After his big win here at Eye on Miami for
"Best Looking Elected Official", State Rep. Oscar Braynon II seemed destined for greatness. Now we hear he is running for State Senate in District 33, the seat to be vacated by Frederica Wilson.
Braynon served as the Minority Deputy Whip and was the only house member to serve as ranking member on two committees, both the Government Affairs Policy and Governmental Operations Appropriations Committees. He currently serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Florida Conference of State Black Legislators.
I suppose he has to resign from our

beauty pageant title to run, you know that pesky "resign to run" rule. Never mind, I just realized his reign was up January 2010 when the contest morphed into a
beauty contest for ethically challenged politicians. You never could have won that title Oscar. Good luck with filling Frederica's hat...I guess you had to expect someone was going to photoshop you, so it might as well be me.
Oscar is a good guy. The Photoshop photo is hysterical.
Good move Oscar. You will be great in the Senate. I expect you to be a Maverick with that hat!
Oscar will Fredrica's shoes and more. This is a man going places.
What a cutie! Does cute count?
Tastefully photoshopped.
he is a good guy, yes I agree! a good and conscientious legislator. I am hoping I spelled that correctly.
This race is a no brainer…Rep. Oscar Braynon II recieved the endorsement of Florida CFO Alex Sink this morning because, Braynon is a standout community leader from Miami Gardens who is committed to delivering economic growth, improved education, and opportunity for all Floridians. A fifth-generation Floridian and rising star of the Democratic Party, Braynon currently serves as Minority Deputy Whip and Vice Chair of the Florida Conference of Black Legislators. Braynon previously served as Vice-Mayor of Miami Gardens.
His opponents: (hold your nose please!)
Candidate #1 (Democrat) 6 years in State House - no sponsored bills passed, 5th place finish in his last election plus two previous election losses
Candidate #2 (Democrat) 2 years in State House - no sponsored bills passed, 8th place finish in his last election plus two previous election losses
Candidate #3 (Republican) – unknown pariah, qualifying check bounced in Miami Beach Mayoral race, filed to run for US Senate in Florida and NY (as a Democrat) simultaneously!
Candidate #4 (Democrat) - Public Relations Aide to possibly-recalled Mayor Carlos Alvarez. No elected experience and she’s abandoning the bosses’ ship before it hits the bottom? Great PR for the Mayor!
Candidate #5 (Democrat) 2 years in State House -
Loser in recent School Board District 2 race in 2010
Loser in School Board District 2 Race in (Run-off) 2006
Loser in School Board District 2 Race in (Primary) 2006
Loser for State House District 109 in 2002
Loser (as Republican) for State Senate Seat 40 in 1998
Loser for County Commission District 3 Race in 1996
Loser again in County Commission District 3 Race in 1993
Loser for US Congress in 1992
Out with the old and in with the new.
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