I have been hearing rumblings about Senate candidate Crist becoming a Democrat. That would save me the trouble of registering as a Republican which was my plan in an effort to stymie that scary Rubio from winning the primary. We all know that the radicals vote in primaries. I don't think there is a Democrat running that could beat either Crist or Rubio, thus, I would much prefer Crist as my Senator.
I think Crist switching parties, rather than me, would be an even better idea -
Andrew Sullivan in the Atlantic on Crist:
As a Democrat... switching parties and making an earnest transition on the issues would be the cleanest path to a Senate seat. It's clear that he's no longer welcome in his own party.
I agree,Meek cannot beat Rubio or Crist. Better Crist than Rubio.
Imagine Meek getting up and announcing that he is not African-American and that African-Americans should not marry or have children. Imagine Meek marrying a White girl (make that a very wealthy white girl) in an effort to conceal his "blackness". Well, that's what Crist has done to try and hide his sexual persuasion. If Crist cannot even stand up for his own rights as a human being, he will never stand up for yours.
And, if Crist was a Democrat today on the Senate Floor, how would our basic right to affordable healthcare bill be looking? Do you think he would be representing you? He can't even represent himself! He's a liar. Forgedaboudid. We don't want our next senator to get caught in an airport bathroom knocking on the stall wall.
Is it really so bad that we would rather have a closeted puppet representing us in the Senate? Meek will win my default.
Everyone needs to watch "Outrage" on HBO. "Closeted Chuckie Crist" (hearafter referred to as "CCC" or "C-Cubed"} is not what we need in the Senate. Be a man, CCC. Grow a pair and admit your sexuality. Be honest and fight for your rights. Sure, you'll lose the election, but you're not going to win anyway.
You really want crist to be a democrat...a homosexual Republican?
Crist has been a weak uninvolved elected official. Crist hates to make decisons. Meek is a dummy. If Meek's mother had not put him in Congress he would still be working full-time as a security guard for Wakenhut.
So where is Maurice Ferre in this discussion?
Where do you think he should be, last commenter? He can't seem to get traction in my view -- I hope he finds his footing.
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