Friday, June 03, 2011

The police are coming! Swallow your SIM cards! ... by gimleteye

The weekend's shooting spree had Miami Beach police on edge, to put it mildly. From news reports, it was a chaotic mess. Still, today's news story about the police threatening and intimidating a man who filmed one of the shootings-- and only preserved evidence by hiding his cell phone SIM card in his mouth-- is over the top. Even for Miami.

It has been many years since I've braved Miami Beach on Memorial Day weekend. It's the traffic. The vibe is not for me. Thank you, no. Today, there are a lot more questions, than answers about what happened on Miami Beach with open gunfire on Washington Street. The US Department of Justice needs to be involved in sorting out conflicting stories. I am sure that when casinos are legalized in Florida, city law enforcement will improve and we will never have this kind of community upset.


Anonymous said...

something breaking at city of miami

Anonymous said...

Photographing Police in Miami Dade County is a CRIME, it is called Obstruction and Resisting Arrest without Violence.....

Anonymous said...

US Department of Justice needs to investigate this and the other shootings that MBPD has had.
What ever happened to this one? Shot in the torso, but no charges?

Anonymous said...

Well, with gambling, at least the Housewives of Miami show will get more interesting. We will have more of that Soprano's undertone to it. I'm tawkin table flippin' and hair pullin' and everything. Our cop shows will be lots better too. ( tawkin to me?)

Anonymous said...

Our city has stooped to a new low. I was sickened by this article in the Herald. Who do the cops think they are? They are nothing more than a band of rogue thugs with a communistic thinking to believe the general public, who pays their salaries, can not observe or video tape their actions. Clearly they are worried they are doing something wrong, against protocols and SOP's, when they react this way. How are we to ever respect them the way they should be respected when they behave like this. A sad sad day for us in South Florida.