How embarrassing.
50 states ranked by intelligence scores
The Washington Post ventured to rank each state based on intelligence. Specifically, the rankings were determined by IQ, 2015 SAT scores, 2015ACT scores and the percentage of college graduates in the state (you can see where all that data came from here.)
Using those factors, Massachusetts came in as the smartest state; Hawaii the dumbest.
If its not the intelligence thing, well then there must be something in the water. Or the cool aid.
The thing about intelligence, the French have a saying:
Idiot savant.
I think that it is not intelligence that is the exact criteria, but rather ignorance of facts and science that are manipulated by politicians, lobbyists and businesses. They are good at changing the rhetoric to promote their point of view even if it is false. Issues like climate change, sea level rise, coal, oil, fracking, pipelines, air and water quality are somehow cast as not the issue, it is instead promoted as over regulation, bad for the economy and false science that will create job loss. Just the opposite is true, but their wordsmiths and minions repeating the same false issues over and over seems to work on enough of the voters to keep them in power to promote the false rhetoric that is really hurting our quality of life.
wow -- I sometimes defend Florida from northeasters who are simply snotty about Florida -- and Miami in particular. I like it here! I know lots of smart and progressive people but I think I just lost the argument.
I am just glad Florida is not last on the list.
So much for North Carolina's vaunted university system and Research Triangle Park (not to mention the Triad!).
Looks like we're back to just being "the Carolinas."
Many of the scores are screwed by immigrants in culturally biased tests
The warmer, southern states seem to score the lowest. Perhaps more time is spent outside, as opposed to curling up with a book by a fireplace during the long winter months?
Any state that would elect Scott two times has to be very dumb.
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