Saturday, March 05, 2016

Marco Rubio, Desperate ... by gimleteye

It's clear why Marco Rubio hasn't done anything in the US Senate, much less showed up for a vote: he's desperately trying to motivate Republican voters in Florida against Donald Trump.

The PAC supporting Rubio, Conservative Solutions, is sending out a large postcard showing Donald and Hillary smiling at the camera. The fright headers on the reverse: "Trump backs Clinton", "Trump Backed Obama's Stimulus and Wall Street Bailouts", "Trump Supports Universal Healthcare".

This is the postcard we would send out if Donald Trump consulted Eye On Miami: Marco Rubio hugging his Big Sugar pal, Pepe Fanjul, first to greet Marquito when he came down from the stage at his announcement for his presidential bid.

Paradoxically, if Marco Rubio had supported the acquisition of 187,000 acres of US Sugar lands in 2010, he would be in a position to win the GOP race in Florida. He didn't, and he isn't. Big Sugar tasked Marco Rubio to thwart the conversion of sugar lands into treatment marshes for the industry's pollution. Now, Republican voters on both Florida coasts -- whose coastal properties have been turned into sacrifice zones for Big Sugar's pollution -- are poised to vote for Donald Trump.

Pepe Fanjul, principal of Flo-Sun/Florida Crystal's sugar empire, first to hug Marco Rubio after announcing his presidential bid in downtown Miami.

Pepe Fanjul represents what is wrong with Florida today: insider politics holding Tallahassee hostage, the cult of Big Sugar, its pollution overwhelming Florida Bay and spewing to the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts where lots of Republicans own real estate. The Sugar Subsidy in the Farm Bill helps buy off politicians from Fort Myers to Palm Beach, from the Florida Keys to Tallahasee.

Marco Rubio represents crony capitalism at its finest. There's your message, Mr. Trump.


Geniusofdespair said...

I voted the minute I got that absentee ballot. I hope it exempts me from junk mail. Can't get away from those commercials.

Anonymous said...

The Circus (Republican debates, did I have to explain) is coming to University of Miami's Bank Atlantic Center March 10th.

Anonymous said...

They are not debates.

Anonymous said...

Rubio gives 'the oldest profession' a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Conchscooter said...
