Saturday, May 08, 2010

Some In-Fighting at the County Commission. By Geniusofdespair

If you don't see video here is the link.

You can see Vile Natacha Seijas walk off after Commissioner Souto calls her and Audrey Edmonson out for talking while he is talking.

In the video it is obvious that Natacha is leaning over talking when he calls her out on it, she gets up and storms off the dais saying something we can't hear but the Chair is not comfortable with what she said. Natacha returns saying something that sounded like that he didn't deserve respect/to be listened to, and Souto says back to her "you don't deserve it either."

Close call on who deserves to be listened or respected out of these two. You will remember I have pointed out that Natacha and Audrey are often chattering loudly while Katy Sorenson speaks. Souto is such a bady though, listen to him, like a kid tattling on his brother.


Anonymous said...

This video is amazing but if you didn't interpret it, I would have missed it's signicance.

Anonymous said...

Shows how disrespectful they are to one another. You should also get a video when commissioners insult and belittle the citizens that attend their public hearings. And they expect us to give them a pay raise. Keep dreaming, unless they resort to absentee ballots from aliens in outer space.

Geniusofdespair said...

I did have a video as you suggested last weekend of comish Souto being disrespectful to a speaker.

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if Souto and Natacha need a little trip to the un-employment line. Now you see why nothing gets done? Throw them all out but Katy and lets start over again!

youbetcha' said...

Unfortunately, Katy is taking her toys and going home. She is tired of the sand box they share.

Anonymous said...

now the video clip doesn't work!

Geniusofdespair said...

Get a new computer.