Sunday, January 16, 2011

Norman Braman Why Did You Support David Rivera? By Geniusofdespair

Norman Braman formerly owned 65% of the Philadelphia Eagles in 1985. July 16, 1986 Norman bought the rest of the team from Ed. Braman. He sold the team in 1994.

We get it Norman Braman, you don't like sports teams getting public funds. And, it appears you know about sports teams from experience. We read your Opinion piece in the Miami Herald yesterday. You said about the bill, where the Dolphins are now trying to get funds from the Tourist Tax:

"This obnoxiously obscene bill is sponsored by state Rep. Erik Fresen." And, you said:

"I am 100 percent opposed to this bill and will do whatever I can to see that it does not pass, including traveling to Tallahassee to testify against it."

Well you gave enough money to Marco Rubio and David Rivera, how about putting some muscle on that duo? How about traveling to Washington to get your way? You gave directly to Rubio and Rivera (see image which includes Mrs. Braman) but you also gave MORE money to numerous PAC's that helped both of them. They are pals with Fresen, together I call them the Miami Dade Troika. Settle the score with them directly, leave the public out of it.

If you want to really help the community, help us get rid of David Rivera. Make amends for your misguided contributions to him. If you believe in justice and right and wrong, how can you let this guy govern us? He is a total embarrassment to Florida. See article about David Rivera's less than creative unethical financing and news of his investigation, in the Miami Herald today.

P.S. How could you give $10,000 to the Club for Growth?


Anonymous said...

Where did you get the idea that Braman wants to help the community? He is a billionaire who simply enjoys having politicians in his pocket. Dividing the dominant political class of Cuban-Americans is for his amusement. Do you see him supporting Democrats?

Anonymous said...

Geniuos, If you really want to know how deep Braman is in with these guys, look at the contributions to the PACs controlled by them. Happy hunting.

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes he supports Democrats. Meek for one. Gelber for another, and so does Irma-- Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

I think anyone who supports Israel with such passion as Braman does, must believe in justice. Why not justice for us in Miami? Why can't we have honorable people in Government here in Miami?

Anonymous said...

Define honorable. Mayor Alvarez has had a distinguished public service career, rising to lead the largest local police department in Florida, and then being elected to Mayor. He has never had his integrity questioned. Yet, Braman wants him out. Where is the justice in that? Because Alvarez did not bow down and agree with Braman on the Marlins Stadium, he has to be removed from office?

Geniusofdespair said...

I question two things about Alvarez's honor and they involve his silence:

I think he knows about absentee ballot fraud at senior centers and I think he keeps silent.

He is silent on the raid of Environmental Trust funds and the IG's recommendation that it be paid back.

That is where my disappoint with him is.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Honor in keeping silent MDC Mayor????

Anonymous said...

Maybe he doesn't know about the fraud but he has benefitted from his sister's link to these venues and the shameless manipulation of these old folks.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor is NOT HONORABLE because you THINK he knows something and he is not talking about it? Hey, if anyone has information about voter fraud, as citizens we have an obligation to report it. Give the information to the Public Corruption Unit.

When Alvarez was Director of Police, he guaranteed the integrity of the election in 2004 by using his officers to manage the logistics and provide security for the ballots. That is honorable.

As for the Environmental Fund, the jerk Frank Vecin who misused that money was fired by Alvarez. IF you want to question the man's honor, you had better come up with something less squishy than speculation about what he knows and doesn't know.

Anonymous said...

Alverez knows alot. Has anyone spoken to his fellow academy graduates? Nope. And you never will. They will never talk.

Unsubtantiated BS said...

Yeah, Alvarez used to give wedgies to his fellow cadets! Go check it's real. And it's the next big scandal that needs to be investigated. Where is the Miami Herald?

Geniusofdespair said...

No speculation here about what he does know and is silent about-- from the Herald:

"Mayoral spokeswoman Victoria Mallette would only say that ``administrative procedures have been strengthened.'' When pressed whether the mayor thinks county police should pay up, she referred questions to Loftus and hung up."

Sounds like silence to me not 'squishy' at all!

Geniusofdespair said...

This blog is not about the Mayor -- get back on topic. The mayor wasn't mentioned once in my post. Would I recall him no but I am disappointed in these two issues. And I think he and almost every other candidate is privy to rampant absentee ballot fraud. Most winners won't talk about it. When losers do they are branded as sore losers.

Anonymous said...

Is the topic Braman's campaign to intimidate elected officials and ensure taxes are never raised? I think we all need to be a little afraid of Norman. With his money and political pawns like Lopez-Cantera, Rene Garcia, and Steve Bovo willing to stand with him as he works to defeat Cuban-Americans who are willing to stand up to him, Norman may acquire more power than an old auto dealer should have. When the leadership is living in fear, we all have something to fear.

Anonymous said...

