Monday, December 07, 2009

To Get County Housing Bucks You Need to live in Opa Locka. By Youbetcha'

1.2 million dollars available for rehabbing must be an election year. They are offering up to 30k a household. How great is that?

My house certainly could stand to have its leaky roof fixed, the cracked, falling off stucco put back on its exterior, not to mention, a fresh paint job. Of course, there is stuff needed to be accomplished on the inside of the house as well, like repairing the damage to the ceilings caused by the leaking roof and re-doing floor tiles which are popping up off the kitchen floor. Oh no! Apparently, my house is located in the wrong city at the wrong end of the county. Hey, where’s my commissioner? Damn, so much for my government stimulus dollars at work!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Is this the son who is the paid lobbyist for the Latin Builders Association? If so, not to worry, Sergio Pino will work his magic and make the problem disappear.

Anonymous said...

no no he's the contractor same thing though all part of the LBA lol

Geniusofdespair said...

Carlos' son...not as interesting as if it were one of the unreformables' demon spawns.

CATO said...

Bar fight ni bigge guys, I'm no CG fan but you can't hold him responsible for his 30 year old "kid"
On the Housing front, government giving out (taxpayer) money for people to repair "privatly" owned homes, where they get that idea from Das Kapital?

Anonymous said...

I want to know how they are going to watchdog these dollars, do the homeowners just get a check? are we playing a contractor directly? Attention Herald..get a head start on this one, there could be a pulitzer in it for you.

youbetcha' said...

Just for the record: this was not even an article/story in the Herald. This is from the legal notices section of the paper. Which is the reason we need to watch that section of the paper. Things pop up there that you don't see elsewhere. And of course, when they do pop up there, it is always a part of making something come into compliance that has already been considered a done deal if it can slip through legal notices without comment.

Anonymous said...

What's all the complaining about? I called Pepe and he paid for my 'New Driveway'. If you can't beat'em - join'em. Hahaha!!!