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Annette Taddeo is Running for Congress in FL district 26
I heard Andrew Korge and Joe Garcia are thinking of running for this seat. Don't do it. Annette Taddeo can handle it. Besides Andrew, you wouldn't run against Gwen Margolis but you will run against Annette? Not kosher. It is not your time. I know you have money but you are not ready. Joe, I just don't have words for you.

Anyway, I think Annette can win and so does a slew of people giving her support. I got to like Annette more and more as I got to know her.
Congressman Steve Israel said:
"This is a critical time for the United States and we need people in Washington who will stand up for what is right, even when it may be politically difficult. As former Chairman of the DCCC and the Communications Chair of the Democratic Caucus, I’ve helped recruit and encourage many candidates and I would consider Annette Taddeo among the very best. Not only would she be the first Jewish Latina in Congress, she would bring a unique perspective representing all the voices of South Florida."
Miami Dade County Commmissioner Daniella Levine Cava said:
“It is with delight and optimism that I endorse my good friend, Annette Taddeo, for Congress. Annette believes in the people of South Florida and she has never backed down from a challenge. Annette was integral to my own campaign for County Commissioner and she always believed that if we focused on the issues that matter most to the community we would succeed, and succeed we have. From local office to federal office, there has been too much self-interest and not enough public service among too many elected officials. Annette cares about lifting up communities and doing everything we can to see that everyone who works for it can achieve the American Dream. I am excited at the idea of working with Annette to improve the lives of South Florida families.”
Miami Dade County Commissioner Sally Heyman said:
"As a lifetime resident of South Florida, I've spent 40+ years in public service and over 25 years in elected positions serving the people of South Florida and Florida. I'm endorsing Annette Taddeo for Congress because Annette knows our community and understands the challenges and needs we face. Annette has demonstrated her skills as an advocate and a leader who listens. A champion for our public safety needs, accessible healthcare, fighting for funding; Annette Taddeo is the person I want and we need representing us in Washington, D.C."
Miami Dade County Commission Chair Jean Monestime said:
“Miami-Dade could have no better advocate in Congress than Annette Taddeo. She has been a watchdog for the taxpayers, a defender of equality, a promoter of diversity, and a relentless fighter for South Florida. I have seen Annette set her mind to a task and pursue it with determination, even when it wasn’t politically popular. I have also seen her exhibit tremendous grace under pressure. If you think it’s time for our leaders in Washington to seek consensus and start getting results, then I hope you will join me in supporting the candidacy of Annette Taddeo.”
You get the drift…Boys, it is time for you guys to find somewhere else to run.
She couldn't even win a county commission primary...and thinks that state scholarships should be based on need rather than merit. She's an airhead, thank God she lost with that chameleon Crist; who's running for Congress as well.
I like her but IMO she's snakebit.. As they say in the car business, a good "20 footer" looks good from a distance but her candidacy just doesn't hold up under closer inspection.
As a party we should look for the strongest candidate we can find, not one who's the most deserving.
Annette gives Dems the best chance in District 26, she's clean and has lots of support not only with Dem leaders but with lots of folks on the ground here.
I didn't endorse in that primary. That was almost 8 years ago. I watched Annette Taddeo grow and learn. People change. Look at what happened to Carlos Gimenez. Some get better some get worse. Annette got better. If you don't need money, why should you get public dollars for higher education? Private Scholarships are fine for Merit, from mom's purse if it is a Prada loaded with dough. Can't we ever give the needy a helping hand?
No one endorsing her actually lives or votes in District 26. That is her problem. She is not a likable candidate. Her other huge problem is she's an eternal candidate with no real public service. She was a disaster as the head of the Miami Dade Dems leaving many state candidates hanging out to dry while she raised funds for local municipal elections, taking credit for the hard work of others working those campaigns. It's not un noticed by the actual voters who have a say down here, thankfully.
She will not beat Carlos, who has gained a lot of democratic support from those who have actually worked with Annette and just won't do it again, for the fourth time, with her.
Yes!! Annette has been a strong proven leader for years. Andrew who? We are with you Annette.
I've met Andrew Korge a long time ago.. first impression arrogant and pompous. Maybe now that he's campaigning he'll learn not to look down his nose on regular Democrats.
Rumor from Tallahassee is that the Senate Democrats didn't want Andrew to run in a Senate seat. Democrats who are usually DESPERATE to find any good candidates to run for the state turned away someone who had raised half a million already for a Senate race. What do they know that we don't? Is he a phony??
I met Annette when she was running against Ileana. I could tell she was a fighter, and she wasn't afraid to take on the Republicans or even the DNC. Curbelo has to go and I know she can take him out. I'm proud to live in her district. We need a fighter in Congress! And a latina!
Not likable? She is kind and always has a smile for everyone. I think you are thinking of Lynda Bell. I live in Annette's district and I will vote for her. If my endorsement meant anything I would endorse her too.
we shouldn't give money away to everyone, if you've worked hard for the grades and earned them, regardless of socioeconomic factors, someone who didn't work for them shouldn't get put in front of you just because they're poor.
Remember this blast from the not to distant past Genius, I can just hear Daddy Korge saying "Why Rent When You Can Own!"
Annette's smile and "sweetness" are plastic and fake. I have been in politics and in the Dem party for over 30 years and can detect a fake a mile away. Never been able to trust someone who just keeps running and running (and losing) for any seat available.
We need to find someone better to represent our party. This lady is not it.
I have met Annette personally and she is real and down to earth. Maybe anon above should get closer than a mile. Politics are nasty and thats why I stay out and I hate to see Annette get picked on unfairly but honestly we need good people like her to get in and stay in the fight.
That's a pretty damning article above Anon. Looks like the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree here. Daddy's boy defrauded a big time Obama donor in 2012 and took 10% commission on a million dollar check
how many more schemes can we expect if this family gets to congress?
It is damn brave to run for office and let every anonymous keyboard dickhead shread your looks, your abilities, and your intentions. Annette is charming, smart and determined. I'm in her district and she's got my family's support!
And who was her campaign manager when she ran for commissioner?
Same spoiled fish rewrapped and repackaged for yet another campaign. YAWN
I live in District 26 and voted for Dems for the 20+ years I have been here. We didn't get a Dem until after redistricting when they put Marco Island back in Collier county where it belonged, with the rest of Collier County. Yes, that was in our District 26 to make it a safe repbulican district. Then Joe Garcia finally won in 2012 with the Obama wave and high Dem voter turnout. He lost in 2014 mid-terms with low Dem voter turnout.
I like Annette, she did a lot of campaigning for Joe Garcia and doesn't have his baggage. She can win if we have an exciting Dem Pres. candidate who can get the Dems to the polls . And that would not be Hillary. Sorry fans of Hillary, she will not get the Dems to the polls, she is establishment, not exciting, has been a friend to WallStreet and recipient of their largesse. Dems will stay home in droves if she is the candidate and any Dem who runs against Curbelo will lose.
But Annette has my support and I do vote.
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