Monday, November 15, 2010

Who is running for State Senate in District 33? By Geniusofdespair

Here we go again with too many candidates in a race. We already went through this with Meek's House seat 17. There were 10 candidates -- at least 5 or 6 too many. Frederica Wilson won easily in the primary. She faced an Independent in the general election who only got 11.7% of the vote. She got 88% in this overwhelmingly Democratic district. Frankly her winning was so assured, she could have vacated her State Senate seat and not caused us to have a special election. I wish some of these politicians would think about saving us money. Now Frederica is not vacating her seat till the absolute last minute December 31st. What happened to resign to run at the State level, looks like we could use it here because the legislature convenes for a special session tomorrow. It is better for new lawmakers to be there at the beginning (when they can learn the ropes) not a lame duck like herself.

At this time those who are officially running are Oscar Braynon, II who has raised $4,750, James Bush, III who raised $665. Also in but they haven't raised dollars yet: Phillip Brutus, Yolly Roberson, Daryl Reaves and Nadia Pierre (who will bail from the Mayor's office to run?). Bush, Roberson and Brutus ran for Meek's seat, losing to Frederica Wilson. Daryl Reaves previously ran for the School Board twice and lost.

The biggest surprise of all was who was considering a run: Dorrin Delano Rolle. He is the ethically challenged County Commissioner that was finally voted out of office. I am told he changed his mind about running and boy am I am relieved.


Anonymous said...

I support Phillip Brutus! He's a good guy. I don't know enough about the other candidates.

Rolle needs a good lawyer, not another run for ANY public office ANYWHERE! (and that is global anywhere)

Anonymous said...

Rolle can't raise a dime. He and James Burke should go into business together.

Anonymous said...

NEWS FLASH: The newly elected Frank Artiles has named Cire (formerly Mrs. Steve SHIVER) Andino as an aide. Great, this should set the tone for the next two years. These bad pennies never go away, they just get recycled.

Anonymous said...

OMG, are you kidding about Cire? She couldn't even write a grammatically correct two paragraph column for the South Dade Newsleader whgen she was married to Shiver. What a loser. (yes, I know he won the election, but he's still a loser). I think there were other reasons Zapata wouldn't endorse or support him then what he's stated publicly.

Sorry to write off topic, but this is just another nail in South Dade's coffin. I think we should just let the federally convicted Schnebly keep breaching the UDB from the outside in - he's got all his puppet's in place now.

Anonymous said...

The state of florida is at a cross road, where we can no longer afford career runners who runs for the sake of running.

The people of district 33 deserve a leader who will bring creative and inovative solutions to the issues of now, and that leader is none other then "Nadia Pierre".

Anonymous said...


I will support Nadia Pierre for State Senate District 33.

Anonymous said...

Oscar Braynon's consultant is Steve out for him.

Anonymous said...

As a 23 year resident of Miami Gardens living in Barnone District 103, the social butterfly is too bussy socializing,styling and profiling.

He does not have the people's interest at heart nor the time to represent us voters. Therefore, why should we promote Braynon to the State Senate. I say change is coming and the time is NOW!

Geniusofdespair said...

It appears Nadia Pierre supporters have stumbled on this blog. I had so many saying the same thing I deleted a couple. Just saying 'go Nadia' is meaningless. Why is a vote for one of these candidates deserved.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sir, I have no clue as to why these candidates "Career Politicians" feel that they deserve our vote.

As you look around today's political landscape we the people are experiencing first hand the impact of self serving politicians and the affect of meaningless canditates.

I will vote for Nadia Pierre because unlike the others she's a canditate of substance who have the capability and integrity to represent the people well.

Ms. Pierre has proven her commitment to the Miami-Dade community and exhibited the diverse leadership skills needed in today's political environment.

She has also demonstrated her commitment to pulic harmony and safety. And as a mother, grandmother, sister and antie, she totally understands the needs of Florida families---giving voters a real choice for "Leadership for our times" and not business as usual. That's why I'm voting Nadia Pierre. Go Nadia Go!

Anonymous said...

