Sunday, December 06, 2009

Which Billion Dollar Con Artist is Worse: Rothstein or Stanford? By Geniusofdespair

I think Scott Rothstein is worse than Allen Stanford because Rothstein put money into politics in Florida and that money helped shape our State. Political influence was not a big piece of what Stanford was doing, I couldn't find anything on him in Open Secrets. So Rothstein's taint went into other areas that I happen to care about, thus, I vote for him as scum supreme. Both men are featured in today's Miami Herald.


Anonymous said...

Agree. Rothstein without a doubt. I am amused by all the politicians scrambling to return campaign donations.

Anonymous said...

Sanford was able to exclude his operations from any federal oversight. This allowed more damage to investors. He had to manipulate the political process to pull off his schemes.

Unknown said...

I don't know who to vote for, but I'm certainly learning a great deal reading these posts! Ah, Rothstein seems the logical choice here.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t the law firm (Greenberg Traurig) and accounting firm that helped Stanford establish corporations and provide audits in Miami and in the islands also be investigated and held responcible if they aided and abetted this criminal ponzi swindle?

Anonymous said...

The media reports that Stanford was only able to steal so much money because he hired attorneys at Greenberg Traurig. The media reports that Greenberg attorneys kept regulators away from Stanford.

Scott Rothstien was an attorney and he used his own law firm to steal people's money.

Where was the SEC? The FDIC? The Florida Bar Association? Who is investigating these con men?

Mr. Freer said...

But the whole Rothstein scandal might help bring us Marco Rubio because of all those pictures with Charlie Crist.

Does Rubio have any chance?

Anonymous said...

Biggest swindlers?

Carlos Alvarez, Manny Diaz, David Samson and Loria. They all conned $3 bil from Miami-Dade taxpayers.