Saturday, May 29, 2010

The oily tide of Florida special interests tries to roll in ... by gimleteye

Gov. Charlie Crist vetoed SB 1565! The bill got some media play but not much. We wrote about this disaster, here and appealed for a veto by Governor Crist. Every year, the GOP led Florida legislature lobs some legal hand grenade at the public interest. It's a kind of Wade Hopping-like diversionary tactic that soaks up a ton of civic energy in outpouring and anger, and usually ends up frittering away time and energy while other horribles make it through. The legislature has made the best case for redistricting reform, "Fair Elections", and Florida Hometown Democracy. Here's Charlie Crist's veto letter, and, here's a Broward County fundraiser AGAINST Florida Hometown Democracy: a blue chip oil slick. 'Nuff said.

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