Monday, November 19, 2007

Who Invented the Internet? Guest Blog by D.E.W. the Dem

Here's the scoop on the Gore statement accord to D.E.W.:

The quote: Interview with Wolf Blitzer 3/99:

"During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the internet."

The truth:

Vincent Cerf, at the time a senior VP with MCI Worldcom, who has been called the father of the internet said, "The internet would not be where it is today without the strong support given to it and related research areas by Vice President Gore in his current role and in his earlier role as Senator."

Marc Andreesen, the inventor of the Mosaic Browser, received a Federal grant through Al Gore's High Performance Computing Act.

Joseph E. Traub, a computer science professor at Columbia University, claims that Gore "Was perhaps the first political leader to grasp the importance of networking the country".

Thus, when the Republicans called him a liar regarding the alleged claim of inventing the internet, that allegation was the lie.

It is a similar tactic that was used to discredit Kerry as a flip-flopper. Regarding a supplemental war funding bill to which Kerry said he voted for it before he voted against it, that WAS the truth, sort of. What he did was vote for the proposed bill where the funding was IN THE BUDGET. When it came to a final vote, the funding was OUTSIDE THE BUDGET so he voted against it.

Republicans don't do nuance. Neither do reptiles. They will, however, lie and distort the truth if they think they will get away with it.


Anonymous said...

he took the "initiative" which means:

The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination.

A beginning or introductory step; an opening move:

Anonymous said...

Likewise, the Republican Party of Florida sent a mailer to voters in Broward & Collier counties claiming that the Democratic candidate favored granting drivers' licenses to undocumented immigrants. Of course, they neglect to mention that former savior/governor Jeb! tried to do the exact same thing.

Anonymous said...

The lack of truthfullness has been the Republican 'talking points'methodology distributed to politicians and the media. The media is often lazy and parrots back the talking points as fact. This has been happening for decades. Without the media and opposition party disputing misleading and factually incorrect statements, we get to where the country is today.

Anonymous said...

To call every Republican a liar or a reptile is a gross misrepresentation (although if you think that 35% of the American population are liars and reptiles based solely on their party preference, then I don't know what else to tell you). While some tactics used by Republican party leaders are shameless, the same can be said for the Democratic party leaders. I believe in small government, anti-corruption, energy independence, and the choice of life. As such, I consider myself a true Republican, and most of the time I don't agree with the leadership of either party (yet I would not go as far as to call them snakes collectively, although some individuals certainly deserve the moniker).

Geniusofdespair said...

Is calling the Democrats the Dumb-o-crats a gross misrepresentation.? I think the writer was having a bit of fun...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting this MYTH once again. It is unfortuante that even 8 years later members of my family and others express this tall tale and that of the "twist" on Kerry's voting record as truth.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding us that this liar claimed he "took the initiative in creating the internet." He did not initiate the internet. He did create the internet. He did not initiate in creating the internet. He was just one of many politicians who supported technology initiatives. The scientists quoted are just partisan sycophants, typical of the liberal academic community. Big deal. The next thing he will probably do is take credit for discovering global warming.