Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Latin Builder's Association Candidate's Screening Meeting. By Geniusofdespair

A little birdie told me only two District 8 candidates did NOT go to the LBA Candidates Screening:

Eugene Flinn and Annette Taddeo.

Anyone have any information on this or is it just a rumor? Aren't these the only 2 that also didn't go to the Christian Coalition screening?


Anonymous said...

Eugene Flinn did not go to the LBA Screening and did not go to the Christian Coalition screening.

Geniusofdespair said...

that is what i said...

Geniusofdespair said...

...or are you giving information? If so, as 'anonymous' it is sort of meaningless.

Anonymous said...

Odd birdie… I heard that both Taddeo and Flynn where co-endorsed by the Builders Association of South Florida. Why don’t you ask your little birdie if this is true? Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

You had asked if it was just a rumor. I was just responding that it was not.

Anonymous said...

If you want to verify who attended, simply call the Latin Builders and they will confirm that Albert Harum-Alvarez, Obdulio Piedra, Linda Bell and the Rabbi were there. Annette Taddeo & Eugene Flinn were not.

You already have confirmation of the same group attending the Christian Coalition since the event was videotaped and that Taddeo and Flinn passed on this one as well.

As far as the comment/rumor that Flinn and Taddeo were co-endorsed by the Builders Association of South Florida, call them as well and you will see they decided not to endorse in this race.

Anonymous said...

I thought AHA wasn't taking any "special interest" money - well, exept from Schnebly, which he thinks taking funds from someone who taints our produce supply is just fine. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

He can always give it back. How would a guy from Kendall know about the Schebley poison ? Candidates sometime inadvertently take money from those that could create a bad perception. They cant know everything about every donor.

Anonymous said...

He should give it back and not go to the event on July 24th at the Winery. Now he knows. It's on AHA to do the right thing and not condone this. And, this is not the first time it's been mentioned on EoM.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I think Albert and Gene are decent people with decent intentions. We need more people like them in the community, in fact.

For me, Gene has the experience as a result of 8 years as mayor. He has left a good legacy behind and a community that thanks and appreciates him. (Much like people appreciate Katy.) For this reason, I consider him to be the stronger candidate by significant strides.

As I support Gene Flinn in this race, I must also mention that Albert would do well to sit on CITT, CTAC, PAB or CC12 to gain a bit more experience. His gains in experience would not only benefit him in his ambitions, it could greatly benefit the community.

I view Gene is the "today" candidate and Albert as the hope for tomorrow. As for Annette, she is lovely, but clueless thus far. I hope that she will consider getting involved on a more grass roots level so that she can come to understand the constituency she seeks to represent. You cannot pass the test if you have not studied the book. Political rhetoric is not enough, particularly in such dire economic times.

I respect them all and am thankful that good people still want to run for political office.

Anonymous said...

I love how you guys who support Gene the politician want "experience" and seem to forget that when Katy ran she was a PTA mom. That was her experience! I'm gonna go with the non-politician "mom", Annette Taddeo. There are those of us in Pametto Bay who have NOT been impressed with Flinn's performance and if he were able to run again, everybody knows he would NOT be re-elected!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but it seems A T is just office shopping and is VERY political.

Anonymous said...

Here come the shills tearing down other candidates to support their own. None of the other candidates have the accomplishments that Flinn has on his resume. Flinn would be reelected in another landslide. District 8 is a very important seat and we need a quality leader who has proven he or she can get things done and done right. No one would give Annette Taddeo even a first look if she did not have so much personal money to throw around. She did not even get elected the first time she ran. Now she is looking for an easier office to run for.

She has never appeared as an activist at a commission meeting or even participate in her home community of Pinecrest. What has she done in the interim other thank solicit runs for Florida CFO and Dade Democratic Party Chair?

Taddeo a mom? Doesn't she have a full time live in nanny to raise her kid? Think she'll spend much time at PTA meetings? She hasn't been to her first. She does not compare to Katy. She is the least qualfied, but best self financed candidate in the race and an example of what is wrong with Dade County politics.

Katy was and is connected to her community. I know Katy, I have worked with Katy and Annette Taddeo is no Katy - and never will be.