Nadia Pierre, as a candidate for State Senate District 33 is deserving of my organizations support because she's a candidate for all the people. unlike Brutus who's a candidate only for Haitians. "Gone Girl" Senator Pierre for District 33.

Anonymous said...

I have little to say about the other candidates, but I know one thing for sure Nadia's candidacy has it's merrit and she deserve my support and vote. 'Goooo---Nadia'

Geniusofdespair said...

the person who wrote
Genius, tell us why should we support Braynon? and other shit:

first don't insult the are new here. that is a cardinal rule. I haven't endorsed anyone yet, so go find somewhere else to post friggin' crap about what I am doing.

Anonymous said...

Nadia Pierre supporters have a lot to say, so if any of them took the time out of their bussy schedule simply to write two words, now that's meaningfull, after all, It's the thought that counts. 'Go Nadia Go'

Anonymous said...

As a candidate in a special election for the Florida Senate, Nadia beleives that she can make an even more significant difference in the policy making arena. Ms Pierre is committed to serving the citizens of District 33by advocating for change that will possitively affect the life of every Floridians.

I can relate to that, she will surely get my 100% support, and my family and friends vote.

Anonymous said...

What a crazy group of "Baldheads" trying to hype someone who always hid behind a police officer/mayor/soon to be ex-mayor.
I don't know whether she doesn't understand she's leaving a sinking ship or the fact that the ship is sinking partially because of her.

Nadia (& her supporters) need to be out there staving off the Recall of her boss, mentor and godfather!


William E. Foote

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Foote.

Based on your comments, shows just how little you know about Ms. Pierre and the possitive work that she has been doing in the community.

you are mixing apples with oranges. Get your facts straight brother! Like it or not, real change is coming to district 33
and Nadia got our vote.

Anonymous said...

You're missing the point William. step out of the box, think out of the box for a change before it's to late.

Should you need assistance dont hesitate to let us know.

Dont worry be happy,

Nadia is the candidate of the people.

Geniusofdespair said...

To Go Nadia Go:

Enough. You can't write the same thing over and over here written by the same person. I deleted you.

Anonymous said...

At least we stand front and center with our candidate, we are proud of our next Senator and have nothing to hide.

Who's your candidate. Ooooops must be Braynon, who hides behind Kendrick Meek/ and mentor Mom Escalade Meek.

Are you aware that both of Oscar's parents and close friends work for the county, throughout all the housing scandals his mom still manage to hold on to her position as the director of the housing authority, collecting her six figure pay check while the little guys are getting cut and fired for her mistakes.

Dont start nothing, it wont be nothing, get your facts straight William.

We proudly support Nadia Pierre for Senate.

Anonymous said...

"TĂȘtes chauves folles"
So Nadia has done so much? Where has she been since January 12th?
You really seem to forget she is part of a sinking ship!
The last thing this community needs is another "police-wannabe" in office. She has spent her "community-career" representing the oppressive Miami-Dade Police or its soon to-be-recalled Mayor/God-father!
How long before we understand who is oppressor? how long before stop being the victim?
William E. Foote

Anonymous said...

I strongly support Oscar Braynon. Oscar is a new breed of politician who has the ability to hold strong to his principals while also being able to rise above the partisan rancor that has permeated the Florida legislature. He has my support. he has been a wonderful legislator, and will make a great Senator. Go Oscar!
Todd Michaels

Anonymous said...

Is this even a debate? Oscar Braynon has proven himself to the type of politician who holds strong to his principals and fights the good fight. His record speaks for itself. BRAYNON FOR SENATOR!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a Braynon supporter and I see him in my community working, volunteering and staying in touch with what we need. I keep up with legislation and I see that he has worked for our community. I don't believe hype and promises - I believe facts and proven leaders. Braynon has my vote in this campaign.

Anonymous said...

Whoever posted that about Braynon's mom is wrong. She works for the Housing Finance Authority. She had nothing to do with any kind of scandal. Her department is the opposite of the Housing Authority and their scandals. Her office actually helps the "little" people. Get your facts straight. It's a sad day when people go around spreading lies about people in our community who are actually helping us. Good people are the ones that liers like to talk about.

Oscar said...

Last Laugh! :-) :-)
Oscar, Sr.