Wednesday, December 09, 2009

What is Rodney Barreto Up To This December? By Geniusofdespair

Keeping tabs on lobbyist Rodney is a good filler for this blog. The Miami Herald reported yesterday that he is paving the way for getting public funds for Land Shark Stadium:

But, for the changes the NFL wants in Land Shark Stadium before putting more Super Bowls in it, there could be some crying for public funds. On Monday at the South Florida Super Bowl Kickoff Luncheon, South Florida Super Bowl Host Committee chairman Rodney Barreto certainly didn't rule it out when discussing stadium improvements the NFL has requested.

Rodney: Keep your hands off our dough! Joe Robbie paid, even that cheap SOB Wayne Huizenga paid. So let majority owner Ross raise the money for improvements. After all, they get the profits. Read our lips: No more tax dollars to stadiums.


Anonymous said...

You're being too kind to Wayne Huizenga. In 1993, the State of Florida gave $60 million of our money to former Florida Marlins owner Wayne Huizenga to renovate his stadium for baseball. Payments were to made at the rate of $2 million per year for 30 years. In 2005, the New Times reported that he'd be picking up that $2 million a year until 2023. I wonder who's getting the checks now and what renovations have been funded.

David said...

It my understanding that Huizinga spent 250 million for stadium renovations while he was owner.

The NFL is looking for new lower bowl seats (haven't been replaced since the stadium was built) and new stadium lighting that better supports HD broadcasts.

I heard on a sports talk show this week that Miami hosts the Superbowl, on average,once every 4.5 years and the game brings approximately a quarter billion dollars to the community. As one small business owner put it, makes 3 months income in one week when the game is here. With the Pro Bowl coming with the Superbowl now, that figure can only increase.

All this to say the game is very important to the local business community of the tri-county area; and I'm sure there is spillover to Monroe County as well.

While I'm not an advocate for public financing of stadium upgrades, if that is going to happen, I believe Miami-Dade should not shoulder the entire burden. It should be spread proportionally in the counties whose businesses benefit from the revenue.

out of sight said...

Sorry, the piggy bank is all tapped out. Rodney, don't go there.

Mr. Freer said...

Public funds for another stadium. We are living in "Idiocracy."

Anonymous said...

Rodney Barreto and other blood sucking scammers ruin our economy. They influence weak elected officials to take taxpayer money from public coffers and give it to rich millionaires.