Tuesday, December 08, 2009

City of Miami Police Chief Exposito: Ugh! By Geniusofdespair

It is looking very bad at the City of Miami Police Department with Miguel Exposito at the helm. Do I smell Cronyism with a capital "C"? And, worse, look at this quote from the Miami Herald article by Daniel Shoer Roth:

"All city employees, with few exceptions, supported Regalado. It would be virtually impossible for me to nominate someone who didn't back Regalado," said ExpĆ³sito...

You have to support Regalado to get promoted? Better: How about not asking a candidate for promotion who they supported. Wow, this goes in our "Believe it or Not" index too (also see story about the stimulus today). Two stories in one day go to that index, can you believe it? I know what the Chief was TRYING to say: That since most officers in the City supported Regalado, he had little else to choose from (aside: except for the officers demoted) but it sure didn't come out right.


Anonymous said...

Do you just want a staff of yes men, or competant professionals who will do the work ethically?

South Florida Lawyers said...

I'm more worried that he would think it's ok to just say this to a reporter.

Anonymous said...

From the article is sounded like he demoted competent people he did not feel close enough too. Sucks.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised by this? I mean really!

Geniusofdespair said...

You know what reader, I am. I am shocked.

G-LAS said...

Why would you be shocked?

Regalado has a long history of this.

Everyone was so blinded by their hatred for "Money Diaz" that they failed to see the cure was worse that the disease.

Now, deal with it!

Anonymous said...

LOL, lol - 20% voter turnout, what a disgrace. This is what you get for not paying attention and voting according to the herald andorcement. LOL, lol.
Now deal with it. lmao

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the endorsement of Eye, the Grapevine, Miami Neighborhoods United, the Roads Neighborhood Association, ALL the City unions, Elvis Cruz, Grace Solares, Harry Emilio Gotlieb, all of them...

Now you are shocked by Regalado's cronyism.


Anonymous said...

Hello, EEOC, yes I would like to report discriminatory policies within the City of Miami PD.
Problem solved.

Chief Expo said...

Hello Mr. Anonymous:

We have tracked your complaint to the EEOC about the Miami PD hiring practices.

Allow us to enter your home where we will explain out hiring while we taser you and and attack your head with a police baton.

You are also under arrest for (charges to come later).

Enjoy your stay at TGK!


City of Miami Police

remembermiamiwhen said...

It is sad that some great, experienced police officers were unceremoniously demoted with no explanation but they weren't supporters of the Mayor. Police are not supposed to be political appointees. What is worse is that the Herald is still biting its tongue - possibly because they, too, were Regalado supporters.
What can this mean for our city? I want to do something and I don't know what.

Anonymous said...

But didnt pretty much everyone in the police force back Regalado? The ones that didnt probably backed Timoney and wouldnt agree with the new Chief (like how Frank Fernandez resigned)
I dunno I guess I am just looking at it through a different pairs of glasses.

Anonymous said...

What are people skawking about? His pint is thatyou can't swig a dead cat at the city without hitting a Regaldo supporter so anyone he puts forward undoubtedly would be such an individual so when he promotes someone forthe right reasons, he's getting smacked for a bogus inference. i'm not really into city politics but this is a stupid controversy.

Anonymous said...

this why they can get away with hiring the Mayor's driver and relative and no one cares

keep paying taxes and keep your mouths shut

Gifted said...

The Regalado haters are trying to grasp and hold onto anything that sprouts.
Just for the "Ah-HA!"
Do yourselves a favor, only speak against when there is a real folly. If not you are just the boy who cried wolf (or an ultra-conservative bent against Obama)

Take it for what is....the guy is not a good speaker.

Anonymous said...

Regalado haters? What about the Regalado apologists?

Keep making excuses for the guy...

Anonymous said...

I worry about, Steve Marin and Armando Guttierez both having too much power in the city of Miami. That scares me more than this.

We will soon have Willy Gort. What a community, it just steps backwards and when you step backwards, you might just step in shit.

Anonymous said...

This is what all the "community activists" wanted, now they are crying.

Regalado is off holding press conferences and window dressing while Gutierrez and Marin have all the power.

Welcome to Miami, shut up, and have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Regalado went against Jorge Perez and everyone in the boom and the money was coming in. What makes you think he is in the pocket of everyone else now?

Anonymous said...

Regalado went "against" Jorge Perez because he would not hire Armando Gutierrez. Same thing with the Marlins. Don't be naive people!

Geniusofdespair said...

This post isn't about Regalado. It is about the Police Chief and his wholesale demotions. Focus! What do you think of the what the Chief is doing?

