I found a Tom David that worked with her. Jim DeFede, in 2001, wrote about Tom David, calling the article "Bully Boy." DeFede said:
"David is new to Miami-Dade government, brought in by County Manager Steve Shiver seven months ago to be his right-hand man. Since his arrival David has developed a reputation for being a nasty and abusive fellow. While Shiver pretends to be the friend of county employees, David plays the role of thug, threatening and intimidating employees who don't jump at his every command. As a result David has no shortage of enemies."
Is this the Thomas David that wrote the letter in today's Miami Herald? Hmmm. If so he has a lot in common with VNS, birds of a feather flock together. A word of caution: Just like you should watch what you read in the Herald, when you read a comment here at EOM, you don't know who is writing it. Don't be duped.
Yeah, when you need a shill for Miami Dade corruption, just call his number.
I will also write in defens of VNS she is being singled out here on EOM simply because Genius is jealous of her figure, good looks and sunny disposition.
Natacha is a Pilar of the (building) communinity and is very helpful and cooperrative with lobbyist.
We would be lucky to have her as a commissioner for 50 years just like the Cubans have had Castro or the Chinese Mao or the Cambodians Pol Pot.
She sacrifices herself and travels the world to bring back wisdom and knowledge at a nominal cost to us simple minded taxpayers.
Can anyone find more reasons why to keep Natacha.
Tom David is a well known jerk. Anyone who worked with him couldn't stand him and they had to tolerate him. The day he was banished from County hall was a happy day indeed. Filthy mouth and arrogance like no one has seen. Seems like current County execs. behave in the same way.
Tom David has been around government, including Miami-Dade government for a long time. He worked as a legislative aide for a local state representative in the 80's.
I'm pretty sure we're Former Assistant County Manager Tom David is the own who wrote the glowing tribute to VNS. It would have been nice for the Herald to add that after his name. But, then again, Fred Frost, former AFL CIO President got away with it too. You cannot tell me the Herald doesn't know this stuff. I bet they've been bullied by VNS, the PBA and the lot.
What a crappy paper the Herald can be sometimes! They have some great writers on staff, and when they really let them report, they can also be the best.
Thank you EoM for reporting what the Herald won't!
Writing that someone "corrupt" is a pretty serious libel. Any evidence to back this up?
I know Tom David very well. I believe he is a jerk, I would bet he is a liar. he is so full of himself and loves Tom David.
I believe you cannot trust a thing he says.
He is so a part of the inbred politics in Homestead today, as a matter of fact he moved his office to downtown Homestead.
You know if he was worth it as an attorney he would have stayed in Miami, instead he looked for an easy way out to make money regardless of the method.
And he is a member of the PAC there with other shady names as well.
If he is supporting Natasha, it is a testimony to the type of people she surround herself with. And he is close to all the unions
Tom David was the arrogant Chief of Staff for County Manager Steve Shiver. When Shiver was ousted, Tom David went to FIU's new law school. He is now a lawyer-lobbyist for developers. His wife Patricia works for the county. She was a secretary when she came to the county, but she became an administrator when her husband was the county's 2nd in command.
Defede's description of Tom David is 100% spot on. Tom David is an a-hole of the highest order.
Miami Herald, you're busted!
Tom's wife, Patty David, was the very first county administrator to be hired with the 1/2 penny transit tax. She was supposed to provide staff support for the citizen's board that was to be assembled to oversee the new tax. She was hired at Shiver's direction and there was no competitive selection process of course. Don't know what she does now but I think she still works for the county.
Based on my personal experience, Tom David is a walking, talking piece of human garbage. From his days as an Assistant City Manager in Homestead, to working for John Cosgrove to the top floor at County Hall ( scary, huh?)and back to Homestead, he has been nothing but self serving trouble.... just my opinion, Tom. When "they" have to dig this deep to get a letter of support for the Vile One, that tells you how much trouble she faces.
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