If you don't like Flinn, I suggest there are at least two other alternative candidates more qualified than Annette Taddeo to support. But stop trying to use the residents of Miami-Dade County, specifically District 8, as fodder for her real goal, another run for congress.

Palmetto Bay voter said...

Errrmmmm. Mayor Flinn won with 66-something percent the first time and 76% (or near to it) the next. He is also the only candidate that has to face sitting on a dais and then having to encounter being called to task for a current vote that a particular person doesn't like. He is not going to please everyone all the time. I nip at his heels constantly about things I don't agree with, but as a resident of Palmetto Bay, I know we have a great Village, in spite of my fighting incorporation and not always agreeing with everyone on the village council.

Annette has no connection with us residents, she never attended community meetings until ran for congress and disappeared after losing. Lynda was kicked out on her tushy in homestead for her meanness. Albert is part of the NIMBY for Lunch bunch. The rabbi is nice. Obdulio is the LBA darling, he wants to move the line to kick start the economy. Sigh. Please think folks.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Office shopping? Really? Is this coming from "Politician" Flinn who was first running for House seat 117 and was getting his butt kicked by Lisa Le'Sperance and quickly switched to the County race. Please! who is the one office shopping here? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Yea, right! Flinn is soo popular that he was being out financed by almost 2 to 1 by a little-known political novice when he was runing for State House last year. Heck, not even Cindy Lerner supported him.

All that Flinn knows how to do is make deals - backroom deals! Just look at the evidence:

The County Mayor's South Dade Aide, a so called "farmer" and "school teacher" from the Redlands and a Katy Sorenson appointee - they were all promised jobs in exchange for their support.

Flinn is just a typical politician doing what typical politicians do.

Remember all the flap about him trying to name a park after himself? or using the Village Seal for campaign purposes?

Yeah, Flinn is real popular - with Gene Flinn.

Living in Kendall said...

Hey! Don't leave out good 'ol Albert Harum out of the slime machine.

Don't forget that it was Albert, the self-described "fighter" against Kendall overdevelopment, who passed himself off as a member of the local "neihborhood watch" just so that little old ladies would open their doors to him and his volunteers. Then, try to blame his opponnents when that little "scheme" backfired on him.

Hey Al, why haven't you returned the $500 a convicted felon gave you? Do you really need the money that bad? Or is it just that you can't say NO to anyone?

Yea, he's real piece of work!

Anonymous said...

Last anon wrote:

"All that Flinn knows how to do is make deals - backroom deals! Just look at the evidence:

The County Mayor's South Dade Aide, a so called "farmer" and "school teacher" from the Redlands and a Katy Sorenson appointee - they were all promised jobs in exchange for their support."
Really? And you have proof of this how? Just because other candidates who dropped out of the race support him?

The "South Dade aide" has been working with Flinn almost from when he first filed.

Last anon, your wrong in this regard and you should really be careful fact checking, at least in this case.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "Palmetto Bay voter" about Taddeo. Despite her millions, that woman was never heard of before she ran against Ross-Letinen.

Taddeo is downright dangerous!

Forget the fact that she's clueless, (that alone is troublesome enough), but the way that all these special interest groups blindly endorsed her without giving any consideration to any other candidate is very dangerous!

I'm surprised and very disappointed that even GoD himself has not even commented on how improper these endorsements were made.

I wasn't going to vote for Taddeo for her cluelessness anyway, but the news about all these backroom deals is very disturbing made volunteer against her!

Anonymous said...

Albert Harum Alvarez is one of the most decent people that you will ever meet in your life. His honesty and duty to the community is beyond reproach. To try and smear him just indicates how afraid your campaign is of him and the grassroots movement that he in generating in District 8.
Albert you have my vote and the votes of my family. Thank you for coming to our house the other night.
Hang in there, keep fighting and don’t let this lame attempt at a smear stop you from helping us.

Kendall Resident said...

^^^^I'm Albert Harum-Alvarez and I approve this message.^^^^

Anonymous said...

Oh please, if Flinn is soo great and soo right on the issues then why run against him in the first place!?

