Saturday, June 12, 2010

Football multimillionaires tie USA: England 1- USA 1 ... by gimleteye

I wanted to write "spoiled" multimillionaires, but let's give John Terry and the rest of the England squad the benefit of the doubt. That said, England did play its opening match like the British pound was at par with the dollar. That's not all bad for us. But Emil Heskey, really? The best player England can find to match up with Wayne Rooney at the front is a forward 10 years past his prime? The draw was a fair result. The England goalkeeper redeemed himself in the second half from a disastrous error in the first. The Yanks earned respect with their squad of unknowns and European spare parts against a British team loaded with rich, coddled stars. The discipline and teamwork that US coach Bob Bradley instilled in his squad showed through and even surprised with quality football, at times. To strength and skill, the US team now exhibits moments of inspiration. Go, Yanks! England played just OK, with Ledley King making an early exit and gangling Peter Crouch a late entrance. But once Crouch stepped onto the pitch with 20 minutes to play, England then began to play as though the only idea in its head was to put the ball on Crouch's skull. Against the physical and tall American defense, it didn't work more than a farthing's worth. It would be a shame if England can't find a way to mobilize. Fabio Capella, the England coach, has to find someone to play with Rooney. I mean, how difficult can it be? My kingdom for a horse! Rooney is one of the best players in the world. I say, move Stevie Gerrard all the way up. Give him the assignment. I have always been a Sean Wright Philips fan. He can cause defenses to falter, but he's not strong enough to do the job for Rooney. By the same token, Wright Philips did a better job than Aaron Lennon who played below his talent-- as he is want to do in the Premier League. What is wrong with football in England? The malaise spreads. Maybe the answer to England's problems is to switch coaches with the US. We'll take BP and Fabio. You can have Bob Bradley.


Anonymous said...



Gimleteye said...

For free, just this one!