Friday, December 30, 2011

Florida: shafted by Pam Bondi ... by gimleteye

Pam Bondi
Scott Maxwell of the St. Pete Times serves up a doozy. He hits the nail on the head, repeatedly. "Substance and accountability are not the Florida way." What more is there to say? Florida could have elected Dan Gelber, a Democrat, but instead elected an attorney general, Pam Bondi, who not only is willing to let the culprits of the economic devastation in Florida just slide away, she punished state fraud investigators who had the temerity to actually search out wrong-doing. (As I have written, the worst outcome of the horrendous Alex Sink campaign of 2010 was Dan Gelber's loss to Bondi.) And some of our readers wonder why we are outraged, at Eyeonmiami...

On foreclosure fraud, Bondi comes up short Scott Maxwell TAKING NAMES (4:44 PM EST, December 20, 2011)  All of America is suffering. But five states have been hit particularly hard by foreclosures — and foreclosure fraud. In four of those five states, attorneys general have aggressively stood up for their constituents. A.G.'s in Arizona, California, Michigan and Nevada have used everything from lawsuits to criminal subpoenas to go after the fraudsters trying to improperly evict families from their homes. And then there's Florida.

Here, the biggest news Pam Bondi's office has made on the foreclosure front was for ousting two of her top fraud investigators. Oh, and also when one of her top advisors left to work for a firm her office was investigating. Something stinks. I've said so for months.

And now, as the Sentinel's Mary Shanklin detailed in her Sunday story — "Bondi lax in pursuing big lenders amid foreclosure crisis, critics say" — more people are noticing the stench. Today, many of those critics — including religious leaders and consumer watchdogs — will gather in Orlando and Miami to demand better. Bondi should pay heed.

After all, we're not talking about cutting a break to people who lost their homes simply because they stopped making mortgage payments. We're talking about banks and foreclosure firms trying to kick families out of their homes using fraudulent techniques and without due process. Documents have been signed by fictitious bank officers, paperwork was mysteriously "lost," and dates on contracts were off by days, months, even years.

Bondi knows all of that. It was her own office that exposed wrongdoing and earned national praise for doing so. Except, just a few months after investigators June Clarkson and Theresa Edwards issued their report on "unfair, deceptive and unconscionable acts in foreclosure cases," Bondi's lieutenants forced them out.

The two women — who both had stellar job reviews and netted a record-breaking $2 million settlement — were given 90 minutes to clean out their desks. "Obviously we did our job too well," Edwards told me after it happened. "We were making too much noise." The oustings were so suspicious that Bondi agreed to let Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater's office investigate. That's happening now.

But I'm not holding my breath. In fact, I bought some rock shrimp this week. And I will broil, butter and salt this column and eat it along with the shrimp if that investigation holds anyone accountable.

Substance and accountability are not the Florida way, especially when one politician is investigating another. Bondi argues her office did nothing wrong by ousting insolent employees. She claims she's as vigilante as ever. And her office repeatedly notes that she has assigned even more staffers to the fraud unit. So what?

More staff doesn't mean squat. Where are the results? On Monday, I asked Bondi's office for examples of any major settlements or prosecutions since the office ousted it's top two investigators.

All I received Tuesday was a statement from her office in support of Hannukah. I also recalled a disturbing conversation I had with the head of Bondi's "economic crimes" division earlier this year. During our talk, Richard Lawson downplayed any expectations of prosecution and big settlements, saying he'd rather work with the firms to change the culture. I see. So when homeowners don't play by the rules, they lose their homes. But when the banks don't, they get a second chance and maybe bigger profits.

Hogwash. Bondi should follow the lead of other attorney generals and start going after the fraudsters — rather than the employees who expose them. or 407-420-6141 Copyright © 2011, Orlando Sentinel


Anonymous said...

You got it all wrong gimlet. She's blonde and she's hot. I mean she's not hot in my eye but I can see how some old Republicans might thing she was hot. That's all that matters really.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Anon above. She is hot. We need some youth and someone hot in the AG's office. Do they put out an office calendar?

