Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Forida Hometown Democracy in the Miami Herald! By Geniusofdespair

Ha ha. That is my stab at humor. Of course the Miami Herald isn't covering it even though over 100,000 Miami Dade residents signed the petition. Other Florida Cities are covering it! Here is a good article from the February 5th issue of the Orlando Sentinel Business lobby's cash, political tactics crushed Hometown Democracy slow-growth initiative:

"The fight over controlling Florida growth began as a war of ideas, pitting a wealthy environmental lawyer against businesses that want less control over development, not more.

It ended with a Tallahassee display of brute force.

Florida Hometown Democracy, the ballot initiative that sought to slow growth, fell 65,182 signatures short of the 611,009 needed to make the ballot, thanks in part to a double-barreled business lobby effort that changed state law and raised nearly $4million to crush it."

Hit on the link above to read the rest of the article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Miami Herald believes that if a story is printed on eyeonmiami, then it is old news. (or news that doesn't meet the Greenberg Traurig/development lobby threshold for newspaper content.)