Friday, May 07, 2010

Help Amendment 4, Florida Hometown Democracy ... by gimleteye

Every dollar you donate becomes $2 for Amendment 4, and FHD needs your HELP NOW to win in the fall. Donate now, and help FHD take up the opportunity of an anonymous donor's matching challenge! (click, read more)

Here's the story on Amendment 4's new Matching Funds Campaign:

"Your donation will doubly protect your investment in your home (that is, your property values), as well as the quality of life you and your family enjoy here in Florida.

Don't let us miss out on this generous matching offer: if you donate now, your contribution is magically doubled! You’ll have twice the impact on this, the most important issue in this fall’s election. And we must have your financial help to put Amendment 4 over the top with the 60% “Yes” vote required to pass.

Send as much as you can today -- or just as soon as you possibly can. Here’s how:

-- Mail a check to “Florida Hometown Democracy, Inc.” PO Box 636, New Smyrna Beach, FL, or

-- Use your credit card online at

And remember this: our big-pockets opposition -- frantic to preserve their gravy train (paid for by you) -- is raising a $15 million war-chest to kill Amendment 4. Don't let Amendment 4 fail! Do your part. The benefits you'll enjoy will be tremendous. . . and lasting!

Your contribution (times 2) will determine how effective we can be at getting out correct information on Amendment 4 to Florida's 6-8 million voters.

Donate today, as much as you can! On November 3rd you'll be glad you did!
*** Vote Yes on Amendment 4 in November 2010
"The Hometown You Save Will Be Your Own !"
Get the facts and donate at ***"


Anonymous said...

NO!!! to Ammendment 4 this is not good for the people

Geniusofdespair said...


Anonymous said...

Anomymous campaign contributions are illegal in Florida. Is this the kind of campaign FHD is running? An Illegal one? I don't have a position on Amendment 4 yet, still learning. I could not support a proposition that was taking illegal contributions.