I was in a foul mood, having flown back from LA with a baby screaming in the row behind me the entire flight. In other words, I wasn't predisposed to the Las Vegas-style gambling gimmick in the new American Airlines concourse at MIA. Whose idea was it to let this happen, anyhow? How do I get permission to put up my own dog and pony show: "Good Government Can Happen in South Florida"? Is there an Office of Dog and Pony Shows at Miami International Airport? Sierra Club wants a "Save The Everglades" demonstration for elevating Tamiami Trail in the same American Airlines concourse intersection. You get the point, Jose?
Gambling is a scavenger gimmick to "create jobs". If Floridians know what is good for them they will stay away from full gambling like it was cholera. Just go to Las Vegas, as I did last week, and see for yourselves the mess it has made for taxpayers and residents.
PS. And it still takes as long to get your checked luggage at American Airlines as it does to fly across the country.
Isn't the "River of Grass" and Everglades pictures, facts, poetry, etc..., that are all over the airport what you are asking for?
I was thinking more along the line of a demonstration with real people explaining how the return on investment to Florida from saving the Everglades is worth the billions we have to invest in the projects.
"Whose idea was it to let this happen?" Ron Book, for pari-mutuel industry.
And, David (Mr. Groper, who cannot figure out financial disclosures) Rivera!
Come on. Won't someone from Dade Aviation tell us?
Look, people expect Miami to be cheap, sleazy and tawdry and I say this is our hardworking(!) County Commish's just making sure that cheap,tawdry,sleazy image of Miami continues to be reinforced to all arriving here. Fitting that American Airlines, the WORST airline in the US, is a flagship carrier in Miami.
The demo dog show was pretty cheap, but I bet the gees the lobbyists charged were enormous and that some of that money filters into the pockets of you-know-who, one way or another. Even when there is a paper trail, they don't believe they have to report the income.
How bout those expensive commercials telling us who we are here in Miami playing during prime time. "I'm on a Sheep!" Now THAT is a good use of our money. Are those considered PSA's or do we pay TV stations to play that stuff? Maybe they play them in other cities? Perhaps someone could clarify that.
You may not like the casino motif, but this was a Valentine's Day promotion by one of MIA's concession management groups and it was all done in good fun.
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