Thursday, February 09, 2012

I Guess You Can Tell the Dems from the Pubs on the Environmental Scorecard. By Geniusofdespair

Shame on Marco Rubio!

The Florida Conservation Alliance joined the National League of Conservation Voters in released the 2011 National Environmental Scorecard for the Florida delegation in the first session of the 112th Congress. The 2011 Scorecard reflects the most anti-environmental session of the U.S. House of Representatives in history, featuring unparalleled assaults on our nation’s bedrock environmental and public health safeguards.

“We applaud those members of the Florida delegation who opposed the countless attacks on vital public health and environmental protections in 2011, such as Senator Bill Nelson, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (20th Dist.) and Rep. Kathy Castor (11th Dist.),” said FCA’s Executive Director Mary Munson. “Among proposals successfully fought off was an attempt to weaken Florida water quality standards that prevent toxic green slime in our lakes, rivers and streams.

The 2011 Scorecard includes 11 Senate votes and a record 35 House votes on issues ranging from public health protections to clean energy to land and wildlife conservation. The House votes included in the 2011 Scorecard are the most significant votes taken in a year where the House voted more than 200 times on the environment and public health. In Florida, one House member and one senator earned a perfect 100 percent score in 2011, while seven House members and one senator earned a score less than 10%.

Scores for Florida’s U.S. Representatives (by District):

1. Jeff Miller, 6%
2. Steve Southerland, 6%
3. Corrine Brown, 91%
4. Ander Crenshaw , 11%
5. Richard Nugent, 9%
6. Cliff Stearns, 11%
7. John Mica, 11%
8. Daniel Webster, 14%
9. Gus Bilirakis, 17%
10. C.W. “Bill” Young, 23%
11. Kathy Castor, 97%
12. Dennis Ross, 6%
13. Vern Buchanan, 20%
14. Connie Mack, 6%
15. Bill Posey, 6%
16. Tom Rooney, 11%
17. Frederica Wilson, 80%
18. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, 20%
19. Ted Deutch, 89%
20. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, 100%
21. Mario Diaz-Balart, 11%
22. Allen West, 11%
23. Alcee Hastings, 94%
24. Sandy Adams, 9%
25. David Rivera, 14%

Scores for Florida’s U.S. Senators:

Bill Nelson, 100%
Marco Rubio, 9%

The average House score in 2011 for Florida was 31 percent and the average Senate score was 55 percent.

The good news is that while the House voted against the environment a shocking number of times, both the U.S. Senate and the Obama administration stood fast against the vast majority of these attacks. Indeed, not only did our cornerstone environmental protections emerge from 2011 largely unscathed, the Obama administration also made major progress through administrative actions to protect our air and water.


Anonymous said...

A left wing organization gives low scores to Republicans. Surprise! Surprise! Next you will tell us a right wing organization gives low scores to Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Xavier Suarez proposes to do away with the April 2013 CDMP Amendment Cycle for UDB applications. The Latin Builders Association® officially opposes this measure. This morning, the ordinance passed on first reading, 9 to 1, with Commissioner Joe Martinez being the only "no" vote. The next step is a public hearing at Infrastructure and Land Use Committee on March 14th at 2 pm. We invite all of you to attend. We need to fight this battle for our industry.

A moratorium on UDB and UEA amendment applications until 2015 is simply not acceptable. Miami-Dade County's existing regulatory framework limits the filing of applications to every other year, charges high fees, engages stakeholders in numerous public hearings, requires a super majority of the County Commission to approve any expansion and sets standards that must be satisfied before any expansion is permitted is appropriate. Please contact your County Commissioners and voice your dissatisfaction with Commissioner Suarez's proposal today.


Seth Platt said...

@anoymous commenter
Ah yes it is the League of Conservation Voters fault that Republicans scored so low on the National Environmental Scorecard and not their own lame-brained out-of-touch stances on environmental issues. They would rather accept a campaign check any day rather than protect the health and safety of America and its citizens. GOP loves polluter$.

E said...

One of the votes in their score calculation was on the balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

According to these nutty groups, if you voted FOR the balanced budget amendment, that was an anti-environment vote lowering your score.

How ridiculous is that? The best thing we can do for our nation and the environment is to have a balanced budget. These are nutty groups with a far left agenda that exceeds environmental concerns.

Malagodi said...

Ok, but let's remember that opposing Republican proposals is not the same thing as promulgating effective, progressive environmental policy. It's simply politics.

Until the Democratic party takes effective action that is opposed by industrial interests - like opposing Gulf and Arctic drilling, like outlawing mountaintop removal, like meaningful regulations on fracking and especially, by eliminating subsidies to the oil industry, then they cannot be considered to be pro-environment in any real way.

What they can claim is to be opposed to Republican measures.

Geniusofdespair said...

I don't think these groups are nutty and I appreciate their work.

Anonymous said...

2nd Anon - WTF? Do you actually read this blog? If nothing else, I thank you for making me laugh so hard, my eyes are tearing!

By the way, in regard to the Suarez UDB issue, it was in front of Committee already and he didn't show up to explain his position! (It's April 9th today and the Committee was in March).

Whatever you're on, ship some over! Oblivion can be a nice place sometimes!