Monday, November 19, 2007

How did I get my start in community activism: Reporting Lewd and Lascivious behavior. By Geniusofdespair

You never read about this is the Miami Herald!

City of Miami Police Chief Calvin Ross ignored my pleas for help. It wasn’t until Donald Warshaw took over as police chief in 1994 that we got some action.

It all started on Rickenbacker Causeway:

Rickenbacker Causeway is a unique beach. People can drive up to the water’s edge. And they do, but not always to look at the water.

It so happened that if a woman choose to sunbathe on the Causeway, within minutes three or four cars would surround her and there were men inside these cars doing “their thing” better known as Lewd and Lascivious behavior. Occasionally they would open their car door as they did to one windsurfing grandmother: Who said: “I don’t want to see that!”

We all knew what they were doing, there was some very intense shoulder movement. Avid windsurfers, like me, all knew about these guys as we spent so much time on the beach waiting for wind. We got to know their cars. There were about 10 of them. Heck, when they drove by, we sometimes would hold up signs with a hand on a drawing of “you know what” with a big red line through it. They were not amused. When I took a picture of one of their license plates, he threatened me.

Well, letters to Police Chief Ross never did any good. When Warshaw took over as chief and I wrote to him he immediately responded with help. The police put a woman officer on the beach. They took pictures of the guys that came by and threatened to tell their wives about their lunch hour pastime. Little by little the familiar cars stopped coming — even that old beat-up, black BMW -- and I have to thank Miami’s disgraced Donald for that.

And that is how it all started. If not for that beach activity, I would not be blogging today.


Anonymous said...

Not exactly Ulysses with the sirens.

Geniusofdespair said...

More like the guy in Network:

"I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore"

Anonymous said...

At least they stayed in their cars.
As a young girl,I used to spend a lot of time on the beaches of Key Biscayne.
But after that wonderful Mariel boatlift disaster, I was almost constantly harassed by these guys.
One day, I was approached at three different beaches, by three different perverts.
One of them stood over my towel spanking his monkey. He only left after I yelled at him in spanish and picked up my lawn chair to hit him over the head with it.
A friend became a police officer herself after getting sick of that type of behavior.

Anonymous said...

Gee, that sounds like the NYC subways in the 80's - they exposed themselves etc., even when I was covered up in winter clothing. I hate to say it, but those creeps seemed to go away with the Guiliani admistration and so did a lot of other things about NYC, like neighborhood charachter, etc. But this is about Miami - I guess every city has it's problems - and some times if you complain enough and to someone who just happens to be in the mood to listen you get results. I'm glad you did. Maybe we will change the world someday.....

Anonymous said...

WOW! That's Strange...especially since Chief Ross did more to clean up the City of Miami's crime problems than many. No doubt you had a terrible experience but be careful who you blame! I personally know that the Miami Police were ordered by the then Chief's staff to pull under cover ops at that beach...too bad you didn't recognize the special operation and it's effect on beach crime.