Tuesday, December 08, 2009

What is the County doing with $230 Million in Stimulus Money?

According to Miami Today Miami Dade County got $230 million dollars to create jobs. So far, 49 jobs have been created and 38 of them were through contractors: That is $4.7 million per job. This has to be a Believe it or Not classification in our index. The paper says that Florida has received $402 million, of $6.78 Billion awarded, as of Oct. 30th. County Manager Burgess says about Miami-Dade job creation:

"Eventually, the jobs impact in Miami-Dade will include increases in hours, shifts from part-time to full-time employment, temporary positions for young people, and increases in wages."

I don't think that is what they had in mind, didn't they want job creation? Is that why the Mayor's Top Aide Dennis Morales has two jobs? Are we trying to increase his $206,783 wages without touching the stimulus money?


All for the Recall said...

You mean $206,783 - that is how much Morales is paid.

Geniusofdespair said...

will correct the post...

Anonymous said...

Morales is a waste of human skin. Doesn't Alvarez have any clue the damage Morales has done to Alvarez' credability? Morales is universally disliked.

Anonymous said...

Morales has done a great job. He deserves whatever pay he can negotiate. People are just looking to discredit anyone making an excellent living. Don't be so jealous, get a better paying job and stop bitching.

Geniusofdespair said...

Last Anon, you must be married to him or his mother.

Anonymous said...

Back to the stimulus jobs, I have been wondering what happened to them. Obama is going to have to crack the whip or none of the money and the jobs will go to those it was intented to help. I still want to know does anyone know anyone with a stimulus job? In your family, neighborhood, church, or social circles? Where are the stimulus construction projects? If the money is just given to local governments who make it disappear, with no jobs to show, no construction projects finished, then the whole stimulus effort was a fraud on the American people. The dismal economy was just used to squeeze more money from the tax payers to give back to the haves.

So press, we need a listing of the projects, and the names, faces, and testimonies of the unemployed people who are now employed.

Anonymous said...

Where is the measuring stick for accountability with stimulus funds? Is a little results-oriented governing too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

They are using a dip stick method. It is like the oil level, just throw people in a pot and count em.

Anonymous said...

I think alot of the money is being used to underwrite Florida's 11% unemployment benefits. I think now you can get extended benefits for almost two years. A lifeline in shark infested waters perhaps.

sparky said...

Has everyone seen this?

Part of my endless push for people to start relying on ProPublica and the like rather than waiting for the Herald...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this site. But the fight for stimulus money was very public fought over mainline media, with groups and organizations and individual citizens bending elbows to get the vote. So it seems to me, the disposition of this money, and the results should likewise be carried in mainline media, with groups and organizations and with indivdual citizens. Why hide now?

Anonymous said...

We are building traffic circles.I wonder how traffic circles hinder the performance of emergency vehicles ,since they have to carry patients and have to travel faster and are much larger than normal passenger cars.