Saturday, June 12, 2010

World Cup 2010 ... sounding off, ban the vuvuzelas... by gimleteye

Wading into the stream ... the vuvuzelas were great on Day 1. Go, South Africa! By mid-week, the world audience of billions will be asking law enforcement to seize the damn horns at the gate. Please! On the other hand, hitting the mute button might be the better alternative to listening to ESPN. Thanks for the HI DEF. Bad on you, for the commentators! Why does American television, when it broadcasts football, always require its commentators to treat viewers like they've never seen the game before? It is bad as tennis! Just call the game, dumbos. Don't pretend to be insightful like commentators of the other football, where interminable pauses and starts in the game require the endless filling of space and time with news and statistics of import to no one except family and friends of Dan Marino? Enough. Day 1 reminds us how boring and badly national teams can play in the first stage of the World Cup. I'm expecting more from Team USA this afternoon, because our guys have trained hard as a team for years. The stars and their wages are all on England. Stay tuned with your internet on, and your sound off. On Google this morning, "World Cup" search turns up 166,000,000 available hits. UK Guardian is one of the best for generalists. And to swim deeper into the technical aspects of the sport, you can't beat my new favorite football website: Zonalmarking


Anonymous said...

I don't even bother with ESPN. Univision is much more fun.

Anonymous said...

waka, waka...