Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Oil Spill and That Damn Food Chain. By Geniusofdespair

Bad enough that our South Florida beaches might be fouled, our wildlife killed and our habitat destroyed if the spill finds its way into the Gulf Stream, there is another danger that I forgot about. It was mentioned in Daniel Roth-Shoer's column today in the shitty Miami Herald: Poisoning from that pesky food chain. He says:

"...Let's talk about the fish or shrimp that we are going to eat for dinner. Petroleum compounds such as hydrocarbons and heavy metals dissolve in the sea and adhere to sediment, seriously affecting the food chain. In other words, microorganisms and microflora incorporate metals within their cells. Then the small fish feed on the metals. Predators, of course, will exhibit higher concentration levels than their prey. At the end of the food chain, it will be we humans who ingest this accumulation of contaminants. Bon appétit!"

Thanks for nothing Daniel.


Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is your pick to represent 'people'?

Anonymous said...

Putting Sarah Palin next to mammals with much higher intelligance is an insult to whales and dolphins.

South Florida Lawyers said...

Anyone remember when they used to have sewage pipes that ran directly from the motels along Sunny Isles Beach right into the ocean?

Everything comes back into fashion eventually.