North Miami Library -
I made them measure here. I think their rope was too long. Anyway, here I saw a bad precedent: Tents in the swale. How is that legal? 1,929 people voted here yesterday. 15,647 total since early voting started. I learned one thing, poll workers are better behaved when candidates are present.
A Tent Carlos Gimenez? Really. What next? |
They were better about doing the measuring but still complained about it. I think their rope was too long. |
Voting was light when I was there. |
Aventura Library -
Always the most annoying location. Pretty busy, even had a short line. I made them measure which led to an enormous change in the line. They take out a 100 foot rope to measure. There is a 75 rope for the media. No candidates here, very few signs -- all the campaign workers were in one little spot on the grass banned from the parking lot. Unlike Coral Gables, they wouldn't let them stand in the parking lot. Very surprising there was so little activity since this is a busy early voting site right near the mall, 1,440 people voted here Wednesday, 13,188 total early voting so far. Some of the poll workers were downright nasty, like they had so much to do outside: Nothing. I spoke with people at the mall and told them they could vote here. They said: "It isn't my polling place." I think a sign would be good: EARLY VOTING FOR ANYONE IN MIAMI DADE COUNTY. Democrats make one up as the mall people are being lost.
I made them measure with the rope for the 100 foot campaigning point. You have a right to campaign at the polls 100 feet from the door. |
Look at the change of the line. They called election headquarters before they would do it. The top arrow is where they said 100 feet was, the bottom arrow (right) is the correction. |
There were even a few voters lined up outside about 12:30pm |
Vizcaya/Science Museum Garage
Lots of sign holders here. Very bored sign holders but friendly. This is not a busy site for voting (736 people voted yesterday) because it appears harder to get to. The people voting here voted at Miami City Hall previously. The total for this site so far is 6,449. Only people with cars were voting. Very bad location. It should be City Hall. There are plenty of ways to get there -- like walk.
Plenty of signs, no candidates to greet you. |
Here are a pair of signs I liked together. |
There should be free rides from the center Grove to the Vizcaya location (3250 S Miami Ave.) what the Elections dept is callling the Historic Garage". Does the Grove circulator trolley stop there? The closest other early voting site is the Coral gables library, 3443 Segovia St., (a block off LeJeune and University Drive intersection.
I haven't figured out the trolley or the trolley stops. I waited for 20 minutes for one and gave up.
Anyone need a ride to the new Grove early vote site can come by the Hillary campaign office in Coconut Grove, 3743 Grand Avenue to get it. Also, come by to Volunteer. It's that important.
Why don't you get more Hillary action at the 3 locations I Mentioned???? You would hardly know she was running.
Trump and Miguel Diaz De La Portilla: what an image.
There's lots of places to early vote. 30 in fact. Any voter can go to any early voting site no matter where they live. Visit a site before or after work or at lunch time List of sites:
Everyone knows there a lot of sites but why not catch the mall traffic...that is a no brainer. The Aventure Library borders the mall on two sides.
The Miami City Hall past voting site had both a circulator bus and free trolly serving the site. It appears the Vizcaya garage is harder for voters without transportation to access. This should be looked into and corrected if possible.
It was nice seeing you. We take a lovely photo together.
Thanks so much for sharing your poll visits with us. It puts us on the early voting sites, and gives us a visual flavor of what is happening on the ground. Sites with limited transportation access suppresses the vote. Many voters don't have cars and are public-transportation dependent.
Hillary should have someone out there with her signs. The campaign could hire someone for $50-$100 a day to stay there all day with the sign. This is Miami, you do what everyone else does to get the vote. It also demonstrates that you understand that little people need to make money too.
Slightly off topic, but I wanted to look at the election finance reports in Palmetto Bay before I voted, but the ones turned in last week are not published and the clerk hasn't answered either of my two emails. Someone hiding something?
contact the Commissioner from the Grove to ask the City to get the trolley service going to the new pool site by the old museum of science. Pronto. That's an easy fix
You don't need the financials in Palmetto Bay just don't vote for the two dummy's. One has a camera on his head and the other is the subject of a Network news clip. See post last week for link.
Link worth a look... a long look
Lemon City Library at 430 NE 61st Street had no wait yesterday. Dozens of Elections staff and dozens of machines. Easy to park too.
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