Friday, September 11, 2009

Confessions of a Man Who Ran. Guest Blog By Whilly Bermudez

Whilly Bermudez is a rare breed: He challenged a County Commissioner and even got the Miami Herald Endorsement. Of course, he lost but he had guts to run. I checked in to see what Whilly is up to now...

Thanks for giving me an opportunity to express my views as a resident, not a political candidate, on the election process.

Let me start with some background information. It wasn't until my first experience running for office last year that I learned first hand about campaigning and its seedy side. I challenged Commissioner Joe Martinez and I learned that corruption exists at all levels in a campaign. Every where I went, every hiding place and rabbit hole, I could find almost NO one that liked, sympathized with or shared the views of Joe Martinez. But money talks...volumes! His $350,000 (and about $300,000 in Discretionary funds) insured his victory. My $15,000 was no match. Try fund-raising against an incumbent who donors fear or can control. (hit read more)

In the end, The voters were not aware of Joe's ethically challenged behavior and his devotion to special interests -- particularly developers. Now voters can see an example of his egotistical splurge of tax-payer money - a rockstar type mobile home with his name is huge letters plastered on it. I’m talking about the type that the Jonas Brothers use for their national tour. Yes, our money used for self-promotion. Too bad this mobile monster wasn’t around when he was running against me, I would have had a better shot. Enough about Martinez, except I hope the rumors aren’t true, that he will run for Mayor.

I wonder how the election process became, the best fundraiser wins? This is now the measure of success: Money. Unfortunately, he or she who promises to serve special interests will win the fund raising game. Special Interests are where the money is. Those organizations or individuals will shell out any amount of money in order to keep that specific candidate who they know will grant them favors.

There's no question why incumbents are virtually impossible to defeat. They have bucks from special interests and discretionary funds - a winning combination. There are little restrictions on discretionary funds. How these officials use these funds is where the lack of ethics begin. For example, some donate funds to local churches so that those pastors can get them votes in return when election time comes around.

One more no brainer, we also need term limits for Miami Dade County Commissioners. I think that good government rests on the shoulders of term limits. Additionally when we vote for someone it should not be based on how many mailers we receive at our home, or how many signs, commercials, or propaganda we see. To get good people in office citizens should do research and even invite a candidate to a homeowners meeting for a face-to-face. I know that I was always willing to meet any resident at any time even one-on-one. If a candidate is not willing to visit to discuss any issues - they are not worthy of your vote.

In the next election, WE CAN DO BETTER. Vote for new blood, new faces, and new ideas. Don't help incumbents turn your district into their personal career.


Anonymous said...

Too bad Whilly lost. Joe Martinez has a Napoleon complex.

Anonymous said...

Whilly run for office again! We need you!!!

MENSA said...

As I said before there is no way to win elections when the majority of people do not even get involved. Over 60 years ago I used to win elections by visiting every single home in the district. When I tried it at a recent election, very few people would even open the door to talk to me. The people get what they deserve. Of course they are too stupid to even know they are getting cheated and hurt every day from the bastards they put in office.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bermudez dont be discouraged you did great for your first time. The 2nd time around will be your victory...

still lookin' said...

Good looking guy, what is his phone number?

Anonymous said...

Willy experienced what I have been saying for a decade or more. There will not be a fair election in MD until there is serious campaign finance reform. Term limits will not do it because there are layers of special interest scum waiting to fill the void. Money will always win.

Cato said...

Incumbent Commissioners have over 700K a year to spread around that's 2.8 Million per election cycle. That buys much amigos especially when only 15% of electorate shows up for county elections in August. Add in about $500,000 K in special interest $$ for campaign and we might as well Crown these guys (commissioner for life).
How many incumbents in any local , state oe federal seat lost an election since 2001.

Cato said...

Incumbent Commissioners have over 700K a year to spread around that's 2.8 Million per election cycle. That buys much amigos especially when only 15% of electorate shows up for county elections in August. Add in about $500,000 K in special interest $$ for campaign and we might as well Crown these guys (commissioner for life).
How many incumbents in any local , state oe federal seat lost an election since 2001.

Anonymous said...

You go Boy... Martinez is looking to be King.

Geniusofdespair said...

Anonymous two above: We had campaign finance reform...the commissions UNDID it. Look at our search: try Jay Beskin for the history of it.

Anonymous said...

Joe Martinez is another low IQ commissioner for life. Life behind bars, I hope.

Tony Scornavacca Jr. said...

Whilly, I definitely support you.

Keep in mind, when you say that there is rampant corruption, you should cite at least one example.

Geniusofdespair said...

He sorta did, that bus is a criminal use of tax dollars unless Martinez paid for it out of his own funds.

youbetcha' said...

criminal = broken laws

Did he break a law? Or did he offend your sensibility as a taxpayer :)

JLG said...

I agree term limits are not sufficient. But they are easier to sell to the public then campaign finance reforms. Even seniors can agree on this.

Anyways, even though its likely scum would replace scum, term limits at least shake them up and keep them on their feet. Giving us at least SOME opportunity to make inroads.

But what's really needed is a complete democratic overthrow. A concerted effort to dismantle the power structure grappling and raping this community. A well thought out and mobilized effort, encompassing every city and town across the county.

If we want to move this community forward, we can't just go after one or two offices at a time. It's too easy to become marginalized and ultimately, ineffective.

It's either all or nothing. We need to think big. It's the only way to stir people's blood and overcome apathy.

The internet provides us with a platform to recruit, collaborate, and mobilize. - Something that was only available to those in traditional networks.

Geniusofdespair said...

JLG I like the way you think!

Anonymous said...

Keep it going Mr. Bermudez!