He is pictured to the left with his wife Melissa Fung (she is no slouch in the beauty department either). There is also an Oscar Braynon, III. Oscar II has a B.S. degree from Florida State University in Political Science. I believe Oscar supports holding the Urban Development Boundary in Miami Dade County. You all believe that don't you?
He was an aide in Miami Dade County Commission District 1. Let's hope he didn't learn anything while there, always evil doings in the County. Our runner-up is:

Fresen, Roberson and Logan all tied for third.
Disclaimer: If our winner is indicted or does not live up to the high standards of the Eye on Miami blog, he will be replaced by the runner up, in this case with a tie, the highest office holder -- which would be Carlos Alvarez.
Good Choice! He is one handsome office holder.
Oscar was the one (won). I am glad Fresen was passed up.
Great choice! Great picture of him and his beautiful wife!
The readers spoke and chose...thanks readers.
BTW that was our most comments we ever got for one post...and during the holidays!! Who would have thunk it.
That is one handsome couple! I hope that they have much love and positive success in the coming year!
Great choice - my nephew! Oscar comes from a great "gene pool!" (Jennings' & Braynon's)You should see their son. Melissa also hails from impeccable "stock!"
THANKS UNCLE TONY -- Glad you came to check out the contest. Where is Oscar?
And yet, he still has time to CHEAT on his wife and CHILDREN
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