The only reason these two ran was because they needed jobs - pure and simple. One even made it very clear about his intentions when he participated at the UEL Dinner/Forum.

Flinn needed to buy them off because with so many Anglos in the race, the political calculus simply didn't add up.

It all sounds like a typical politician to me.

Anonymous said...

Annette Taddeo is the ONLY candidate that has the knowledge base and convictions necessary to bring back integrity to that "hornet's nest" we all call the County Commission.

We need her ideas and her integrity. Even Genius of Despair likes her.

That's good enough for me!

Anonymous said...

Annette Taddeo is the ONLY candidate that has the knowledge base and convictions necessary to bring back integrity to that "hornet's nest" we all call the County Commission.

We need her ideas and her integrity. Even Genius of Despair likes her.

That's good enough for me!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with a prior comment, Albert Harum-Alvarez is a good guy trying to give back to his community. I know him through business and as a resident of Kendall, he's an expert in his field with a thriving international business who just wants to give what he can to his home town. Like someone else said, I'm thankful good folks run at all.

Anonymous said...

I knew Albert at Columbus High School, and for the record the guy is unbelievably smart. He missed only two questions on the SATs, and it ended up that he was right on one of the questions and the SAT staffers were wrong. He was, and still is, a real nice guy. I'm voting for him to get some intelligent, new blood into Miami's governmental mix.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what speculation about "job offers" and former candidates "needing jobs".

I certainly don't "need a job", I have one and my own business. I certainly wasn't offered a job, nor did I ask for one when I withdrew from the race.

To me, whoever wrote such nonsense obviously knows less about the community and my years of public service in this community and Countywide.

I'd like to be offended but it's such a ridiculous accusation, I'm not even sure how to respond.

I've had dozens of conversations with Gene Flinn during the campaign. Him and I were the first two to file and we've been out there the longest. We've had in depth conversation on Environmental, Land Use, Budget issues, Jackson & more.

When it became clear I was going to withdraw, I did meet with Gene. It wasn't for anything other than to really get more information as to where he was at on issues. Nothing more, nothing less. It was at a meeting right before I withdrew I decided to endorse him. To me, I believe he's the most qualified and he matches most of my opinions/thinking on core issues affecting this County.

If anyone really believes anything more sinister than that, that's your opinion, but not reality.

As I wrote in my press release - I endorse & support Eugene Flinn for this District 8 seat.

For those of you undecided, please read more about him. He has a web page and is on facebook.

Pamela Gray

Anonymous said...

"All that Flinn knows how to do is make deals - backroom deals! Just look at the evidence:"

A District 8 voter only needs to look at the backroom deal Flinn made on the SW 144 Street improvements east of US 1 to see who this jackass's loyalty extends to. Flinn's a good buddy of ex-South Miami Mayor Horace Feliu, a member of the infamous power broker's club, another jackass who was exposed prior to election time. Watch out Gene, your time is fast approaching.

Anonymous said...

What happened on SW 144? What kind of deal was made?

And talking about "deals", there are at least two other candidates in this race attempting to "make deals" all the time for either funds or endorsements.

Geniusofdespair said...

Stop already. Who cares about jobs and deals...just focus on substance.

Anonymous said...

That's right!

Let's forget about these "trivial" non-significant political deals - otherwise, people may find out what Annette Taddeo and Marin actually promised the Unions in exchange for their endorsement.

"substance" - that's what is important!

truth said...

Why does Taddeo have something against economic prosperity and job creation?

I am concerned on how Taddeo is quickly becoming the UNION candidate. Not good for Government, especially in Miami Dade County/Jackson, etc...

Anonymous said...

OH my - in summation:

Rabbi Marbolstein - wacky but hilarious and very fun to watch

Piedra - scary as shit, developer's dream

Bell - endorsed by Seijas (need not say more)

Taddeo - beautiful, rich, smart and clueless

Harem-Alvarez - nice, nice guy, short on experience

Flinn - nice, nice guy, mayor for Palmetto Bay for 8 years and still respected by most there ... says a lot.

For me, Harem-Alvarez is a tomorrow candidate and Flinn is a today candidate. I like them both, but I have to go with the more experienced one.