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Melanie Peterson ran for State Senate as a Republican in 2012 - She disses the Bullsugar Citizens. Was appointed to the Governing Board by Rick Scott. |
There is an Op Ed in the Miami Herald by an at-large member of the South Florida Water Management Governing Board. Melanie Peterson calls the tens of thousands of people living near the water releases from Lake Okeechobee that is polluting their waterways:
...And yet there remains a contingent of pessimists who loudly advocate for a massive land buy as the only solution to all our water challenges.A contingent of pessimists. That is what you call citizens, thousands and thousands of citizens? Citizens ill from the algae bloom, citizens who can no longer make a living nor use for recreation the previously pristine water, citizens whose property values have plummeted. Shame on you Melanie Peterson for calling them pessimists when their lives have been shattered by the pollution. Surprise, surprise she was appointed by Rick Scott and she is very involved with the Farm Bureau.
Pure unadulterated crap.
further, it is neo-fascist extremist goose-stepping crap
Why is it that more and more women are appearing more and more corrupt?
This lady is sure drinking the Koolaid provided by Big Sugar.
I'm an optimist running to replace a sugar puppet named Matt Caldwell. http://votejohnscott.com
Seems like they will say or do anything to disparage this movement. Clean air and water is should be a right.
And she actually said all 60 people who spoke at the SFWMD meeting had "bad science." Ha!
This has got to stop. This movement has to keep its momentum until the last of these moronic dominoes fall.
Melanie should change her description of those citizens to " realistic", "concerned", "disgusted", "frightened", " harmed", and "involved". Isn't that what most higher level government officials want citizens to be? They're involved, and she should respect and listen to their concerns. I assume that nothing she owns has been affected by this environmental tragedy.
Melanie Peterson was so proud of an email she received congratulating her on denying the Sugar Land purchase last year she proudly posted it on her Facebook page. This inadvertently outed One Florida Foundation for being against the Sugarland purchase!
Of course she immediately took it down when she realized what she had done!
Pretty sure we have a screenshot of it somewhere!
No offense to anyone but it's not just Bullsugar that does this. In fact they were not even present at the last SFWMD meeting. Before they decided to have a formal group we were just river warriors all working together. I'm just saying. Good for the work they do - this community gives them a lot of support. We all need to be working together.
One Florida has been outed for a long time. Years in fact. It's not really news.
Who cares what anyone says anyone. Joe Negron says its not our septic tanks and we need to buy land out loud and on tv. Games over sugar mamas
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