There is a second thing and that she is an "R". Who would have thought we'd have a hot Republican holding office.

Anonymous said...

When will you run out of Republicans* to criticize?

*or as you offensively call them "Pubs"

Anonymous said...

Bondi did a little zig-zag on this today:

Anonymous said...

Agree with third Anon above.

Yawn, yawn, yawn! Just Gimleteye critizing another Republican. So what else is new? When he doesn't have anything to write about he picks the next Republican in line!

He should at least try to make himself look unbiased by spewing his venom on at least one Democrat for every 10 Republicans.

Oops! I forgot! Democrats are all saints.

Look out your window folks! There goes Eric Holden walking on water!

Anonymous said...

ree-pube-likken Scott parades Bondi around as if she's his trophy wife...

Stu said...

Does anyone have any pics of Bondi shot from the rear? I have great pics of Bachmann, Palin, and Katherine Harris and I am willing to trade.

Anonymous said...

Hey, a this is a first. AG Bondi is the first Republican we actually would not mind getting screwed by. For once it would be a pleasure.

Anonymous said...

But would the Anon above still feel that way if he (or she) had to also spend sack time with County Commissioner Bell in order to earn up to Bondi?

Ross Hancock said...

The Herald is reporting that Bondi is feeling the pressure and has filed an appeal with the objective of investigating the defunct David Stern film, at least. Too little, too late. To everyone here with the sexist comments -- grow up.

Anonymous said...

This commentary from every one of the above, save the last is so outrageously offensive, I think GoD should eliminate them all, they are beneath the dignity of this blog.

Geniusofdespair said...

Sorry I am too drunk to edit people... Mojitos

Anonymous said...

Offensive? What is offensive is that people voted for people like Bondi, Rivera, Bell and Scott because they are Rs. Think of the damage these idiots will do, but that is okay as they are Republicans. Scott was involved in massive Medicare fraud, but that is OK b/c he is an "R". Bell nearly destroyed Homestead and now has broke nearly every campaign promise (no County reform, 2/2 on moving UDB, voted to approve more debt), but that is OK, b/c she is an R. Thankfully even the R party appears to be sacrificing Rivera up in the reapportionment.

The Tea Party and Rs need to get their heads out of their asses and start holding their people accountable for following through and staying clean.

And Genius, I am not sure that there is enough Mojito to make me jump in the sack with Bell.

Anonymous said...

A new low has been achieved, congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Hi Genius. Keep up the good work. Isn't it like the Republicans to be so offended. Once again, they are offended at what we say while everyone really should be offended by what they do.

A new low? I am sure we will see that from the Rs in 2012.

Sparrow said...

Mojitos, G.O.D.! Leave room for the champaign tomorrow

Diggy said...

What a hottie! She can do no wrong in my book! Hubba hubba!

Anonymous said...

"a new low has been achieved"? That happened when you cast your vote for Commie-ish Bell.

Anonymous said...

That's Florida! Open for Business; virtually any kind of business! Get used to it; with Rick Scott and his pals in the Florida Legislature, the fraudsters and scammers are here to stay.

Anonymous said...

Bondi has a law degree. Bell has a GED.

Anonymous said...

BS. When did Bell get her GED? I think she attended through the 12 grade, but did not graduate.

Geniusofdespair said...

Her bio says she graduated college.

Anonymous said...

You got that from her bio? It must be true then. No one ever lies on their bios. Just ask Notre Dame who fired a coach because he had lied on this bio.

The Rs won't even believe the Commander In Chief of the US without proof of a Birth certificate. I want to see her transcripts.

Anonymous said...

Bell is "ed-u-ma-kated". Bondi is "educated".

Anonymous said...

But the AG office is good with PhotoShop! Check out Pammie's different colored shirts on this page!OpenDocument

Reminds me of The North Korean funeral photoshop job. Idiots!