Patroclus said...

Regalado had Timoney fired and hand picked Exposito.

Next, Exposito is promoting based not on police experience but on support for Regalado, including Regalado's driver/relative to second in command.

Police and politics should not mix.

How on earth is this NOT about Regalado?

Anonymous said...

Regalado never had a driver nor is he related to Regalado.

He took the last week of the campaign to drive Regalado.

Before that Regalado was the only Commissioner to never have a sargent of arms.

Anonymous said...

Keep making excuses...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of excuses, where is Gottlieb?

Geniusofdespair said...

Patroclus - the writers were not making the connection you did. They were just re-griping the same old I have heard a hundred times --without addressing how this has infected the police department. Anyone 'Timoney' at the department (who didn't support Regalado I suppose) is apparently demoted or gone...not based on good police work.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where Harry Gottlieb is, but if he was here he would say it is the fault of Mayor Diaz and the Marlins Stadium and the Miami Stadium not being rebuilt in a timely fashion!

Spirit of Gottlieb said...

Home Depot NO
Marlins NO
Mercy NO
Coconut Grove Village Council NO
Crony Police Chief YES
Deputy Police Chief Nephew YES
Ethics Contract to Crony Pollster Dario Moreno YES
Blame Money Diaz YES

Hector B. said...

Halloween's over, chief. You can take off that fake mustache.

Anonymous said...


The bug is hidden under the mustache...

"We love Mayor Regalado, Chief, we have supported him all along...!"

Anonymous said...

EXPO Cop spent time at the mike bragging about each of his promotees that were from Cuba during the presentation last week.

Anonymous said...

Exposito = Regalado. It's one and the same, wake up!
And when the chief talks about everyone backed Regalado, that is a bunch of b.s. Perhaps he is talking about the police force, but not all city employees (oh well, maybe just the ones who are friends with Elvis Cruz), but that is certainly NOT a FACT and rather the opposite. We will keep going backwards in this city for a long time. Hope everyone is happy with the choice they've made. I am lucky I can lay my head down tonight and know I was not fooled by Regalado, but unfortunately everyone else was. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Timoney And Fernandez now are being missed according to bloggers on leoaffairs.com It looks like the new faces at mpd and city are stepping on many toes and have demoted really qualified men. Well it will all come out soon wait and see the word around is the worst is yet to come, so you all wanted changed now you got it.

Anonymous said...

All we wanted was change at MPD well we sure got it we would have been better off with jt and FF,
most of the unfair demotions have affected alot of families, and most of the promotions out of the 20 16 were hispanic and yet the highest ranking african american gets demoted force to retire and in his place (A FAVOR) was promoted.

Anonymous said...

Deputy Chief Cabrera (second in command) was promoted from Lieutenant in personnel to Deputy Chief.

Qualifications? Driver and related to Regalado.

Nuff said!

Anonymous said...

You guys do know that Frank Fernandez was Manny Diaz' nephew right?

Anonymous said...

Time for Gov. Crist to step in and clean up this filthy city.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you guys for making fun of Harry. At least he has the guts to write in his name.

Juan Martinez said...

I agree! It takes a lot of guts to suck up to a politician that promises the world and then to hide when the politician turns out to be a lying crook (as so many of us predicted).

Anonymous said...

NOT ONLY do we have to deal with crime from criminals but elected officals, Miami is a made for tv movie, another embarassment to the world and this is suppose to be the majic city realllllly, it is full of clowns, We as residents and taxpayers need to congregate and make our voices heard thru a special hearing or the media. It has to stop sometime everyone of these men and women are constantly lining their pockets, while we all struggle to pay our mortgage and high taxes and gas to go to the voting polls to vote for someone who is suppose to help us.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with the last blogger, this has to stop and we can make that difference.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happened under Manny Diaz and keeps happening under Regalado. There is nothing new here. On either side.

Anonymous said...

Esposito look like one donut away from a heart attack.

Good question? Why are so many policemen fat and out-of-shape?

Anonymous said...

I am supporting Dr. Robert Malone, Jr. for City Commission District 5. He is a resident as well as a thoughtful and honest individual who is not a carpetbagger. He believes in Leadership With Integrity!
Being a college adminstrator, he is not a poverty pimp with no other agenda, but to improve the qulaity of life in District 5 and keep the City of Miami functioning in a clear and tranparent path, which makes it a desirable place to live and work!

Anonymous said...

Well it seems that the mayor of Miami is now blaming the police chief to distance himself from the mess he started of not consulting the right authorities before starting the media circus.

What goes around comes around!!!!