"The still photographers don't come anymore because there's nothing there anymore."
That is right Jimbo. The city hasn't done anything YET. So the demise of the colorful Bahama shacks that attracted photo shoots falls clearly on your crew out there. The city didn't let the shacks topple over nor did they fade the bright paint. You would be making money if you had maintained the funky ambiance that has morphed into squalor.
They should hold AA meetings at Jimbos. The Alcoholics living there have taken over and they trashed the place even more than it had been.
Maybe some out of work architects could volunteer their time to reassemble the colorful shacks and retain the photo shoot quality of the place.
Will the new owner of the Bayside Hut benefit if Jimbo
s is shut down?
no. the clientele is totally different.
Jimbos is a dump. The site is covered in trash and graffiti. Jimbos is completely disrespectful to beautiful Virginia Key.
Why should Jimbo, whose namesake lives in N. Miami, and his clownlike son get to operate seemingly without any oversight? Typical lack of oversight by the City of Miami.
Throw the bums out!
Like Jimbo's, thus, the Florid Keys . . . gone.
Hunter Thompson took the honorable move . .. .
"Why should Jimbo, whose namesake lives in N. Miami, and his clownlike son get to operate seemingly without any oversight? "
Know the history, they made a deal with him after moving him from MUCH better land.
My wife and I visited the place after hearing so many colorful stories from friends. I appreciate the Idea that Jimbo's may have been, but from what I saw that day a few weeks back reminded me more of the city dump that we would see as kids looking for beer cans to collect.
I can appreciate the history there, but as far as I could see (and I went looking to experience something that would allow me to appreciate the simple humanity of the place) it was really just a trash heap waiting to be blown out by the next big storm. I do wish I could have seen it as it was even three years ago. But that ship has sailed.
I support the non-commercial restoration of the key and the stadium, but this is no longer an "icon" to save. It's demise appears more self inflicted than a concerted effort by the city which has really of late, until this cleanup, been more of an enabler than opponent of the place.
Who is the new owner of the Bayside Hut?
Interestingly, the comments to the Miami Herald article are mostly pro-Jimbo's and against the City of Miami. Regardless of the city's new found interest in code enforcement at Jimbo's, I don't think the City of Miami has any credibility in this issue or on Virginia Key - considering they ran a polluting dump there for decades and never cleaned it up and they allowed the Miami Marine Stadium to be destroyed by vandals and they use the Key as a dumping ground for dredging and other assorted trash heaps. Maybe under the new administration, the city can regain the people's trust that it is truly acting in the public interest.
It is accurate that the City of Miami and its Public Facilities Department are horrible at protecting and maintaining the assets of the taxpayers. Someone should investigate. If someone was watching those employees, and whoever supervises them, they would get an "F" grade.
Jimbos is a dump and the City of Miami allowed it to happen.
Supporting Jimbos is celebrating alchololism. When they return the $5 entrance fee on the way out they should also offer a breathalizer test.
Letting things slide into decrepitude is a long-held tradition in our area.
Usually it is a great way to get people mobilized to push for something "different"
That's how Crandon got a tennis stadium. The argument was "do you want a dump or a tennis stadium"?
If you want to push for hotels and mega yachts doesn't it make sense to let the Marine Stadum rot? Nobody would want to save it if it became an eyesore.
Became an eyesore? It is an eyesore.
Plenty of misinformation to go around...
First, Jimbo does not own the place, the shacks or anything there except his bait shack. The city allowed a film crew to build the shacks and leave them there. Jimbo has neither the ability nor the obligation nor the resources to keep the old film set facades in good shape. It was built to last a month back in 1980. As they began to lean, look old and rot a bit, photographers flocked to shoot in front of them. From time to time, new production companies put money in the shacks (with city permits) to dress them up again for their own purposes.
Jimbo's is not a dump. There are two kinds of people in this world. The ones who see Jimbo's place and run away, and the ones who see Jimbo's place and say, wow, how can a place like this still exist in this day and age in Miami?
Yes, some people see it as a dump and proceed to add dumped materials to the landscape which becomes a problem for Jimbo and his team of helpers.
By comparison, do you think a guy who runs a snack shop at a city park has an obligation to keep the park clean? Of course not.
Jimbo's obligation is to sell shrimp bait, beer and smoked fish. If the city has been remiss in maintaining THEIR property to their own standards, don't be pointing fingers at Jimbo.
The crew from Burn Notice tv show recently offered to bring in their team to rebuild the shacks for shooting. The city REFUSED them a permit, preferring that Jimbo's NOT be fixed up nice and not be kept in good shape.
Suddenly... the city wants the place cleaned up. SO, invite the production companies to come back and rebuild the shacks and give the place that old island village charm it long enjoyed.
Don't be passing judgment on Jimbo. He's done a great job protecting this natural place from developers for many years, hosting celebrities and lots of important people and assisting the film and television and photo companies to make good images.
What is it about Jimbo's customers that make them want to cover trees and every vacant service with graffiti. What makes Jimbo's customers leave their trash and debris? Please do not tell us Jimbo's is not responsible. Since Jimbo's is such a dump why doesn't the landlord act and evict him?
Thank you Great Gables for standing up for Jimbo's and setting the record straight. There's always a backstory when it comes to the City of Miami and Virginia Key.
What is it about anti-Jimbo's customers that make them so mean?
What is about Jimbo's customers that make them so blind to another point of view? Besides, it is not Jimbo's anymore it is Bubba's.
Jimbo's is quite a character and he made the place unique. With him gone, the place is not the same.
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