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Congressman Joe Garcia and Mayor Ed MacDougall |
Not even in office for 2 weeks (sworn in January 3rd) U.S. Congressman Joe Garcia already has a potential challenger: Ed MacDougall. The Cutler Bay Mayor told a few people at an open house yesterday that he would not run for Mayor again so he could run as a Republican for congressional district 26 against Joe Garcia. Maybe Ed is trying to get the jump on County Commissioner Lynda Bell.
Guys look up on the state elections website. Reps Jeannette Nunez, Bileca, Jose oliva and others all have PACS with over $200,000 in them. Everyone is gearing up for a shot at Garcia. Jorge Lopez going for district 112 seat as well.just search for riesco as treasurer as he is handling all these PACS.Democrats better wake up and fast....
Anon above. They spent a ton of it also. I checked on some thru 12/31/12
Bileca has $59,458
Nunez. $72,250
Eddy Gonzalez. 14,266
Will check rest later. I am sure Fresen and the rest of the gang are loading up as well. Everyone going after ileana ros lehtinen seat after she goes as well as Margolis on her last term. Lets hope NEW dade Dem leadership steps up to the plate!!!!!
Francis Suarez has over 600,000. I am sure he wil"l serve us well without bowing to his donors. Lol same shit different year
Jorge Lopez is and will always be a perennial loser.
Regarding Suarez for Mayor? I'd rather vote for Spence Jones! How's that for crazy, Xavier junior?
As Garcia puts his Congressional Office in place he needs to set up a very strong constituent services operation in the district. The people in this district have never had that kind of attention. They want someone who is concerned about them, will help them solve their problems at all levels, is visible in their communities and at their affairs, is approachable, and who communicates with them. If he does a good job in this regard, his reelection will be much easier because the people in the district will do all they can to keep him there.
Really. You're a Genious. Never thought of that.
Obama won that district by 7 points. So none of those lock step R's have a prayer.
I hear that Reyes is going to run again .... He has been running like 10 times. I think he should get the hint that he should stop running... how many more times?? He's part of what's wrong with our government now.
To the anon who posted "really"- You would be surprised how many new Members of Congress do not understand this simple principle. Many of them don't stick around for long. Along with his many other problems, the member who just lost this seat failed in this regard. New members have to make sure they are on the floor of the House to vote, and back in their districts on weekends to interface with their constituents. And when they are gone, they have to have real problem-solvers handling case work and bringing positive results for constituents.
Who the hell is Reyes???
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