Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Porn surfing Florida state senator Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton ... by gimleteye

Florida state senator Michael Bennett was caught surfing what looked to be soft porn from his state-issued computer in the Senate Chamber last week. Although the images went viral on the internet in short order, the media attention missed what the Republican from Bradenton is best known for.


For years, Sen. Bennett lead the charge of Florida developers to weaken state regulations governing growth management, a state whose current economic crises are largely the result of too much development in the wrong places.. Taxpayers incensed by the costs of growth might consider what Sen. Bennett promotes is a more appropriately pornography than the Girlz Gone Wild stuff in Senate Chambers.

In the 2009 session of the Florida legislature, Senator Bennett pushed the worst legislation of the year; Senate Bill 360, or, "The Growth Anywhere Act". The Miami Herald wrote, "Floridians, living amid the rubble of a real estate collapse, hardly noticed SB 360 as it was slipped through the Legislature. Who was paying any attention to growth issues? Housing prices were down 31 percent from a year ago." County Commissioner Katy Sorenson said... : ''No doubt about it, the recession gave them cover to pass this bill. Calling SB 360 a "growth-management bill, was a downright Orwellian touch." Or, porn:

After Bennett's masterstroke for sprawl was signed into law by Gov. Charlie Crist, he engaged in acrimonious verbal sparring with the state cabinet official charged with growth concerns, Florida DCA Secretary Tom Pelham. In unusual language belying the highly charged debate, Pelham suggested Bennett was misrepresenting the intent of the law to the public.

In the recently concluded session of the Florida legislature, the internet surfing state senator again lead the charge to eviscerate growth management in Florida, attempting for a while to pass legislation that would have killed off the state agency as an independent authority. On April 22, the Palm Beach Post wrote, "Also making a late appearance is the annual attempt by Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, to do a favor for Palm Beach County citrus grower Callery-Judge Groves. This year's attempt, in HB 7099, is designed to exempt the 4,000-acre grove's development proposal from meeting state rules for building roads to meet traffic demand. Sen. Bennett hoped to make the same bill palatable by adding language to reauthorize the Department of Community Affairs. House leaders have been content to leave the state growth-management agency in limbo until next year, when the DCA could be dismantled without worrying about retribution from voters."

Having done his work for the session, Sen. Bennett apparently started surfing the web without being aware of the press corps behind him. So incensed was the Bradenton Republican for being caught at his little mouse clicks that he sent a blistering message to the Sunshine State reporter: "I will do everything in my power, everything -- I don't know what that is exactly -- but I will do everything I can to make sure your days at the Capitol and reporting are over." The reporter wrote on the Sunshine State blog, "I'd like to remind readers that Sen. Mike Bennett was viewing the image on the Senate floor during session -- while I was in the standard place for reporters during session, which is one floor above in the reporters' gallery."

Several hundred miles removed, I tried a google search to duplicate the images Sen. Bennett was looking at: topless girls and a wet dog. At Youtube, I searched Girls Gone Wild Bradenton and Girl Dog. Although my limited imagination didn't turn up evidence of the senator's keystroke command, I did enjoy surfing and found a video he could use for his theme for Congress:


Anonymous said...

let's talk about something important ... Let's talk about something good this man did, he spoke against and voted against forcing women who are seeking an abortion to view an ultra sound and have it explained to them in detail. Now, you're saying that can't be, they could refuse... yes so if they decline, they are required to fill out government required forms indicating such.

Now, I'm no throwback to the burning bra 60s but this is too much government between my legs... Senator Bennett vehemently spoke against this and voted against it.

That means more to me than some stupid blip of women in bikinis.

Geniusofdespair said...

Read the rest of the post, hit READ MORE...we didn't base this on the video.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's time to get religion and demand that Bennett be thrown out of office. Evidently conservatives do not corner the market in morality. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1 you are so correct. It has always bothered me that some people in government felt it was in their purview to control my sexual and reproductive machinery, while all along I thought it belonged to me! He can look at the internet all he wants as long as he leaves my vagina, ovaries and fallopian tubes alone!

Anonymous said...

He's probably another Bob Allen clone...........

Anonymous said...

Typical southern conservative!