I have been one of the greatest critics of Norman Braman, and why? Probably all of you who are writing comments know "of Braman" and don't know him at close range. Braman should stop mingling in politics, he's already too old and he's too rich. His view, of our political scene, has nothing in common with us, average citizens. He supports politicians that are not worth a " pot to p__ in ". Look at the Marco Rubio, David Rivera. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, and a few others! Everything that he surrounds himself with is worth NOTHING! In the case of Alvarez, he supported the recall because of the Marlins Stadium issue, and in this one, he was right. And other than that issue, Alvarez is a CROOK, so not only should he had been recalled at the time of the stadium, HE SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN REELECTED, AND THE SHAMELESS MIAMI VOTERS ARE RSPONSIBLE FOR THAT! And yes, Genius, he knows damn well about the absentee ballots.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm not the only one who has mentioned his sister in this blog! As you can see, Genius, this is no secret to a lot of people!

Anonymous said...

Frank Vecin was never fired he retired with a nice payout and full benefits.

Anonymous said...

Alavrez V Braman is Like Godzilla Versus King Kong and we the residents are the equivalent of Tokyo.

Alvarez's proposed budget raised my taxes at a time when I can ill afford it,not being a government worker. Braman gave money to MDLP who represents the traffic camera company that will be digging into everyones wallet sooner than they'd like and David Rivera who is as crooked as they come. G.O.D. Repost the item on Estersita Nuffer getting 100K frm the Miami Dade Republiacan Party.

Geniusofdespair said...

What item don't know the name???

Anonymous said...

"I think anyone who supports Israel with such passion as Braman does, must believe in justice."

? Or it just means that he's Jewish...

Geniusofdespair said...

REALLY Jewish. Yes. But he passionately puts his money to seek justice for Israel, that is more than simply because he is Jewish--he is dedicated. He even brought Rubio there. Must have been a lot of ass kissin' going on.

Anonymous said...

This Post G.O.D.

Lots of Dinero coming out in the Laundry, read comments to see who got 100K. You didn't know DR owned a laundry mat?

This desrves a second run, read comments as to who got the $$$$

Anonymous said...

Republicans couldn't care less about Israel they took up the cause to cut into the democratic hold on significant American Jewish funds - like Braman's.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Carlos Alvarez has never had his integrity questioned? Are you kidding me? I was questioning it back when he was an Asst. Director of Police Services. Remember when his son Carlitos was being investigated for the Kendall kidnappings and rapes in the mid-1990's and his line-up photo (with the victim's ID notation) mysteriously disappeared from the evidence room?

Anonymous said...

What about the nepotism scandal at the MDPD training bureau? A county panel found Chief Parker violated the anti-nepotism statute. Despite the violation, Carlos refused to discipline Parker. Perhaps it was because one of Parker's training bureau hires was Alvarez's son. (No, not the convicted rapist son. The other one.) There are many questions about Alvarez's integrity.

Hannah said...

Braman donated to Rivera's campaign before anyone knew about Rivera's crooked financial dealings. If you were aware that Rivera was involved in financial improprieties before Braman gave his donations, you certainly kept them to yourself.

Geniusofdespair said...

No one actually believed any sane mortal would vote for him. I reported on Rivera's mortgage foreclosure before he was elected. We don't have the money to do real investigative reports, send us some. Braman has money to do his own fact checking.

Hannah said...

Fact checking? There were ZERO reports of David Rivera's financial misdeeds when Braman donated to Rivera's campaign on March 10 of last year. I had heard Rivera was a part owner of a Tallahassee property that fell behind in payments and there was legal proceedings but no foreclosure. Big deal. You didn't even think it was significant enough to tag it here.

I doubt Braman or any sane person would donate to Rivera today knowing what we know today. But to hold Braman accountable for facts unknown at the time is patently unfair.

Hannah said...

The Herald published its story on Rivera's delinquent mortgage on June 18, 2010. I assume you just linked to it in your posting. That was more than 2 months AFTER Braman made his last donation to Rivera. Be fair and stop criticizing Braman for not knowing information that was unavailable at the time.

Anonymous said...

Let him do something now- denounce his pick for congress . As Genius says, let him make amends. It is never too late. He was always a slime however, ask his opponents in the primary.

Anonymous said...

As much of a nightmare as Crespo was, he uncovered much of Rivera's shortcomings and skeletons during the primary. Where were you all?

Anonymous said...

what happened to my post? you know you made an effective argument when G.O.D. deletes your post! LOL!

Geniusofdespair said...

??? Don't know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Follow the money trail and you will find a that David Rivera conspired to launder money from the campaign. This is the tip of the iceberg more to come.

Censored by G.O.D. said...

Ummm ... so I was right. You are censoring me. You wouldn't post my second post defending Braman as well. It figures. Your left-wing views can't compete in the marketplace of ideas so you censor anyone who makes a good contrary argument.

And don't give some nonsense about this is your blog and you can do whatever you want. If you open up your blog for comments, you should allow them all to post. To not do so is intellectually dishonest and it reflects negatively on your character.

Geniusofdespair said...

What you talking about Willis?