Thursday, July 15, 2010

Governor Bobby Jindal's Stupid Idea. By Geniusofdespair

Against the advice of environmental experts, offshore oil drilling proponent, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal had an idea to protect the shoreline: to create artificial islands. Lots of cost was involved with little results according to Discovery News. They said:

Two months ago, against the advice of many coastal scientists, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal began furiously campaigning for the construction of six artificial islands to hold back the advancing oil. The federal government quickly granted Jindal his wish, and construction on the islands has been continuing apace.

But images taken of one construction site near the northern edge of the Chandeleur islands appear to show the sea washing away a giant sand berm over the course of about two weeks.

The first image, at top, was taken on June 25. The second, below, was taken July 7. Can't this guy Jindal get anything right?


Anonymous said...

Evidently we are no better at "island building" than "nation building." Such a waste.

Cato said...

Obama/ Jindal 2012
At least things can't get worse (Campaign Slogan)

Anonymous said...

Damned government bureaucrats getting in the way of Governor Kenneth the Page's plan to block the oil by piling bulldozers in the channel.

And he was cheering for the activist judges that blocked the "time out" for deep water oil exploration (not production) platforms saying they needed the jobs. Jobs driving heavy equipment into the sea? Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

clearly a boondoggle. i'm assuming jindal's friends/campaign contributors have the contract to do this job. i have no evidence to support this claim, but history is on my side.